Death is apart of life,it is a cause,it is a reason for which none of us really know why.It is a beginning of a new world.it is something that happens and u can't control it even tho u think u can.Death is something we all fear even tho we say we don't.don't take death out of ur life.
DEATH IS YOU....Tomoe Iyo
 You are a warrior. You vanquish all that stands in your way. You can be good or bad,it is all up to you. Demons are your enemy and should be vanquished.
What kind of angel are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
hey waz up.i just wanted to say Merry Christmas and happy new years.XOXOXO
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
hey waz up.bye
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Sunday, November 20, 2005
hey waz up.well nothing for me.my best friend(boy)grandmother just died.he almost felt like crying but he didn't.anyway i am usally bored so AIM me in HiJoBob@aol.com k.
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
hi my name is Tomoe Iyo.i am 14 and i am half japanese,american and spanish.learning french is something i just picked up.lol.i moved to florida 5 years ago but i have been learning english all my life cuz my mom is american and spanish.my dad is full japanese with some american too.the stuff on the left side of my page pretty much tells u all about me.i did my page about death cuz it's something weird and fearfull.puls it's cool.lol.i meant the word,not the really thing,i like being alve.
i was named after my great ansester tomoe gozen,she was a great swordswoman and she fought a general in a war.she is very famous in japan and a great hero and there wasn't many woman heros.i have a big family and my grandma owns a shrine in kyoto,so i go visit her when ever i can.
Tomoe Iyo.
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