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Good Ole' Virginia
Member Since
Real Name
Hiroko Masabe
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
FMA, Naruto, Initial D, Spiral
i dunno...
Hobbies, basketball, track, vollyball, soccer. that's it you guys
i'm that a talent?
| Torn From Chaos
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Friday, June 3, 2005
I lied, it is my fave band...blink with First Date!
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Le gasp
So...I am finally back. Happy? I just ain't got alot of time on my hands with all the things going on in my life right I apologize.
Well, I got Burst Angel volume 1, and it is pretty awesome. I watched it at least twice already.
I also got the new Gorillaz cd, which is also really cool. and Chris broke up...if anyone wants to know how, ask at school or pm me. 3
The new song it got on my site is Thrice, stare at the sun. I was gonna get N.E.R.D RockStar, but I changed my mind.
Oh em gee....I have to go now. Post tommorow, hopefully. Later.
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
Well, just got back from Chris' house today ^_^. We had so much fun! But he almost caught the house on fire....o_o. I told him not to mess with matches and such!
Yay, I won setolover1213's art contest!
This is me, trying to sleep. Yet i am pissed off at my sister for waking me up -_-

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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Ah, i am so bored...i am just here chillen with my sister's friends. My ddr pad is crappy and I have no money to buy a new one. I put scotch tape all over it....haha.
Nothing else to post about. Peace out my homies.
"My grandma raps for G Unit!"
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Monday, May 2, 2005
Well, me and my childhood friend, Chris are going out now. Too bad he lives in a different city and we can only communicate through letter...his dad doesn't let him use the phone. I remember the good old times we shared together, and now i am gonna tell you a few.
Well, we were at his him and chris. His old girlfriend was there too, but it' not like she hung out with us. We were the only ones awake and we decided to grab some ice cream and pizza. He goes over to the couch and throws it up on Steve!! I was laughing so hard...hah, it was hilarious...the look on steve's face.
Later that night the three of us couldn't sleep. We go outside for a walk and there is a bull terrior. Steve and Chris were barking at it....and althe sudden it started chasing us. Chris can run pretty fast, so i jumped on his back, he didn't know I was gonna do that so we fall. Chris grabs me by the hand and starts running again, god i don't know how bad i was blushing...luckily we got away...what a vicious dog!
Well, i am sure i told ya'll about how my best friend Zach died in front of my eyes when i was 6....Chris was there with me...and I am glad too. To have a shoulder to cry on at that time. He was crying too.
He is moving to Florida soon, and he is trying his best to make me not miss him, haha. Chris, you know I would never forget you! I love you to death! I know you are not reading this right now, but I don't care....just saying what is on my mind!
"My grandma raps for G unit!"
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
Well yesterday was pretty fun! I went to my buddy Katherine's b-day party, and it was so fun. Here come some crazy rants!
okay, first off....i get there and get a tour of the house. I played her elctric guitar for a little while and did alright. Then my homies, Andrew and his girl Cody come over! We decided to go back to my house and get my money, and everybody comes inside! o__o; Andrew pics up my sister's perfume and sprays it on the candle, which caused like a one second explosion. But it looked really neat, shame on him for giving me crazy ideas. We get back home and smear cake frosting on his, katherines, and my face. Man that was good cake. I go to the sink so katherine can get it off but she prays my whole head! I was like "Gee...i didn't get cake on the back of my head, did i?!" And then when Andrews turn came, she sprayed him too. We go back to Katherines room to find andrew in a dress o__o;. Cody freaks out pretty bad haha "My boyfriend is a girl!!" We painted his nails, and didn't have nail polish remover. After that, we go see Sahara, which i just about joked every scene. Man that girl is a slut...^_^; And then when the movie is over....IT IS POURING DOWN RAIN! So Kat's mommy drops me off si i didn't have to walk back home, and i was bored as hell! And pretty pissed that i couldn't go to the mall with my sis and her friends. Well that is all, my homies.
G unit 4 life <3
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Friday, April 22, 2005
Well, i have had a pretty bad day...
First, i wake up and moms like "You're staying home, helping me clean" And i didn't like the idea of that cause i wanted to hang out with my friends. So I stay home until like 10:30. Yeah, we fought. What's new? Mom said some retty hurtful things to me, like dealing with me is like pulling teeth. She also said she was gonna blow her head off cause of me, which really hurts. But i have to thank each and everyone of my friends at school for cheering me up, even though i am still unhappy, thanks anyway. I love you all. <3
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Today i had a good day....besides the fact i felt like i couldn't cheer my friend up. She got a referral for something really retarded.....-_-
And i am so so bored right now. I guess will just go to gaia and wait for natsumi to get on.
Well, nothing happened today so maybe i will post later.
Peace up, A down
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Monday, April 18, 2005
I love music and Art
My name is Hiroko. Pronounciation: Hee-Ro-Ko
Nicknames include Ryoko, Dizzy, Jo?, Boo,
I'm not necessarily a bitch. I just don't know how to communicate with people all too well
My birthday is December 19
I don't fit in that well in society
Jessica Simpson needs to die
I am in the 7th grade
Once I fall in love you cant get me back out
I don't believe in labeling yourself to impress
I'm a little bit self-centered and often misunderstood
I like to rebel
I get jealous VERY EASILY so don't tempt me
I like picking fights
Swing dancing is extremely wicked
When i was 7 I took archery
I have a strange addiction for strawberry and banana smoothies
I dont like Emo Guys
I do not like Valentines Day that much
I am a shy
My most favorite time of the year is now Summer (used to be winter)
I like to catch fireflies at dusk
I can be a smartass
If you turn me off, i will mock you
I wish it would snow more often in VA
I have 4 notebooks, filled with rantings
I have a three inch scar on my right ankle due to the scissors
I had Chicken Pox at age 6
My middle name is Lenora. It is Italian
I often have reoccuring dreams of my childhood friend
I'm in love with horror movies
Fagbot is my word of the week
My toenails are not painted
I once shot myself in the foot with a BB Gun
I still go trick or treating
When my tummy gets butterflies, i kill 'em with Pepto Bismol Chewables
I dont sleep with teddy bears and I never did
I like people that are awesome and have amazing abilities.
McDonalds is le crap
I love all of my friends and family
My room is freezing
I have 17 pairs of hot socks
My favorite color is Red
My Lucky number is 13
I shampoo my hair into a mess
Judge Judy is an extreme bitch
Smoke bombs are rad
When i was younger, my brother and I would pretend we were spies
I am the third oldest out of 2 sisters and a brother
I once sat in a glob of gum and had to walk around all day with gum on my butt
My sister is extremely hott
I hate it when people ignore me
I'm addicted to Halls Cherry Cough Drops
I love my Pikachu Slippers , too bad I lost them
Eyebrow Piercings are extremely hot.
The last time i did a push up was 3 minutes ago
Black eyeliner is liquid gold
I am an extreme couch potato to the max
I was my elementary school's person to beat up
I rule at bowling
I'm Christian , l dont go to church
If you can accept me for who i am, i love you. <3
If you feel the need to threaten me, my S/N on AIM is XhybridsotrmX <3
Well, I had a fairly good day today. I got into a fight with my mom this morning, but I will be fine.
Just listening to Metallica, the new one. I sorda like it, but i like old metally better than new metally.
At lunch everybody seemed angry at eachother and it was pissing me off. And i mean i was about to friggen punch somebody. Aherm, Rakeem, Aherm.
And i am gonna go bike riding later, that's always fun.
I am into this cool anime called bleach. Ya'll should check it out. The music is awesome! Asterisk is my jam ya'll!
"And to those about to rock.....we salute you"
Later g unitz.
P.S, Sorry everyone...i can't make comments at my house. For some reason i cannot click on links that open up new windows.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Nothing much happening here, I downloaded the opening to bleach!
Anyone know what "Git Ur' Dun" means? My friend keeps saying it.
Well, i might post lata ya'll....chatting with cody right now. PEACE!
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