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myOtaku.com: ToonMasta

Sunday, November 28, 2004

   The Guys at Wunderland
There are some very mean people in this world who probably don't even realize when they're being mean. For example, I was at Wunderland (the arcade) for my neighbor Jon's b-day. I'd been excited to go because I wanted to play some DDR arcade version (I have DDRMaxx2 and DDRExtreme at home w/ a crappy dance pad), but now there's only ONE machine in the whole arcade! And just my luck, two loser older teenage guys w/ nothing better to do were using all their nickels then going back and getting more just to play this game. First of all, that's selfish and greedy, and second of all... get a life, guys! They saw me and asked me if I wanted to play but I was all "Umm... no..." Of course I DID want to play, but if I'd said yes and they had let me play, they would've watched me. I do NOT dance when older teenage guys are watching me... Then they said "Well, we're running a line system, here." As if they OWNED the game. I can only assume what they meant was "We play 'til we run out of nickels and go back and get more and no one else gets to play because we're so intimidating." So I just stood there and watched for about 15 minutes. Finally, they got up and left and my brother started dancing. While he was dancing, this girl and a little boy came up. The little boy wanted to play and the girl (either his babysitter or older sister) had no clue how to play. So I showed them how to play, and after playing one song they left. That left me alone with one dance machine and two songs left to do (unfortunately on beginner mode. I normally dance LIGHT.) While I was using the rest of the credits, who should come back but the mean guys from before! And I had been all prepared to dance a round on LIGHT MODE BY MYSELF! The guy practically forced me to play him, so I did. He, of course, was much better than me and kicked my butt badly. Since the guys were back, I realized that it would not be possible for me to dance a full round of LIGHT MODE BY MYSELF at all. So I left. Those insensitive jerks! I didn't even get to use all my quarters because right after that we had to leave. I got a pocket flashlight to remind me of that afternoon and those guys for the rest of my life. Or at least the rest of the weekend.
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