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Nick Kaun
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the day that cartoons were existant.
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Dragon Ball Z.. uber cartoon violence.
To win at Putt-Putt.. I suck at putt-putt..
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I can juggle 2 balls while standing on a beach ball and telling a joke. I dont care what you can do, that's talent right there..
| Torn Prophecy
Thursday, July 29, 2004
The Mystery of Death in America
You know, I've been thinking, and I am a youth in this nation, by the way.. why does America have the worst amount of killings in the world? Most countries, namely Austrailia, Germany, the Netherlands, have less than 30 or 40 a year. Not a month, a YEAR. Canada's average town has 1 murder every 3 years. Three whole years. Yet, in America, the average death toll is 11,000 and some odd change. Why?
Some blame the movies. As if the sight of Lara Croft riddling zombies and such full of holes would induce a spree of hundreds of people into a mass murdering spree over the length of a year, killing over 11 thousand. I dont think so. Sure, maybe 5 deaths would be because of Lara Croft look-alikes. But what about the other 10,995 people?
Others blame the music, such as Marilyn Manson, AC DC, and Metallica. But can music really be so influencing? Can one pale-skinned hard rock artist really cause the minds of minors and other listeners into the brink of homicide? Can it really? I doubt it.
The media is another common blame, and the one which I personally feel is most believable. If you were to go to Canada and go to a random home, say the first one you see. 99.9% chance would be that door is unlocked. Why? I feel the answer lies in the evening news they all watch. If you were to flip on the evening news in a Canadian town, you would find a program of happiness and sucess. Never, unless it was big, would you find a death or homicide in a Canadian newscast. They happen, believe me. But if you dont hear about them constantly, then they dont exist, creating the sense of safety Canadians proudly uphold.
Another point to the media is such: The newsman's code goes usually as follows. If it bleeds, it leads. We as Americans are so absorbed in the morbid tales of death and betrayal we love anything with such. Jerry Springer, boom, instant smash hit. Why? Betrayal, angst, anger..
If it bleeds, it leads. If it leads, it influences. If it influences, it kills. Torn Prophecies, Signing Off, Until next time.
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