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• ToonMasta
• 1989-06-29
• At home, or at Powell's, the coolest bookstore ever.
Member Since
• 2004-03-31
• Currently unemployed, college student come October
Real Name
• Hannah
• Various works in progress. Too many to keep track of. It's dizzying... @o@
Anime Fan Since
• Totoro. I saw the first dub once it had come out on video, when I was probably five or six.
Favorite Anime
• Bleach, FLCL, Trigun, Tsubasa , Chobits, FMA, Miyazaki; Manga: Deathnote, D. Gray Man, Bleach, Black Cat, HunterXHunter, GinTama; Video Games: EarthBound, Tales of series, Katamari series, Pokemon series, Okami, Guitar Hero series, DDR Series, Guilty Ge
• Starting my own anime company w/ my friends once I finish art school.
• Reading manga, drawing, writing, Nihongo, listening to They Might Be Giants music - and a variety of other underground rock bands, watching animation in general
• Drawing, writing, flute playing, and Nihongo. I also discovered that I'm really good at Okami.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Okay, so I'm in pain in multiple places at once. Yesterday, before I got in the shower, I hit my leg on the corner of this chest at the end of my parents' bed. I scraped and bruised up my leg pretty bad (no foolin'). Also, my thumb has been killing me lately! I'm scared. It's even been bleeding from under the nail... Is that normal? There's a bunch of black and red dried blood underneath there, too... It's gross and scary and it REALLY REALLY hurts!!! Oh, plus I had a dentist appointment today. I got a shot in the side of my lip, a filling, and my mouth is really numb. But I have nothing against the dentist and none of you better say anything bad about them, either. My mom's a dental assistant (she worked on my mouth today! ^-^). The dentist she works with (and everyone at the clinic she works at) is (are) really nice! But that doesn't stop my mouth from hurting... And I can only eat on the right side of it because the left side is where I had the shot and filling and all that. Wait a second... Bruise, thumb, mouth... All on the left side of me!! Well isn't that weird and somewhat ominous? And it's supposed to be my good side, too! Well, I'm working on a picture of a character I did, but I've never colored him before so I don't know what colors he should be yet... Might be a while before I get that twentieth picture up... Also, does anyone have any suggestions for an uncommon but still normal Japanese family name? I have a character whose last name I scratched because it was stupid, so now I need a new last name. Here's some more info: traditonal Japanese style family (own both a dojo AND ryotei) living in a modern city. But they're not old-fashioned or like Amish Japanese people or anything. They're just traditional. So anyone who has suggestions that would be okay for me to use in my story, I'd be happy to hear them.
I also have to still do that English assignment stuff... I've read the two books, but can't get onto the class website 'cuz my access code isn't right. The other book I read was "Of Mice and Men." Sad story. Very sad. But you sorta knew it was comin'... Anyhoo, how come all classics in literature end really sad? I mean, they can be noble and epic endings, but they're still usually sad. Ah well... I guess I'll go see if my English teacher fixed the site yet (and can you believe school doesn't even actually START for another week for me?)... Ja ne...
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