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Lahti da big city!xD Yup,I'm from Finland.^^
Member Since
Real Name
You can call me Nessa.^.^
Getting my first song done.^^
Anime Fan Since
I think I became a fan ever since Pokémon was shown on TV here.
Favorite Anime
Inu-Yasha,Gravitation,D.N.Angel,Ranma ˝,Tokyo Mew Mew,Magic Knight Rayearth,Dragon Ball Z,Spirited Away,My Neigbor Totoro and Howl's Moving Castle.
To become a singer or manga-artist...I dunno yet...^^
Music(singing and doing songs),daydreaming,drawing,sleeping.OH!I have one actual hobby too;Tae-Kwon Do.^^
Singin voice,daydreaming,playing RPgames and in some point my drawing skills...
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 05/18/06:
Whee!I got my own Zodiac!^.^
[R][E][D][O][N][E] What is Your TRUE Astrology Sign? (for guys and girls with incredibly detailed answers and incredible picture
 You are an Aquarius. You are rebelious, truth-telling, brillient, intuitive, analytical,determined, fun, original, idealistic, creative, curious, friendly, unprejudiced, and independent. You see life very simply and usually you are someone who fights for the rights of others. Of all the animals you are most like a crane. Crans have an ancient history, that comes from the knoledge of the past. They soar serene and independent and they can be a little bit secretive about where they put there things, he he!
-your lucky colors are cold electric neon blue and yellow-orange, the colors of electricity!!
-your metal is uranium
- your precious stone is amethyst
-your day of the week is wednesday
-your element is air
-the parts of the body that you rule are the circulation, shins, and ankles
-the planet that you are ruled by is uranus(me:dont laugh*laughing*)
-your true love comes from gamini, libra, sagittarius, aquzrius and every now and then aries Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/23/05:
There are some mis-spellings and those 3's there are supposed to look like <3...-__-
| You Are? by Osaku | |
| This is about you and me..err I mean you... | | | Name | Nina | | | Nickname(s) | Ninnu,Ninni,Ninnuli,Totoro,Kikyoh and Nessa.^^ | | | Age | 14(Soon 15!) | | | Hair Color | Dark Brown | | | Natural Hair Color (if different) | Just brown.^^ | | | Eye Color | Greenish Brown | | | Height | Hmm...About 167 cm? | | | Righty/Lefty | Righty.^^ | | | Innie/Outtie | Innie. | | | Birthplace | Lahti,Finland | | | Sign | Aquarius,in chinese I'm horse.^^ | | | Glasses/Contacts/"I Can See" | I can see.^^ | | | Birthmarks | Three little spots on my left knee. | | | Song that Describes Your life | I think at the moment it's "Bleak-Play". | | | Relationships (aww)... | | | Are You In Love | Yup...*^^* | | | Who Are Your Best Friends | Nelli and Sanna-Maria.My best friends 4ever!!! | | | Do you Intend/Want to Get Married | I haven't thought about it yet...-__- | | | If So, Where | If I were to marry,then in Japan or somewhere like Caribbean.^^ | | | Do You Want a Family (kids!!!) | Haven't thought about that euther...@__@ | | | If So, How Many | Well...Maybe one or two. | | | If So, Boy/Girl/Doesn't Matter | Doesn't really matter. | | | Aspirations (You go-getter you)... | | | What You Wanted to Be When You Were a Kid | I think I wanted to be a vet... | | | What Do You Want to Be Now | Singer or something else that has connections to music. | | | Where Do You Want to Live | In Japan!!!3 | | | Where Do You Want to Visit | Japan!!!3 | | | Where Have You Been That You'd Rather Be Right Now | Let's see...Some beach maybe...? | | | What Would You Change About Yourself, Given the Opportunity | My shyness...*^^* | | | Favorites... | | | Place (Near or Far, it doesn't matter) | Japan!!!3 | | | Vacation Spot | Japan!!!3 or some place south.^^ | | | Shopping Location | Tokyo or Paris. | | | Music Genre | (Hard) Rock and Heavy. | | | Band | Uniklubi,Negative,Nightwish,H.I.M.,Disturbed... | | | Color | Black,Red and Purple. | | | Flower | Rose...3 | | | Smell | Rose propably...Or popcorn!xD | | | Shampoo | Head and Shoulders. | | | Ice Cream | Chocolate-chip ice-cream!3 | | | Website |,'s a Finnish site!!!), | | | Car | Jaguar or Porche.;D | | | Movie | Spirited Away.3 | | | Actor | Johnny Depp | | | Actress | Keira Knightley | | | Holiday | Propably summer holiday.^^ | | | Soda | Pepsi or Fanta. | | | Book | Artemis Fowl or something other Fantasy. | | | Game (Board/Computer/Word/Drinking..It's all good) | Final Fantasy(3),Fable,Adventure Quest... | | | Either/Or... | | | Responsibility/Simplicity/Both(?) | I think both. | | | Pop/Rock/Rap | Rock!3 | | | Work/Play | Play...*^^* | | | Car/Train/Plane | Car. | | | Cat/Dog | Cat. | | | Coke/Pepsi | Pepsi!!!3 | | | Color/B&W (photos) | I think black and white. | | | Tomato/Chicken Noodle | Chicken Noodle! | | | Noon/Midnight | Midnight. | | | Hot/Cold | Cold. | | | Dawn/Dusk | Dawn. | | | Books/Movies | Both. | | | Did You or Do You... | | | Have and Siblings | Yup,one brother.^^ | | | Cry Easily | Depends... | | | Think You are Smart | Well...Not really.^^ | | | Act Your Age | Nope,not at all...x) | | | Have Any Tattoos | No,but I want one when I'm older.^^ | | | Have Any Piercings | Two piercings on both ears. | | | Have Any Pets | Had a cat... | | | Get Jealous | Sometimes. | | | Ever Like Boy Bands | Rock boy bands.^^ | | | Believe in God/Allah/Jesus/etc. | Not really... | | | Take Criticism Well | Depends... | | | Have You Ever... | | | Gotten Drunk Before | Not totally drunk,but little tipsy...*^^* | | | Smoked (cigarettes) | Yup... | | | Done Drugs (Any) | No way!!!And never won't! | | | Kissed a Member of the Opposite Sex | On the cheeck. | | | Kissed a Member of the Same Sex | On the cheeck(A friendly kiss). | | | Been on an Airplane | Nope. | | | Been on First Class on an Airplane | Nope. | | | Skinny Dipped | Dunno what that means...-__- | | | Had Sex | Nope. | | | Take this Survgen survey! | | | |
Result Posted on 12/21/05:
Muahahaa!!!I got Miroku!xD
Result Posted on 12/21/05:
Well...Actually I have two best friends,but they truly mean the world to me.^__^ Santtu,Nepa and me=Friends 4ever!
Result Posted on 12/14/05:
Hah!I knew I'm most like Ichigo!^^
Result Posted on 10/04/05:
Well,I guess this is pretty much me.^^
Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. You are both intelligent and clever. Your personality tends to change often. Attractive. Sexy. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest
and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but chooses not to show it. Which is best because no one is sure how far your anger could stretch to. You dislike unnecessary things and everything has to have a serious purpose otherwise it is useless. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions, and will learn in great time and"cursor:url(;"> src="">
what does your birthday month say about you?(for girls!) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 08/04/05:
I got Leo,but I'm trully Aquarius...^^
 You are a Leo, the star of the Zodiac. Your fun, confident, enthusiastic, warm, powerfull, generous, creative, loyal, charismatic, sensitive, and a natural born leader! Of all the animals in the world you are most like a lion! You are noble, royal, and as brave as alion and every once and a while you "roar" to show everyone your strength and pride!
-Your lucky colors are orange and gold, the colors of the sun
-your metal, is gold, but not any gold PURE gold!!
-your precious stone is a bloodred ruby
-you day of the week is sunday, get it SUNday
-the planet you are ruled by is the sun, which is not really a planet but a star, just like you
-your element is fire
-the parts of the body that you rule are you back, spine and HEART
-your true love ,matchs are a your own leo, an aries, sagitterius, libra, or a gemini
What is Your TRUE Astrology Sign? (for guys and girls with incredibly detailed answers and incredible pictures+READ MEMO PLEASE) brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 08/03/05:
 You are Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII! Dark and mysterious, you join the resistance against Shinra for reasons of your own. At first glance you are a gunner with a frail physique, but in actually you're very strong as you can morph into a powerful, dangerous beast.
A comprehensive quiz: Which Final Fantasy guy would you be? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 08/03/05:
 You are Aeris from Final Fantasy VII! A beautiful, mysterious young woman, you meet the heroes while selling flowers on the streets in the slums. You join up to help the group fighting against the evil corporation, Shinra, which threatens to destroy the planet. You are kind, caring, and have a crush on the hero, Cloud, whom you enjoy flirting with. You have strong magic abilities and have a pure, selfless disposition. You are the last surviving Ancient, a race of magic-users, in the world. You fight with a rod and use powerful holy and healing magic.
A comprehensive quiz: What Final Fantasy female would you be? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 08/03/05:
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