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SkylineDevil or Tommy21484
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between the laws of reality an the limits of my imagintation
Member Since
Real Name
um...tom...i think..
two high school diplomas..oh yeah not just one but two..
Anime Fan Since
a while now....probably since 93
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, Rahxephon, Onegai Teacher/Twins, Grappler Baki, Get so much more...
to maintain a perfect drift, get my own place soon, an finally finish a few of my little projects...
drifting, reading, just chillin listenin to some music
i can drift an sleep all day..if thats a talent
| TommyBDragon
hhhmmm what to say.....sup everyone! well about me.. rk. I like watchin animes(duh), playin some games, driving an drifting, an just chillin with people. Oh yeah an i like workin on my a daily driver Acura Integra. if u wanna chat bout anything just hit me up. Im either on or near by. Got any questions/comments? do the guestbook thing or just ask/tell me. Thanks for stopin by!

cool huh...
Pushing the Limits, and Breaking all Barriers of Lateral Adhesion....

You are Mitsurugi -
Both mysterious and attractive, you captivate people with the fact that you seem to be
good at everything! Spending quiet moments with a friend and talking about what life means to you is your ideal situation. You don't like to stand out very much and you seem to be more old-fashioned
than modern, but when you do take the spotlight -- you command the floor!
Which Soul Calibur character are you?
this quiz was made by david park
had this for a while..seeing it pop up more an more now...

Saturday, December 2, 2006
been a long time...
Holy crap its been a while since I've been here. Lots have happened. I came one step closer to my maker. Few months ago I rolled my new car twice in the rain. That was about as much fun as getting shot...twice. My little bro was in the car with me but he came through with only a few cuts. I was smacked around alot but I'm still kickin. Since then I have sold my Integra and now own a Civic Si hatchback as a winter beater. I am waiting on a few things but hopefully by next weekend I will be riding me brand freakin new Mazdaspeed 3. Oh its a veeerrryy nice. Since all my friends had one and I found a few people I havent talked to in years o it, I have a myspace account I frequent more often. is mine. Visit if if your really that bored....
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
busy busy busy...
Been a busy month. Its been concerts, an moving an now a foreign exchange student here for a month. This kid is friggin awesome. Came all the way over from Spain, so he speaks english in a heavy accent but he is totally up for anything. That an hes an all around great guy. Was tellin me he even went inside the Bentley factory!! Well he will be here for the rest of the month so I have to plan some things to do. Later..
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Monday, May 23, 2005
long days drag on...
Another long day. Nuthin to do but lounge around with my g/f. still lookin for another job..hopefully one will pop up soon...ive applied so many places an i think every job from here to god-knows where has my resume..well im off to bed. hopefully tomorrow will bring something else other than another headache.
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
well today was boring as ever. nothing to do allday. all i did was go get my last check from my old job, get my CO2 tank for my paintball gun refilled an put gas in my car. wow. so exciting. later my older bro is makin me go watch the new star wars movie. 2 1/2 hours long. this movie better be worth it...
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
still here...kinda
wow its been a long time since i last posted. well ive been really busy last winter till now. between my last 3 job changes, a full season of snowboarding, an now helping my older brother move from Pennsylvania (where i live now) back to NY where we grew up has been well..busy. since i have to get up massively early to go job hunting, ima hit the sack. till next time..
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