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myOtaku.com: Tomyo

Thursday, April 21, 2005

My life Sucks!
i totaly sucks! i found the two most coolest Beyblade Doujinshi's on Ebay aut i can't buy them, i can just look! it is so not fair, i mean why doesn't my mum or dad want a credit card or a computer with the internet? (yes i wonder . . . .) i have asked a total of threeish people to try and get them for me but that thing is because they are on the american site they end at some silly hour in the morning and so there a little dubious about it. I realy, realy, realy, realy want them. they so totaly rock. ok so i have know idea what they are about but they look cool thats good enough, Right? well on an almost random side note i started a Fanfic last night (beyblade of course.) it is based on a poem that i have been doing in english, it just reminded me so much of Valkov (yes i'm being quirky but hay who cares, for thoughs who don't know who that is it is Boris.)and his creepy ways. well i guess thats all i can say for now. see ya soon. bye bye.

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