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Lahti da big city!xD Yup,I'm from Finland.^^
Member Since
Real Name
You can call me Nessa.^.^
Getting my first song done.^^
Anime Fan Since
I think I became a fan ever since Pokémon was shown on TV here.
Favorite Anime
Inu-Yasha,Gravitation,D.N.Angel,Ranma ˝,Tokyo Mew Mew,Magic Knight Rayearth,Dragon Ball Z,Spirited Away,My Neigbor Totoro and Howl's Moving Castle.
To become a singer or manga-artist...I dunno yet...^^
Music(singing and doing songs),daydreaming,drawing,sleeping.OH!I have one actual hobby too;Tae-Kwon Do.^^
Singin voice,daydreaming,playing RPgames and in some point my drawing skills...
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Akemashite omedetô and THANK YOU!^__^
Current mood: *Tired*
Happy new years eve to everyone!What are you guys planning to do?And now before I forget;THANK YOU CUTE KILALA FOR THE CODE FOR THIS BOX-THING!!!*Hugs!*^^ Oh yeah.I changed my theme today.Tokyo Mew Mew had two votes,InuYasha too and Cloud and Aeris theme got 1 vote.I decided to change the theme to Tokyo Mew Mew because I had InuYasha Christmas-theme...So don't hate me for this!^^
But anyways.I'm gonna tell you about yeaterday.Or actually,yesterday evening.^^ Me,my second best friend and her crush went to a movie.Yeah,we actually got her crush to come with us!:D So,we went to see King Kong.It was a cool movie,but the ending was stupid and I hated the big bugs that were on the movie...I can almost feel them crawling on me.*Shivers*@__@ Oh well.When I asked my friend that did she like the movie,she said it was awsome and she was so hyper because she got to sit next to her crush.Or actually,I decided that she and him will sit next to each other.*^^*
Whew.So today me and my family are going to spend the new years eve with my littlebrother's best friends family.My brother's friends parents are really close friends to my parents,so I guess that's why we go there.^^ But I think i just get bored really quick.There's no actual friend for me to spend time with there.The have two son's and one daughter.So other one of the boys is my brother's friend.The older brother is two years older than me,but he'll propably spend time with his friends.And I really don't mind that because we don't talk really much.The daughter is over 5 years younger than me,so she usually wants to do stuff I don't wanna do,like to play with dolls and stuff.I usually draw her pictures or watch some movies or cartoons with her.^^
Whew.This post is a long one,so maybe I'll just stop here today...^^' And one more thing.I'm gonna put up a picture of the day from this day on.I know many people have the same thing too,but I usually want to put a pictuer after my post,so that's why I'm starting to do this.^^
*Pic of the day*
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