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between the laws of reality an the limits of my imagintation
Member Since
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um...tom...i think..
two high school diplomas..oh yeah not just one but two..
Anime Fan Since
a while now....probably since 93
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, Rahxephon, Onegai Teacher/Twins, Grappler Baki, Get so much more...
to maintain a perfect drift, get my own place soon, an finally finish a few of my little projects...
drifting, reading, just chillin listenin to some music
i can drift an sleep all day..if thats a talent
| TommyBDragon
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Monday, June 28, 2004
early in the mornin...
its 12:37 an i just woke up. -_- *blink blink*..was at a friends site an decided to do this quiz..finny thing is i am an aquarius...<--- born valentines day
 You should be dating an Aquarius.
20 January - 18 February
Your mate is communicative, thoughtful and caring. Though he/she can be tactless and rude and sometimes self-interested, he/she enjoys the intellectual experience of sex.
What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, June 27, 2004
so little time....
This week will be busy for me. usually i like to break into a work week with a nice slow day an lots of sleep..yeah like that was gonna happen. Had to hit up sears for some more tools so I can work on my bros car. hes been botherin me for about a week now so I'm just gonna do it an get it over with.
On a better note I finally got xbox. went to EB an picked up Shenmue II an Colin Macrae 04. Great thing is Shenmue came with the movie as well. Can't wait to see it. I also got my guitar in. Its been almost 14yrs since I've owned one an about 8 since I've played, so I've been jammin tryin to get myself back into it. I'm lovin it, but my finger tips hurt on my left hand so they still gotta get used to it.
It's more than overdue, but I'm gonna make a 4th attempt to get back to NY to see friends an family. Its been about a year an a half since I moved an I need to get back. Hopefully nothing will pospone this trip, an I'm takin my little bro so it should be a nice 2 1/2 hr drive.
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Sunday, June 20, 2004
I cant belive it. I had to do something I though I would never have to do. I had to *sniff* get rid of my rx-7..NNOOOOOO!!!! It had to go. My nieghbors said it was an eyesore an since i live in a complex its like majority gets the cops on ur 4ss an ur in trouble. so it had to go. oh they must wait..most of them will have happy little surprises throughout the year. since i had to get rid of it all i have now is my integra. not cool. my friend should be sellin me his bike in about 2 months so hopefully i can have that to work on as well. no drifting for tom...for now at least.
XSrcing - "The purpose of a ninja is to flip out an kill people"
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Saturday, May 29, 2004 sucks. woke up late so i decided to call in sick for work. probably goona give me an earful but wateva..i felt like crap. slept untill about 3. woke up ate something, fed my dog, washed my car an tried to go over a friends house to find out he went to NJ for the day. its been down hill so far. i am so bored...gat any ideas on how to kill the boredom? cuz all i can think of waz this quiz... What Anime Legend Are You?
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Saturday, May 22, 2004
Wow its almost been a full month since i posted losin it. Between my new the other projects i've picked up seems like theres little time for Otaku. *sigh* I havent even hit the boards up in a while. Well im tryin to get back into it. Soon i should be back hittin up the boards an postin a bit more. that an i need to get a freakin scanner to start puttin up some doodles. well gotta go..since im at work right now an i think i can hear my boss screamin my name...followed by a few other colorful words, L4t4.
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Monday, March 29, 2004
eh..this crap sucks. gonna be changing my shift to early morning (since im up till like 6 that wont be pretty). plus i only get one day of this week...sat morning is gonna suck the big one. ah least its not school an i get paid now. on the plus...soon i should be getin a new ride, woohoo. time to retire my POS. well its mad early an i got work in 6hrs...need some sleep.
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Friday, March 19, 2004
so sleepy...almost there. well im gettin some mad cashback from the govt (although they take enough while bending me over). time for tom to get a new ride. WWOOHHOOO its fun fun fun in the long island sun, when he decides to come out. jsut two more months then WHAM BAM ride. i gotta start to mod the site up. promise to get some changes up soon. im workin on some art while on the job at work..techsupport is the slackers job from hopefully ill be able to get it up.
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Saturday, March 6, 2004
no sleep for tom....
money. sounds like an idea, specially since i'm finally tryin to get the funds up to get my painball/airsoft gear. gotta start dion some massive overtime hours now at work, but its all good cuz i got my self a workin proxy server so if no ones lookin it gamin time on the job! since now im able to get to Otaku its all good in da hood. ocne again my cars givin me problems. damn hondas, i need my 7 back on the road. but thats where the money is needed. crap. looks like more overtime....when will the insanity end!....
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Sunday, December 14, 2003
woohoo1..i finally got me freakin system in my car. doesnt sound bad but i need another sub. well its been a long time since ive been here, but hopefully i will stick around an make some much needed changes to the site. im gettin a new ride soon. but i dont know if i should go with a integra or 240sx(see drift pic above). im leanin more twoard the 240 but let me know what u think. well got work in the mornin so lata!
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Saturday, October 18, 2003
(no subject)
been real busy lately. besides workin on my an my job i havent had mouch time. i never thought bein a cable modem tech would take so much learnin. well its a good job so whatever...i need the cash. hhhmmmm....well i am drawing a blank on what to say so lata.
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