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Good Ole' Virginia
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Hiroko Masabe
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FMA, Naruto, Initial D, Spiral
i dunno...
Hobbies, basketball, track, vollyball, soccer. that's it you guys
i'm that a talent?
| Torn From Chaos
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
Hey everyone, happy easter to ya'll! *Hands out chocolate and caramel eggs* I am no pervert, Miss Maddeline, that was just a joke ^^'
Well anyway, I was just watching kill bill vol.1, and i forgot how much that movie kicked ass.
So howz about da new layout everyone, ain't it purdy?
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
 What Azumanga Daioh Character Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
 What is Your Ideal Anime Weapon? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
This quiz was pretty accurate....

Your Hidden Power Is Fire
You have a strong and courageou soul. You show no fear when it comes to protecting the ones you love. You know when choosing between right and wrong. You also are quite the rebel.
Gem Stone:Ruby, Eye Color:Red,Hair Color:Red with Blonde streaks that is just below your arm pits pulled back into a pony tail.
Quote:If you're lost I'll keep you warm and if your low just hold on..cause I will be your safety.....don't leave home.....
What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::. brought to you by Quizilla
 Riku Harade
DNA. Angel. Which. One. Are. You. ? brought to you by Quizilla
0__0 I do have alot of nightmares....
*~ What kind of dreamer are you? ~* brought to you by Quizilla
Okay, last quizzie folks..
 You come from Dark Water. You are solitary and find peace in yourself, or maybe you're turmoiled but pull off peace.
Where Did Your Soul Originate? brought to you by Quizilla
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I am back you guys ^^
Step mom and her friend took me and Sari to see the Ring 2, it kicked serious ass! There was this one scene where Aiden (Rachels little boy) Just woke up from a nightmare with Samara in it and he got up...Rachel pulled the covers down and the bed was wet....(The tv was flooding for some reason in the nightmare) and Sari goes "That's not urine....." And i say "He had a wet dream!!' We both started cracking up so much ^^
Sorry I haven't posted anything lately....i am teh uber grounded.....-_-
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
This is probably the most accurate wuiz i have ver taken...seriously. I like sports....alot (Yeah, Natsumi and Maddy know ^^) And i don't do good in was wrong about being nice to my enemies, though i don't have one right now. I had a rival in track, but my mom made me quit ^^
 You are Kagura-san! Ignore this picture! Athletics, inner strength, and understanding life is what keeps you running. Literally. You are a very active person. You love sports. You love life. Most of the time. It's very hard to break your spirit, although you sometimes have to work to keep your chin up. But you always succeed in the end. You could've been straight out of Battle Athletes, you love sports so much. Consider a career in athletics. You adore the physical realm, and love being in it. Your theme song would be Chocobo music. And behind all that brawn lies a brain. A very intelligent mind, in fact. You're not book smart, and don't do great in school, but you have a lot to say. Even then, you rarely get the chance to say it. Still, in some ways, you are that part of the group which keeps it together. You are one who is kind even to your enemies. You have many friends, but you enjoy the company of an Osaka, and you two often help eachother through the hard parts of life.
The Azumanga Daioh Character Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
 What Happy Lesson Teacher-Mother Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
I know it said bisho, but hey, saiyuki kicks ass!
 What Saiyuki Bishounen Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Time For some quizzies, ya'll
Quizzie You're Kyou - the cat.
Which Fruits Basket Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 In your eyes, people see shards of ice everywhere... You are cold and distant, pushing away people that love you and truely care for you! You want to be able to reach out and love them but... You can't for some reason... You're just too.... You :P Underneath that cold exterior lies a warm, happy soul that wants to let loose and have fun! Your sanctuary would probably be anywhere up high where you can look down on life below you, like the roof of an apartment building... Your eyes resemble a saddened, crestfallen person seeking out attention, but doesn't know how to handle it. However, you do find comfort from your friends, they're always there for you, and they know the REAL you :) Even though you do seem rather cold, you can be very protective over something you truely believe in or love. Let go of that "tough" rep and just be you! It's impossible to live life without some fun and love ^-^
What Lies Behind Your Eyes? (With Pics, See All Results!) brought to you by Quizilla
This quiz wasn't all that accurate -_-
 You are the Spirit of Sadness. Deep pain and sorrow lie within you, betrayal, jealousy and rejection rule your life. You cannot make friends as you are too scared at the prospect of being hurt again and you can't take that risk. You wish more than anything to have a steady person there who loves you unconditionally but you are too scared to find them.
Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
That's it for now folks.
Well, again...i am gonna get yelled at for my grades -_- ....shit....
I had pretty fun at school, hung out with my home fries. Stuff like that.
My mommy is coming home from Arizona today, yay! ^^
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Monday, March 14, 2005
Just found out one of my buddies in juvenile....that is retarded
My mom is coming back from Arizona tommorow ^^ yay!
I got a lot of hugs today.....around 60?
i <3 hugs...
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Sunday, March 13, 2005
Saturday ruled!! ^^
First, i had to wake up for our competition in orchestra and we were the best ones there, we got straight 1's, Natsumi!
Later, we go to the festival and i got sick when i went home -_-
And i have a major cramp -_- -_-
And i finally saw full metal alchemist! Yay!
Hopefully i will get to go to the mall today...
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Hey everyone! I just got out of a nice hot bath ^^
Okay, so my mom reads my personal notebook (the green one Natsumi -_-) all of it! It pissed me off so bad >.<
I left school early...i was real upset about that too -_- what? i like school ^^;
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Sunday, March 6, 2005
Nothing happened today but I will tell ya'll what happened at the mall ^^
Well, I went to the game room and saw like all my friends there, and i got alot of hugs cause i haven't been there in like a month in a half. Then i play dance dance, then me and my buddy Jessica go to suncoast and buy lots of japanese candy ^^. After i get back i see kevin and mommy tells me he was looking for me -^^-. So i race him and lose (again) in initial d and show him my skills at percussionfreaks...although he kept on booing me, that didn't bting me down. I hit him in the head with the drumstick ~_^
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
Well, might go to the mall know i am gonna play percussionfreaks ^^ (if it ain't crowded -_-
Hope Kevin is there, he said he would go today...
Well....nothin much is happening really, just chillen i guess. ^^
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