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Sunday, November 7, 2004

Hey, just got back from an anime con (neko con) yeah it kicked ass. I got alot of naruto stuff, and this was this pervert that had like a handful of hentai and it was gross. Well, gotta go, later

G unit

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Saturday, November 6, 2004

Hey everyone, i did awesome at try outs today. We were playing 5 minute games and a stole and ran acroos the gym and made a layup! Yeah, I hope so bad i make the first cut, if i don't i am always trying out next year!

later g unitz

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Friday, November 5, 2004

Hey everyone...lemme tell yall about try outs today. Well....

I got seven shots today, woot!

we were playing a game today and i didn't get the ball once, i did but dropped it making the layup cause i got elbowed in the face.

and that's about it, but i had fun.

I hope i make the first cut!!

Later g unitz

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Thursday, November 4, 2004

I swear....i doubt i am gonna make the team. I only made one shot today out of alot. But everything else was all good. I want to make this team so bad and i ain't gonna be the stupid manager sitting on the sidelines again...tommotow i guess i'll have to give it more than 100%. That is if i can even make a shot. I hope so bad that i make that team....i have been so excited about it, and when practice was over and i was in the car...i was crying. That is how bad i wanna make it. Well, gotta go eat now. Later g units....
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Like I said before, here are my favorite friends ever!

me and Alyison are gettin really close this year. i love hangin out with her b/c i can realte to her like i relate to K.T. which is awesome, b/c she is a really funny person. i hope me and her hang out more often.

then there is me and K.T.... that is like a whole other friendship that is like disolving so fast. And i would be so sad to lose her as a friend. which is that we are still friends we dont talk that much and we dont hang out a lot. i love K.T with all my heart and she is like a sister to me, but when we start not hangin out or talkin that much makes me feel like we are just friends. K.T is the person i want in my life with me through all my bumps in the road, but if we cant just hang otu and talk for one weekend i dont knwo how she will be able to keep up with my life. and K.T if you read this, i just want you to know i love you girl! <3

last there is me and Maddy. well me and her are our own little world. we love to hang out and do stuff together. i can talk to this girl about anything, i guess thats why we have such a great friendship with eachother. this is a girl i want to go partying with. i want this to also be a best friend and sister, that is there with me thourgh my bumps in the road and vice versa. and i love this girl to death.

these three girls are like the sisters i never had. i love them to death and i would do anything for them. and i care about them, just as much as they care about me. i just hope they stayy with me through my whole life, until i die. these girls are ppl i want to keep in touch with where ever i go. and when i come and visit here they will be the first ppl i see. if i want to hang out with someone these are the girls i turn to, if i want to do somethin. if i ever need to talk about something, these girls are there to listen. they are all apart of me, they all bring share a unique part in my life. these girls are my other family. they all bring out a great personallity in me when i am aournd them. that is why i love them soo much. and that is why i talk about these girls all the time. b/c they are a BIG part of my life and how i live it.

later guys, love you all.

<3 G unit

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Monday, November 1, 2004

I am falling for this boy named Kevin in my first and last bell....but i don't know if he already has a girlfriend, and i mean i am really falling for him. We are already really close friends, but i wanna go out with him so bad! -,_-
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Sunday, October 31, 2004

the truth is you could slit my throat
and with one last gasping breath
id apologize for bleeding on your shirt

i like that quote... its true for me and someone... i shall keep that someone to myself
__10 bands you've been listening a lot to lately:
1) Snoop Dog
2) Green Day
3) Dashboard Confessional
4) linkin Park
5) Red Hot Chilli Peppers
6) blink 182
7) Blind Guardian
8) new found glory
9) kanye west
10) Fabulous

___09 things you look forward to:
1) 7th grade
2) summer
3) my future
4] sleeping in
5) making some more friends
6) growing up
7) getting my license
8) High school
9) marriage

___8 things you like to wear:
1) bathing suits
2) tees
3) flip flops
4) hoodies
5) shoes
6) bras
7) eyeliner
8) lipgloss

___07 things that annoy you:
1) two faced ppl
2) Mrs.Labyak
3) pmsing
4) being on my period
5) posers
6) crowds
7) bigheaded ornery ppl

___06 things you say most days:
1) No kiddding
2) I love you
3) no
4) hey
5) fuck
6) dammit

___05 things you do everyday:
1) sleep
2) shower
3) daydream
4) learn[or so they think]
5) talk

___04 people you want to spend more time with:
1) Kat
2) Katie
3) Kevin
4) Carwin

___03 of your fav songs of the moment:
1) Snoop Dog- Drop it like it's hot
2) Dashboard Confessional- The Sharp Hint of New tears
3) The pillows- Crazy Sunshine
___02 movies you could watch over and over again:
1) FLCL Vloume 1
2) FLCL Volum 2

___01 person you could spend the rest of your life with:
1) Kevin?

W00, i gotta tell you guys about this haloween party i went to last night. Okay, we got there and they had this game where you stick your finger in the thing and if you get shocked you're out. If you didn't you win something. I got shocked...lol. Well, a while later, this vampire dude that works at the spencers in greenbrier mall came in dressed as a vampire and he was also german. heh, i knocked one of his horns off. Well, i asked him if he had seen any pirates since he was 3,000 years old (i was dressed up as a pirate since it was a costume party) and he said "I don't hate them...they just are smelly and mean." And then he does a really good impression of one. And i was like. "You're a better vampire." Later on, me Patrick, Joe, Amber, Ashly, and this other kid dressed up as a convict locked everyone else (and there was like 30 kids there) in the garage and turned the light off. We snuck outside and started hitting the garge door hard and everyone kept screaming. It was great. Then me and amber suggest putting the scorpion and tarantula down there but everyone else disagreed. So i throw a clown mask down there and it landed on this skater dudes head, it was his anyways. After that we all went back out to the front and we saw someone rolling around with someone else in the dark garage....but then i had to leave cause it was midnight.

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Happy Halooween guys, i am being a pirate. w00t.
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Saturday, October 30, 2004

Hey everyone, nothin to post about....seriously...so whatever. later people.
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Friday, October 29, 2004

Aw man you guys, look what i found...it is funny as hell.


yeah, bitch.

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