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At home, or at Powell's, the coolest bookstore ever.
Member Since
Currently unemployed, college student come October
Real Name
Various works in progress. Too many to keep track of. It's dizzying... @o@
Anime Fan Since
Totoro. I saw the first dub once it had come out on video, when I was probably five or six.
Favorite Anime
Bleach, FLCL, Trigun, Tsubasa , Chobits, FMA, Miyazaki; Manga: Deathnote, D. Gray Man, Bleach, Black Cat, HunterXHunter, GinTama; Video Games: EarthBound, Tales of series, Katamari series, Pokemon series, Okami, Guitar Hero series, DDR Series, Guilty Ge
Starting my own anime company w/ my friends once I finish art school.
Reading manga, drawing, writing, Nihongo, listening to They Might Be Giants music - and a variety of other underground rock bands, watching animation in general
Drawing, writing, flute playing, and Nihongo. I also discovered that I'm really good at Okami.
Sunday, June 5, 2005
Okay, so by now you all know that my birthday was almost a week ago. Yeah, well guess what. On Tuesday after school, I was putting my stuff in the back of the car and I slammed the door on my thumb. Okay, you may not think that's uber bad, but you haven't heard the whole story. When we got to the hospital we had to wait for FOUR HOURS before the doctor saw me! I'm not even kidding. FOUR FREAKIN' HOURS! Twice I almost passed out from the pain. My mom said I turned white as a ghost, which to me is scary because it had never happened before. So it turns out I broke my left thumb. Yeah, most of you are thinking that's not so bad, right? Guess what. I'm left handed. It hurts so freakin' bad that I can't write or draw! It's hard enough to type this with my right hand! Having to use the hand you don't normally use to do everything is frustrating. The worst part is, that one certain friend of mine from school kept making jokes about how I was on drugs because I can't come to school after taking Tylenol 3. Either way, there's no point in going to school. Yeah, it's my last week of school and all next week, but it's not like I can actually take my finals or anything. Trust me. When I write with my right hand, I can't even read what I'm writing. But the worst thing ever, the saddest thing ever is that they're going to fire my Japanese teacher, the sweetest teacher I have EVER known, so they can pay the other freakin' teachers at our school more! There's no WAY the school's making me take Spanish. I'm also still held accountable for doing all my homework and my Lebanese math teacher assumes it's MY fault I broke my thumb. Yeah, like I'd break my left thumb on purpose. Not with the amount of pain this thing is causing me!
Note to Fantasy Freak: I'm really sorry I couldn't come to your play. I was gonna call you today, but it got late fast.
Anyway, the good thing is that I've been watching a lot of old movies with my mom while I'm home. It's really fun. Also, we bought a Queen CD yesterday because my mom and I were talking about how we wanted one. It's got all the best songs on it! I keep getting them stuck in my head... like Bicycle Race. That song is SO catchy. But I also love We Are the Champions, Killer Queen, Another One Bites the Dust, and Bohemian Rhapsody. Then there's that one everyone knows... We Will Rock You. Oh, I also got Puffy AmiYumi's Nice CD with b-day money. I must say this: My favorite song on that CD is Your Love is a Drug. It's so... addictive! Ha! Okay, so I better go now unless I want my thumb to fall off from pain. Need to go take some Tylenol... See ya round! Ja ne!
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