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have msn nimrod
Melbourne (like anyone would know where that is considering the majority of the users on otaku seem to be from america or some other place...NOT AUSTRALIA)
Member Since
high school Student
Real Name
the names Angelo (seriously, who could forget a name like that -_-)
everything i've done up to this point is an achievement
Anime Fan Since
watching dragon ball (always watched it since i was a little baby)
Favorite Anime
Love Hina (rox ur jox off!) and all the others mentioned to the right (somewhere) (forgot to mention ROD, Magical shopping arcade abenobashi, happy lesson, kiddy grade, neon genesis evangelion, bublegum crisis and some others)
to get sumwhere in life
Tennis, Basketball, movie critic, anime
i'm best at one thing: trying!
Saturday, July 23, 2005
footloose friggin rocks! very long post, so dun care if ya dun read it!
well, for the past few days, you can see i havent been posting. thats because i didnt have any time. for the first time in a while, the only reason i would go home was for sleep! i would stay at school for rehearsals from 3.30 till 10 (on tuesday. on wednesday, till 11!). then on the production night, it would be from 6 till 1.30. i would go home but only havelike 2 hours on my hands to sleep and eat! the first night (thursday) the spotlight broke, so i didnt have to do anything! the other two nights, one of the spots were dimmer than the other. but the final night on saturday rocked! the whole day rocked! i left the house at 9.30 to head to the careers expo. on the train, i talked politics with robinson which is wierd since we hardly talk. and from there, on my way to melbourne central, i started acting crazy, and some bickey bumped into me and called me a "fu*^%#& dickhead"! i felt soo kool, cause two chicks were checking me out there. then went to footscray, to check an anime shop ($65 for card captors and $216 for rurouni kenshin) and met my sister there. coincidence? then went to highpoint (diamond sweaters are $90) after which i took a train and met the people i left at melbourne central (linda, faye and juanita and also alan and kaddy) another? then when i went to broady, i met the rest of the people i left (mary ann and shacks) i mean what are the chances? then the play, where i yelled alot to thank everyone and got alcohol (baileys) for the after party. god, i was soo scared tryin to get there. i got a ride from an aussie and he was a friggin psycho. the best party ever. actual singing along to backstreet boys (it seemed like a good idea to all the drunks) drums and headbanged to living end. the best was when everyone left we sung bohemian rhapsody and it rocked! i just love that song, i guess thats why! and i felt soo part of the group, even though i dont usually hang out with them, cause of mr wallace, and his last school production! well, got back at 4, and my glass says im a wanker! later peoples!
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