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Glendale, WI
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im a black belt!^^ won 9th place in an art contest
Anime Fan Since
i know about animations(10 yrs. old)
Favorite Anime
i have a lot: Ouran High School Host Club, You're So Cool, Fruits Basket, Fushigi Yugi:The Mysterious Play, Fushigi Yugi: Genbu Kaiden, Dragon Knights, InuYasha, Kare Kano, & Real Bout High School, Tsubasa, xxxHolic
a manga-ka & to work anywhere that has something about drawing animations
drawing, practicing tae kwon do, listen to music, hang out w/ my friends, annoy & make fun of my brother, argue w/ my parents, read mangas, & chatting
drawing, coloring, and painting
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, September 23, 2005
You Are 30% Boyish and 70% Girlish
Even if you're not a girl, you're very feminine.
You're in touch with your feelings, and your heart rules you.
A bit of a emotional roller coaster, one moment you're up and the next you're down.
But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible.
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
Princess Ai Vol. 2 --(Bonus Side Story)
dis is da bonus story of PA Vol. 2!
4 those of u who read PA, u'd get dis. & 4 who havent...den i dunno^^"
o, & dis is read da "japanese style" (right to left)
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Today Is...!!!!!!!!
hey, guess wat???!!! 2day is...!!!well, look @ da stuff under 'Vital' in da Menu box if u wanna no!^^
but for some reason, i dont feel special...(ah!!! watever)
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
I Almost Walk Into A Guy's Restroom
ok, i almost walk into a guy's restroom yester day. i thought it was i girl's restroom cuz i saw 1 guy walking out of the other restroom which was suppose 2 be the girl's. wen i was 1/2 way near da restroom, i realized dat dis restroom wasnt the girl's. so i turn around & dis other guy was standing about 5 ft. away from me sumwat ready 2 tell me dat dat restroom is da guy's. i den realized den it was a guy's restroom, so i just cover my face w/ embrassment & walk out quickly and into a girl's restroom. it was sooo embarrasing. i hope dat guy doesnt remember my face, or dat he wouldnt tell his friends about it. waaaaa!!!!! i hope so. i could die out of embrassment right now =-__-=""
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
Fruits Basket Vol. 11 (part 2)
dis is another preview of FB Vol.11. hope u like em
1 2
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Fruits Basket Vol. 11
dis is a preview of some funny pages from FB Vol. 11. & it's read from right 2 left of course^^
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Friday, September 2, 2005

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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
2morrow's my 1t day of school!
i dont wanna go back 2 school
da summer went by too fast. i felt dat it's only been a week since summer started
i think summer should b like 3 months or sumthing
now i have 2 get 2 bed early & wake up early too *snift**snift*
& i have 2 put up w/ da freshman too (DAMNMIT!)
o well...guess i have 2
i'll post some chibi fushigi yugi characters soon.(like on da weekend or sumthing)
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Friday, August 26, 2005
You and I (i wrote dis song^^)
We have been with each other
Going through a bunch of hard times
We had fun together
Falling for each others’ charms
Our similarities kept us together
We had so much in comment
There’s nothing better
Than feeling your presence
You and I, we’re quite the same
You have a dark side, so do I
You and I, were quite different
You found your happiness, but I don’t
Now we have broken up
And I don’t know why
There is no more “us”
It makes me want to cry
So I just kept myself shut
Hoping that you’d come by
I don’t know why our relationship is cut
And I don’t know why I let you slide
You and I, we’re quite the same
You have a dark side, so do I
You and I, were quite different
You found your happiness, but I don’t
Why does it have to be this way
How come I don’t have anything to say
I don’t know who to blame
Which is all the same
It’s a shame
You and I, we’re quite the same
You have a dark side, so do I
You and I, were quite different
You found your happiness, but I don’t
You and I, we’re quite the same
You have a dark side, so do I
You and I, were quite different
You found your happiness, but I don’t
You found your happiness…
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
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