Torn From Chaos
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
I watched a movie called Saw yesterday....didn't freak me out. It was almost as funny as the Grudge! But it would be scary to imagine yourself in those kind of situations....
I also watched Matchstick man, which was an awesome movie.
I am going back to mom's house today, but i don't want to so soon -_- i haven't seen my dad in a while!
Maybe i will update later, if anything comes up i will let ya'll know! :)
For now, you can all just sit back, relax, listen to my background music and enjoy the dancing kitty. And no running around like a fag!! >D

and the retarded thing!(can't forget about them things, can ya?? -_-'

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Saturday, February 26, 2005
Alright you guys, just got back from the mall, and i had some fun ^^
I played percussionfreak (a drum game) in the arcade and found out i was a really good drummer -_- never knew about that talant.
Played dance dance but failed on A (heavy, 1.5, wave) damn that shit is hard on wave >.<
Walked around for a while...looking for that spiral manga *sigh* couldn't find it...
I ish kinda broke now, blew alot of cash on that drum it rules.....*daydreams/drool*
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
Alright, didn't go to track today cause mom didn't want me to ^^....
My step dad is being a stupid head to me again -_-
I am really sorry about Troy, Ayumi
I really hope, if kyle is still out there alive, i hope to god he is all right.
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Track was pretty cool today....we did a relay and I beat this 8th grader. For warm ups, we did box jumps (keeping your feet together). The first one came up to my ankles, the second to my knees, and the third one came to my thighs. I had no trouble with one and two...but about on my 5th jump on the third box, i scraped up my knee a little on the edge of it. -_- it still stings. My buddy Olivia said I was gone when we did our relays....i didn't feel like i was going that fast o__o
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Okay...sorry I be postin so late my homies.
Well, track practice was so fun today, except when we had to sprint around the track all the way...i felt like I was bout' to barf...guess i got a fast start...but coach dunbar encouraged me to that's what i did! ^^
I am almost....ALMOST done with my is looking good so far ^^
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Monday, February 21, 2005
Okay....first off....
My mom came home late last night and i was worried sick about her.
My step dad doesn't give a fuck about me...only about my baby sister and my step brother.
I ain't in a good mood cause Ayumi isn't...she lost one of her favorite aunts so i am feeling so sorry for her.
I'll stop there....i don't feel like talking...
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Sunday, February 20, 2005
Boring weekend....-_-
Wow....i had a really really boring weekend.
I hope i go to the friends there probably think i am dead or something for not coming in like 4 weeks. -_-'
Gackt, your an angel ^^ *Hugs*
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Friday, February 18, 2005
Just reading some cool spiral ficcies now : )
My bro is comeing over later, can't wait ^^
I had to wear my splint today cause my damn wrist hurts real bad. Think i pulled tendence over at the batting cage, either that or it was when my bro was chasing me and i fell on my wrist. That hurt : (
Well, nothing much happened today...
Found out Kevin like a girl name Vanessa :( Thas my friend. I don't like him anymore like that....i guess it is better if we were friends.
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Yay! I got da L'Arc~en~Ciel CD!! Yah! It rules ^^!
Nothin else cool happened today, cept i played DDR at the mall and it was really cool.
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Monday, February 14, 2005
Happy valentine's day everyone ^^
Today i got a candy rose from an 8th grader but he is moving real soon -_-
He said he really likes me in the note on the candy rose, but he didn't leave his name.
How was your valentine's day?
Mine was pretty cool....
Wee, i be makin it yo.
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