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At home, or at Powell's, the coolest bookstore ever.
Member Since
Currently unemployed, college student come October
Real Name
Various works in progress. Too many to keep track of. It's dizzying... @o@
Anime Fan Since
Totoro. I saw the first dub once it had come out on video, when I was probably five or six.
Favorite Anime
Bleach, FLCL, Trigun, Tsubasa , Chobits, FMA, Miyazaki; Manga: Deathnote, D. Gray Man, Bleach, Black Cat, HunterXHunter, GinTama; Video Games: EarthBound, Tales of series, Katamari series, Pokemon series, Okami, Guitar Hero series, DDR Series, Guilty Ge
Starting my own anime company w/ my friends once I finish art school.
Reading manga, drawing, writing, Nihongo, listening to They Might Be Giants music - and a variety of other underground rock bands, watching animation in general
Drawing, writing, flute playing, and Nihongo. I also discovered that I'm really good at Okami.
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
Just more randomness that will one day rule the world. Okay, so yesterday my brother and I rented the video "Fatal Fury: Legend of the Hungry Wolf." Considering it was made in '92, the dubbing was pretty good. Terry is so hot! Anyway, I've become obsessed with King of Fighters lately (but aren't I always obsessed with something?). I just bought the 2000/2001 pack for the PS2. Kula and K' are such a cute couple, although Kula's the "anti-K'." Anyway, the Dreamcast game (KoF '99: Dream Match) is my favorite because I'm good at it. I also rejoined jazz band for the sole purpose of going on all the fun band trips we're doing this year. Yesterday, we had a fundraiser where we went around asking for empty pop cans, and we got a crapload o' cans! The only people who actually showed up to help were me, Josh my brother, and Connor and Erik, my brother's two best friends who are also my friends. We probably got about 4000 cans in the two and a half hours we were collecting 'em. So I have to say to Rice Flinga: you're buyin' your own ticket to Pendleton! Nyeh! I wish I had a dark room. Photo class is so much fun! Mr. Hilman's really a great teacher! Anyways, so I'll be on even less now because I have nine full-fledged, homework-assigning classes this term. And right now I gotta fly because I'm looking for the sheet music for Maigo from Tonari no Totoro. I'm obsessed with the soundtrack for it right now. Anyway, I've also been improving the looks of my Dream Legends characters, and my dad said we might get a scanner soon. Be prepared and check back for updates! Anyways, now I'll say bye for real. Ja ne! Whoops, I lied. Forgot one thing! On Wednesday we made sushi in Japanese! I don't care for it much, but my parents said it was really good sushi, so I'm not gonna give up! I'm gonna go out and buy some sushi make stuff and make some sushi! One more thing. Then I SWEAR I'll stop. I got the first Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duelist graphic novel and it's way better than the TV show! I... don't want to spoil it for you YGO fans who haven't read it yet, so I won't. Anyway, now bye for real. No foolin'. Bye.
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Goddess of the Wind
The wind goddess, huh? It always turns out that I have the power of wind. I love all the elements, but I think wind is my favorite. I wish I could have the powers of all the elements! Hey, I can imagine that I do have power over all four of the elements! ^-^
 Wind Goddess
What Elemental Goddess Are You? (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water) + Pictures + brought to you by Quizilla
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Happy Halfday
It's a halfday for me today, in case any of you were wondering why I'm posting at 1:00 when I should be in school. Midterms have been so easy so far! Oh, happy b-day Fantasyfreak! Sorry I never called on your actual b-day. So I don't know what to say right now. Oh! Did any of you see the new Pokemon movie Destiny Deoxys? I did and I thought it was cool! It inspired me to start playing Leaf Green again! I get obsessed and re-obsessed with things so easily! I only have to beat both versions of Marluxia in Chain of Memories before I can play through it as Riku! Okay, I don't care what anyone else says but I think Suikoden IV is a fun game. Whew! Typing w/ one hand really takes it out of you! I'm talkin' to Fantasyfreak on my cell phone right now so I have to type w/ one hand. THAT is why I'm ending this post now!
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
Feeling Happy Again
Martha said Mr. Barbar was going to check our notebooks today, but thankfully he didn't! I'm still 4 1/2 sets behind, but that's partially due to the fact that I've been sick (and I haven't been doing my homework...). We had to play sports in Health today. Kicking a soccer ball around in a triangle for 45 minutes really takes it out of you. I didn't finish my English essay, but Mrs. Dowd gave me an extra day because I was sick. Shonen Jump for joy! I really haven't been reading much of the manga in Shonen Jump and it's kinda depressing me. For instance, I NEVER read Dragon Ball Z (because it's stupid) or Hikaru no Go (because it got boring after the first few stories). I also haven't read Yu Yu Hakusho or Naruto for a long time, and it makes me feel bad because they (especially Naruto) are cool manga. Rice Flinga, I have to confess that I haven't read Naruto since the new characters appeared some... maybe a year ago. I don't know. I've kinda skimmed it and I'm thinking about going back to where I left off and reading up until now. I usually just read Yu-Gi-Oh!, Shaman King, and One Piece (ironically, the three Shonen Jump manga with anime series). I can't chat long because this time I REALLY have to finish that English essay. See ya tomorrow, though (yeah, I know, I should be studying for midterms. So what.) Ja ne!
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Not a Good Day... T_T
I don't know why, but today's not a good day. It's not like anything bad's happened yet, I'm just kinda T.O.'d. I'm workin' on so many stories right now! It kinda makes me fel better, having more than one well-developed story. Lessee... total, I have six GOOD stories. Of course, I work on them on and off, but I still have six! I had the WEIRDEST dream last night! Rice Flinga already knows what it is 'cuz I told her at school. I'm not gonna tell you guys 'cuz it'd take too long. Wish I had friends with cable who lived close by so I could spend the night at their houses sometimes and watch anime shows. The majority of new friends I've made online don't have cable. It makes me feel better, but I still feel like I haven't seen much anime... Anyways, I have to go. I have a Macbeth essay for English to work on. It's due tomorrow and I haven't even started! Oh, right, I wanted to have a song for the day today. Today's song of the day is... *snicker* Okay, the only reason I'm picking this is becuase I've had it stuck in my head since what Matt told me about this "anime concert" he saw on this one website... Zelos from Tales of Symphonia singing "I'm Too Sexy." Oh my, that's a funny image! If you know who Zelos is, please leave a comment! I want to know if there are other Tales fans out there besides me. Anyways, g2g. See you somedays.
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Monday, January 10, 2005
Gah! Evil Days!
I am SO angry today. I don't want to take it out on you guys, though... So I'll write about it! Okay, first of all, I missed literally half the week of school last week. I went home sick on Monday, was sick on Tuesday, and went home sick on Friday. Now I have a lot of freakin' makeup work to do and my teachers and classmates (meaning the other sophomores in my classes) aren't helping. In Cont. Culture today I realized how pathetic I really am. Mr. L. said to pair up with a partner and make up a worksheet-type thing. There's an odd number of kids in our class and guess who was left without a partner. Yeah, me. Anyway, so my day planner that the school gave every freakin' student has inspirational quotes for every day, right? I've got an inspirational quote for 'em: Sometimes when you get in too deep, you need to realize... you're screwed. I know that's not necessarily true, but that can be the case with much schoolwork. I need the reassurance of knowing I'm a good student that comes from my teachers. Yeah, I know, it's sad and nerdy. What am I? I'm not a nerd, jock, cheerleader, punk, goth, popular kid, badn nerd, or antisocial, so what am I? I'm an otaku, as are my friends, right? Mmm... not exactly... I'm an otaku, but my circle of friends is more of a... Fantasy Trinity! Yeah! I'll be Sora, Meghan will be Donald, and Matt can be Goofy! We're Kingdom Hearts!
Oh, here's another little Toon-ism: Seeing people happy makes me smile and feel happy. I get the same effect from class clowns and jokers. ^-^ Anyway, so I've been drawing Tales of Symphonia characters lately... Have any of you played that game? It's one of my new favorite video games. Umn... so who here's seen or even heard of Pretear? I know Rice Flinga has, she introduced me to it. It's the coolest show! Well, a lot of shows are cool, but you get my drift... Anyway, I probably won't be posting for a couple of weeks because midterms are coming up and I gotta crack down and study (yeah right!) I just learned from a stress quiz that I'm lucky and my life is pretty smooth, but school freaks me out. I also have a good way of looking at life (glass half-empty or half-full theory, anyone?). Anyway, I have to get off so I can finish my homework. Ja ne!
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Monday, January 3, 2005
On the subject of Christmas presents (because I know everyone cares to know what I got for Christmas), I'd like to share what I got. On Christmas Eve my brother and I always get to open our presents from each other. I got him both series of the Homestar Runner figurines and he got me Yu-Gi-Oh!: Capsule Monster Colisseum for PS2. I don't care if you don't like the game's storyline (I don't care for it much myself), the actual gameplay is fun. I also like the fact that the characters have their voices from the anime!
I don't think it's bad for fighting games, party games, and other types of strategy games to have poor storylines. RPGs are the games that NEED good storyline. Speaking of RPGs, I got farther in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. I'm now stuck on Darkside in Destiny Islands because I forgot to quicksave and had to start over from Twilight Town. Plus, my Gameboy Advance ran out of batteries.
Back to the subject of presents! My parents got me the complete first season of Yu-Gi-Oh! on DVD!!! I love having parents who know what I like! I got a whole bunch of COPIC markers, an inking pen (the kind you dip in ink!), two non-ink-dippin inking pens, and a How to Draw Anime and Game Characters book from my uncle and aunt. I can always improve my drawing skills and I also love looking at the funny pictures in those drawing books!
My very cool cousin Noel (who got his haircut and is now kinda cute looking!) always gives me really cool pottery stuff. He's so awesome. My grandma gave me a Borders gift card with which I bought a book called Japanese in Mangaland. It's a cool book except for the chapter about the swearwords. I should x it out or something. I don't swear.
Oh! On Christmas Eve my mom got everyone in my family a movie. She got my dad Elf, my brother Napleon Dynamite, and me the Yu-Gi-Oh! Movie. My brother and I bought Taiko Drum Master with Christmas money and we also got Scene It? for my mom. I bought Disney Scene It? with my own money because a lot of the movies and questions in regular Scene It? were too hard for me.
There is one more thing that I want... I saw it at Best Buy yesterday, but I'd been looking for it for awhile... The Spine CD by They Might be Giants. It's thirteen bucks. I've only got seven, plus I'm still sixteen bucks in debt to my little brother. I know, that's pretty sad. Anyway, so comment on my posts, okay? I'm really serious! Even if you don't think you have anything meaningful to say, say something. It means a lot to me. Kay, bye.
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Quote of the day: Whatever I FEEL like I wanna do, gosh! Napoleon, from Napoleon Dynamite.
Color of the day: The color of sick.
Current tunes: Napoleon Dynamite, original motion picture soundtrack.
Happy New Year! Er, not so happy seeing as how I'm freakin' sick. Christmas break was fun, but it's great to be back at school. Yeah right! Napoleon Dynamite is probably the best movie I've ever seen, but I hate how all the kids at my school are obsessed with it. I mean, I don't go around quoting the STUPID parts from the movie all the time.
Anyway, back to the subject of my post. I have a lot of resolutions to make. I'll list them, not in any particular order. I want to not procrastinate this year. I want to improve my drawing skills in all areas. I want to start breaking up my posts into paragraphs on the otaku (naw, just kidding. Although I might...) Let's see... I want to be more objective about things. Take video games, for example. I had this opinion in my mind that Halo was the stupidest game in the world. Personally, I don't like shooting games much. Anyway, I played it at RF's house on New Year's Day (I'd spent the night at her house after going to a killer dance party at Hollywood Theater). It's much more fun than I gave it credit for.
That does not mean I have changed my mind and want an XBox now. I am still totally biased against it; I just admit that Halo isn't all bad. I still don't like shooiting games, either.
So, sorry for not sending you guys Christmas greetings, but to be fair, you did NOT post comments or messages on Saturday the 18th, the day I told you to. Therefore, I am not responsible for sending you Christmas greetings. Also, I'm really sorry I haven't been on since... A long time ago. Christmas was a busy time for me. Now I'm back, though, so you can be happy!
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Monday, December 20, 2004
Finally back!
Okay, so I've been really busy with homework and getting ready for my party (which was on Saturday) that I didn't have time to get on. So now I have to tell you everything that's happened since Wednesday. Mr. Barbar promised not to give us any more math homework for Christmas break, but he did anyways. That blows. I learned that King of Fighters Maximum Impace and Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories are really fun games(I bough the Kingdom Hearts game and rented the K.O.F. one). I like Mignon and Chae Lim best of the new characters, but all the others are awesome, too. I am in Neverland in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories as opposed to Olympus Colisseum in the original Kingdom Hearts. Thanks all my friends for coming to my Decemberween/Christmas party! But why'd you have to beat up on Matt? He wasn't beating up on YOU, was he Fantasyfreak and Rice Flinga? (to the tune of "The 12 Days of Christmas") On the last day of school before Christmas nobody gave to me any presents. But my Christmas party was fun so I don't really care. Merry Christmas and no presents for me (music stops). I had party after party over the weekend! Parties in almost all my classes, no homework! I'm free for Christmas break! Merry Christmas everybody, merry Christmas everyone! Since none of you checked my site on the 18th I'm not sending you Christmas greetings. No, I'm just kidding. Maybe.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
no exclamation points today.
seattle was awesome, i guess. i'm so tired. no exclamation points today. not even if i'm excited. my christmas/decemberween party is on saturday, so i hope tiffany calls and says she can come. if she doesn't i'll be sad. i am sad. today, at least. i hate b day schedule because i have health, math, and english. they all suck. i'm so behind and in trouble in all those classes. if i'm having this much trouble in highschool i wonder what it'll be like when i'm an adult? no caps make me sad, but being sad makes me happy because i feel like strong sad when i'm sad. so it's really a cycle, y'see?
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