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Glendale, WI
Member Since
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im a black belt!^^ won 9th place in an art contest
Anime Fan Since
i know about animations(10 yrs. old)
Favorite Anime
i have a lot: Ouran High School Host Club, You're So Cool, Fruits Basket, Fushigi Yugi:The Mysterious Play, Fushigi Yugi: Genbu Kaiden, Dragon Knights, InuYasha, Kare Kano, & Real Bout High School, Tsubasa, xxxHolic
a manga-ka & to work anywhere that has something about drawing animations
drawing, practicing tae kwon do, listen to music, hang out w/ my friends, annoy & make fun of my brother, argue w/ my parents, read mangas, & chatting
drawing, coloring, and painting
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Busy Week
hola, everyone
dis week had been very busy 4 me
ok, on Mon. night, i had 2 stay up late getting my rough draft of my essay done, & i had 2 study 4 my bio test (which i got a C on T.T)
Tue. night, i had 2 work of 1 of my projects. i did dat project in da last min. at 1st, i thought it'd only take me 4-5 hrs, but it ended up taking like 8 hrs. so, yea, i only got 2 hrs. of sleep dat night. & i got a C on it T.T
wed. i had 2 finish my final draft essay & study 4 another test (i got an A on da essay^^, but B- on da test T.T)
Thurs., i didnt really have anything 2 do, so i just relaxed. but i guess i relaxed 4 too long dat i only got 4 hrs. of sleep lol
& my final exams r next week T.T
but i couldnt get exampt from 2 of my classes dat i wanted to. i have 2 study 4 those classes grr...
o, i put 2 new videos of KAT-TAN @ da top
i really like da song on da 1st video (but it's short ;;)
& da 2nd video is a funny epasoid (¿how do u spell it?)
u guys should watch
o yea, ok, today, in my art class, i gave my friend a drawing dat she asked me 2 draw 4 her. (but she's not even into anime)
& den, a guy walked by & saw da draw & commented dat it was nice
den, he showed it 2 his friends (& de were like all boys) & de came over 2 my seat
i didnt wanna b in da scene, so i just walked away 2 get my stuff & came back after de finish looking at it (took about 3 min.)
so, i just like told my friend 2 put it away cus there were some ppl still coming over 2 take a look @ it
she she showed it 2 even MORE ppl *blush* lol den she put it away lol
if u wanna c how it looks like, u can look @ my fanarts
o, & den, in my graphic arts&design class, i thought i lost my removeable disk
i checked all my pockets but couldnt find them
den i asked da teacher 2 let me out look 4 it all over da school
i only looked 4 it in da hallways but could find it
so...i went back 2 da class, bump.
i didnt feel like doing any projects so i just helped friend w/ some stuff online.
den, at da end of da class, i checked my backpack's front pocket
dat's when i found it!
i was so happy dat i was speechless lol
& saved da class assignments in there & not in my comp.
dat was y i was so reliev *phew* lol
& here's some of da funny scene dat i promised u guys:
1 2 ..........*some pgs passing by*........ 
1 ..........*some pgs passing by*........
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