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Good Ole' Virginia
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Hiroko Masabe
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Favorite Anime
FMA, Naruto, Initial D, Spiral
i dunno...
Hobbies, basketball, track, vollyball, soccer. that's it you guys
i'm that a talent?
| Torn From Chaos
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Well, I am officially allowed on the internet on weekdays. I have been a gird girl ^^. Ayumi, you're so lucky you got the FMA game...>.>
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Monday, January 31, 2005 is 1:13 am and i am playin a good ole' game of america's army. Yeah, that game is so fun ^^
Nothin much goin on here, just chillen like a villian
I get to go home today, w00t ^^ i miss my mom and step dad!
My hamster died -,_-
What else....
I should be getting to bed cause i gotta wake up early ^^ my step mom said she might take me to the track near the gym and run around with me
Well....i ain't tired at all 0__0
I adopted a cute lil' death fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
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Sunday, January 30, 2005

My dad said "Put this in your otaku again ^^" So i did...he was cracking up when we took that piccy!
Gackt-kun...I am so sorry that happened, you know...about Kyoko. I hope she changes her mind and believes you again....that is so mean of Hideki, and i fully understand that you didn't wanna fight him. Because you were aware of the consequences.
My arm feels like it is about to fall off....the one i broke i don't know how many years ago. i guess it is the pins they stuck in there to hold it together....BUT IT HURTS!
Having a party on gaia is fun, i am chillen at my sister's house, we be throwin tight parties yo. Ok, i'll stop.
Okay, i don't have anything else to say...except my grandpa might die....whice really sucks cause my step mom is gonna be sad. But we're all not depressed now, let's keep it that way : )
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Saturday, January 29, 2005
Knowing the answer, we seem to repeat ourselves
My heart beings to thaw, split finely
My reason for sadness is not filling in the crack
I'll scorch your heart with my impure hands
Daringly, I don't look at what's ahead
I'm not daring
We seem to repeat the same mistaken answer
Feeling ill, my heart is gone
My depressed mentality is not filling in the crack
I'll break your dreams with my impure hands
The evening rain, the sound of the cicada, the illusions that are worth nothing
I'm just left behind, drifting
Drawing myself up haphazardly, I might as well pretend to be strong
A summer day, don't disappear afterimage, don't disappear
I'm occupied, searching for the greatest common divisor
Even though there are no divisible things
It was projected in your eyes, I took it in my hand
It's endless
It's fine
Setting off on a trip, buzzing in my ears, the illusions that are worth nothing
I'm just left behind, drifting
5 years pass, my eyes have grown cold, I might as well pretend to be strong
A summer day, don't disappear afterimage, don't disappear
The evening rain, the sound of the cicada, the illusions that are worth nothing
I'm just left behind, drifting
Drawing myself up haphazardly, I might as well pretend to be strong
A summer day, don't disappear afterimage, don't disappear
That is the english lyrics to the song playing on my site now, nice huh? Well, it is kinda early in the morning and i haven't gotten any sleep yet....*yawn* i promise to post later.....i need sleep@!!
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Friday, January 28, 2005
Hey everyone, sup? WELLL....i am just really bored again...and i think you should all get a gaia cuz it ish really fun ^^, well i might post when something happens....i am just chillen at my dads house right now, thats all. Later yall.

this thing rules ^^
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
NOOOO! I mimssed fma again!!! I woke up during the stupid ending!!! GahHHH! And i am very hyper today ^^'. Lemmme calm down.
5 minutes later
Okay i think that worked...anyways.
Just really busy today, probably won't be able to get to your sites....sorry. I'll try to though
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
I can't believe this....last night my mom left and it was all my fault. I made her leave, I couldn't do anything to stop her. She came back like at 1:00 this morning, tired as hell....but she was still mad at me. Now i feel so stupid....a normal kid wouldn't fight with their parents this much, or would they. I guess there IS something wrong with me...
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Hey everyone, we got the day off from school, due to snow....but it was still really boring...XD.
elmo killed himself! XD Well, here is another new look....and i am not changing it for a while i promise ^^. It's initial d, featuring Takumi and his car, the trueno eight six! w00t! okay, later yall!
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Monday, January 17, 2005
Hey everyone, what's up? Can you tell me if you saw FMA what it was about? I feel asleep again -,_-. Oh, do you like my new look?
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
'Ello everyone...just woke up and's what? 3:00? But that's almost every sunday morning for me...I wake up real late ^^. I am bored now...and I want to go home and listen to mom yell at my sister...FINALLY!! She always yells at me, but this time it is my sister! : ) And i figured something dad is a big fan of spider man ever since i brought my ps2 and spiderman 2 to his house, haha. My dad is so silly! Well, I must get going to your sites now.
Listen to day my brother was over...and he farted, so i run up and grab the lysol and it was the "ALL NEW" kind and i accidently spray it on my face. I thought it was facing him! I scream and run to the shower and practically drown myself to get that stuff off me. Then i thought, well that was pretty dumb, Ryoko! But it did smell good...
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