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Glendale, WI
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im a black belt!^^ won 9th place in an art contest
Anime Fan Since
i know about animations(10 yrs. old)
Favorite Anime
i have a lot: Ouran High School Host Club, You're So Cool, Fruits Basket, Fushigi Yugi:The Mysterious Play, Fushigi Yugi: Genbu Kaiden, Dragon Knights, InuYasha, Kare Kano, & Real Bout High School, Tsubasa, xxxHolic
a manga-ka & to work anywhere that has something about drawing animations
drawing, practicing tae kwon do, listen to music, hang out w/ my friends, annoy & make fun of my brother, argue w/ my parents, read mangas, & chatting
drawing, coloring, and painting
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Monday, January 23, 2006
ok, i've been thinking 4 2 days whether i should do dis or not, & i decided im gonna do it
im gonna write/draw a "4-Slides Comic" & im gonna post new 1s every Mondays
& im also writing/drawing a 8pgs. manga using da same characters (& additional)
im trying 2 get da 8pgs. manga done at least by da end of dis month. if not, im gonna try 2 get it done b4 Valentine's Day cus it's gonna b about dat
i hope u like the "4-Slides Comic" of the Week,
& if u want 2 comment, u can do dat on the cbox or anywhere u want
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Saturday, January 21, 2006
Exams'r OVER!
hey, everybody
yea, like da title, my exams r over!
yay! lol
i studied real hard & long 4 it, & i thought i would scored at least a B on them, but i got 2 Cs on it
o yea, my school use a "powerschool" system
it lets u check out yur grades online
dat's how i no about my grades
fuck it!
my grade really dropped a lot
my GPA used 2 b like 3.8 or 3.9
but now, it's like 2.9
im like mad at myself, but also dont care about it at da same time
sorry guys, i complain too much
o, i just realized yesterday morning dat i have "bags" under my eyes
i was like a shock 2 me cos i never had 1 b4
now i finally look like my age lol
cus like, wen i was 14, some ppl actually thought dat i was 12
& in 1 festival dat a friend of mine & i went 2. i was 14 & lied dat i was 12
my friend was 11(i think) & she lied dat she was 9
da ticket collecter (or watever they'r called) actually believed us lol
so, we like, go in 4 free (12 & under got 2 get in 4 free)
ok, i dont no y im talking about my past (kinna weird...)
o, guess wat, guys?
im gonna dy my hair (dark)blue(hopefully)
my parents r totally against it
but i dont give a damn
im gonna dy it w/out them noticing
but 1st, i have 2 get wat i want from them 1st, which is money, of course (heh, heh, & some art supplies
den after i dy my hair, they wont have anything 2 threaten to not buy/give anything 2 me
(& i have no idea y im telling u guys my plan lol)
o, im gonna bitch a bout 1 more thing
if u dont wanna hear about it, den just dont read on any further
lately, i've bcome more feminine
i cant help it (not really anyve)
i wanna go back 2 being a tomboy
any suggestions of wat i should do?
i have a few of my own, but, the more da merrier, right?
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Saturday, January 14, 2006
Busy Week
hola, everyone
dis week had been very busy 4 me
ok, on Mon. night, i had 2 stay up late getting my rough draft of my essay done, & i had 2 study 4 my bio test (which i got a C on T.T)
Tue. night, i had 2 work of 1 of my projects. i did dat project in da last min. at 1st, i thought it'd only take me 4-5 hrs, but it ended up taking like 8 hrs. so, yea, i only got 2 hrs. of sleep dat night. & i got a C on it T.T
wed. i had 2 finish my final draft essay & study 4 another test (i got an A on da essay^^, but B- on da test T.T)
Thurs., i didnt really have anything 2 do, so i just relaxed. but i guess i relaxed 4 too long dat i only got 4 hrs. of sleep lol
& my final exams r next week T.T
but i couldnt get exampt from 2 of my classes dat i wanted to. i have 2 study 4 those classes grr...
o, i put 2 new videos of KAT-TAN @ da top
i really like da song on da 1st video (but it's short ;;)
& da 2nd video is a funny epasoid (¿how do u spell it?)
u guys should watch
o yea, ok, today, in my art class, i gave my friend a drawing dat she asked me 2 draw 4 her. (but she's not even into anime)
& den, a guy walked by & saw da draw & commented dat it was nice
den, he showed it 2 his friends (& de were like all boys) & de came over 2 my seat
i didnt wanna b in da scene, so i just walked away 2 get my stuff & came back after de finish looking at it (took about 3 min.)
so, i just like told my friend 2 put it away cus there were some ppl still coming over 2 take a look @ it
she she showed it 2 even MORE ppl *blush* lol den she put it away lol
if u wanna c how it looks like, u can look @ my fanarts
o, & den, in my graphic arts&design class, i thought i lost my removeable disk
i checked all my pockets but couldnt find them
den i asked da teacher 2 let me out look 4 it all over da school
i only looked 4 it in da hallways but could find it
so...i went back 2 da class, bump.
i didnt feel like doing any projects so i just helped friend w/ some stuff online.
den, at da end of da class, i checked my backpack's front pocket
dat's when i found it!
i was so happy dat i was speechless lol
& saved da class assignments in there & not in my comp.
dat was y i was so reliev *phew* lol
& here's some of da funny scene dat i promised u guys:
1 2 ..........*some pgs passing by*........ 
1 ..........*some pgs passing by*........ 
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Monday, January 9, 2006
Thurs. & Fri.
ok, on thrusday, i stayed up all night until morning trying to finish some stuff
i only got like 2 & 1/2 hrs of sleep dat night
& i had a math test on fri.
& guess wat?
i fell asleep sometimes during da test lol
& my extra credit 4 a certain class was also due on Fri.
i had 2 watch a movie from da list & write a page & 1/2 summary about da movie.
well, ok. i planned 2 watch da movie on thrus. night, but i never did
so...i just read a lot of da reviews about da movie on da internet, & rewrite da reviews
i got what da movie was about, but didnt get a lot of details
i wonder if my teacher's gonna suspect me of not watching da movie v_-
o! i got furuba vol. 12!
im gonna post 2 or 3 pgs of da funny parts da next time i post
'til then!
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Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Winter Break
hey, everybody
how was yur break?
how de went alright
mine: kinna sux, but @ least no school^^
ok, i've been working on my comic da entire break dat i didnt feel like i had any break @ all. but i'm ALMOST done w/ it! but i cant show it 2 u guys cus im not suppose 2 show it 2 da public. but i'll show it after i find out if i win any place at all in da contest (which would by in march, i think)
& ok, my bro's mom sent him 2 work in Rhode Island all winter break & he made like $200. but while he was gone, my wireless internet broke down (since tuesday, i think), so i couldnt use internet @ all 4 da rest of da week until mon. cus dat was wen my bro came back & fix it.
fuck it
i kept on oversleeping
& so dont have a lot of time 2 do wat i wanna do
dammit, i hate myself 4 dat
o, something kinna unbelieveable happen
ok, last sat. i wen 2 buy ddr extreme2 in circuits (sp) city, but it was sold out. so i went 2 best buy, but it was sold out, too. den i went 2 3 other different stores, & de were all sold out!
damn, i was so pissed, cus i wasted like 5 hrs. trying 2 find da game
2 make me even more piss is dat my bro's parents let 2 ppl rent part of ours/their/mine house! i live upstairs & 1 live downstairs
& i have like no freedom at all cus i cant do anything loud or else i might disturb them.
fuck it!
i hate them!
i hate my bro's parents!
i wish i could get a job already & get my own damn apt.
o, who knows da japanese band KAT_TAN?
if u girls (girls only, not unless u'r gay lol) dont, u OUGHTA check them out!
de'r so fucking hot & funny
i found out about them through
& post 2 of their videos at da top of my site
da 1st 1 is them singing
da 2ns 1 is, i think it's their show. though it's in japanese, i can understand them just by their actions! & it was so funny wen i 1st saw it lol
make sure u check them out!
& i need some help w/ photoshop stuff. it's about making shocking effects. if u no how 2 do it, can u tell me how? pleast? thx
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Monday, December 26, 2005
random comic strip
i found dis randomly in google/yahoo
it's pretty funny, dont ya think?

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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
CrAzy DAys
yo! watzup every1?
hope u all r doing well
i made da bg a 'lil "lighter". wat do u guys think?
ok, last week & dis week had/is been really busy & cRAzy 4 me
1st: on Fri. night, my friends & i went 2 c HARRY POTTER. (da movie was great!c:) ok, after da movie was over, my friends dropped me off @ my house & drove away cus de thought dat i'd get into da house cus we all saw dat da light was on inside da house. BUT! after i rang da bell 2 dozen times, no 1 answered! so i was like locked out of my house 4 over an hr! i didnt have any kis cus my damn stupid parents wouldnt go duplicate em.
2nd: after over an hr waiting 4 my parents 2 come home (& de did), i stayed up all night til morning (1am-7am) decorating my christmas tree & my house. it was relaxing 4 me
3rd: i spent my weekend painting pics 4 my aunt&uncle & my grandma&grandpa. da weeken went by so freaking fast. i couldnt blive it. but i finish da paintings & i love them!:](i'l show da paintings @ da bottom)
4th: i found out over da weekend dat i won 9th place (out of 91 entries) in an art contest dat my art teacher entered me! i dont have da drawing w/ me right now, but i'll show u guys once i get it back
there'r more dat i wanna tell u gus, but dis post's already long. so, im just gonna stop here
here r da pics & paintings:

dis is da christmas tree i decorated by myself^^

dis is da painting i did 4 my aunt&uncle. i painted it kinna fast, so..........

dis is da painting i did 4 my grandma&grandpa. i painted dis a 'lil fasater dan da last painting. but im glad it didnt come out bad;]

i drew dis 4 a 'lil girl dat i no in da state dat my aunt&uncle & grandma&grandpa live. she told me 2 write her a letter since i moved out of dat state like 2 1/2 yrs ago, but i never did (ha...ha...ha...*nervous laugh*). & now, im going 2
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Saturday, December 10, 2005
New BG
hey, every1
how sis goin?
me: same as b4
i can b really stupid sometimes
ok, last night, there was a showcase(it's a show/performance directed by students & everything) & there'd b students performing & stuff. ok, but since i was/am busy, i couldnt go, or actually i CAN go, but i said no when my friends asked me a few times if i want to go w/ them. dat was so stupid of me. all my friends went, but im stuck home trying 2 finish as much inking on my 19-pg. manga 4 a contest. & i dont no wat da hell were wrong w/ da nibs (2 ink) cos it da ink kept on running out so fast. grrrr. i only finish 1/2 a pg. last night cos of that.
o! on thurs. i got 2 skip 3, well actually 4 classes 2 watch a movie 4 1 of my history classes. it was 3 hrs long. & ppl were bringing pop-corn & food & stuff. da teacher should do dat more often. lol
o, i changed da bg
wadaya think of it?
i draw & color it w/ color pencils 4 1 of my art projects
o yea, i sent in a couple of fan arts, too
&'s da lyric 4 my lastest song dat i came up w/
too bad u guys wont b able 2 here how it sounds like
i really da rhythm dat i made up
anyve, here it is:
I Won’t Survive Without You
When I opened up my eyes
And you were there by my side
I felt nothing could go wrong
But the truth I didn’t see
The thing between you and me
How could we not get along
I refuse to believe this
Don’t want to hear about it
And I know I can’t go on
I don’t know what to do
I won’t survive without you
And I have asked
Ask you to stay here with me
But you refuse
Saying that we need to be free
And I have asked
Ask you to see what went wrong
But you just said
This is how we need to go on
On the day you walked away
I did not know what to say
Because I couldn’t get them out
I want to run to hug you
I want to call out for you
But I couldn’t open my mouth
I don’t know what to do
I won’t survive without you
Of everything that we had gone through
All the memories that I had with you
How could I ever forget them all
You are the only one I care for
You are whom I have been waiting for
Oh, Lord, I can never forget you
by da way, dat lyric doesnt tell you how i feel, k?
probably only 1/3 to 1/2 of it shows
i think
may b
ahhh! i dunno
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Fushigi Yugi Vol.15 cont.
dis 1 continues from da last 1 dat i post
sorry dat i left out da excitement
now i've decided 2 show u guys wat's next after dat last pg.
hope u like it^^
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
end of chapter
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Saturday, December 3, 2005
Hi There^^
hello everyone!
long time no c
how r u guys doin?
me: very busy
i even 4got s1 of da stuff dat happened dat i was gonna tell u guys about. but i remember s1. wanna hear about it?
1. ok, 2day, wen i walked into my bio class, dis cute freshmen guy (im a sophmore) & it's not like i like hime or anything. ok, he was sitting on top of my desk (his seat is bhind me), so i asked him 2 get out. here's my exact words:"can you get out?" lol omg, wen i think back, i think dat was kinna rude of me. i could have come up w/ more polite answer since he had done nothing 2 me, but o well lol
2. dis happened like about 2-3 months ago. ok, in my bio class(again lol) we had an objective test & an essay test. after da teacher finish grading them & everything, she decided to make da essay test an extra credit. & den dis 1 guy said (his exact words:"thank you, mrs. zauner. you'r beautiful" LOL dat was sooo funny. omg lol
well, i have some other funny 1s too, but i think u guys gonna get bored reading it. so, im gonna let u guys go now. o, & i wrote a song & came up w/ a melody 4 it. i love it so much. too bad i suck & singing T.T i'll post da lyrics da next time i post (which will b...i dunno wen lol)
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