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I dont know...Ill have to check a map.....does anyone have a map?
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ask me and I'll tell you
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..a looooong time
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Way too many to list...
To go to Kyoto,Japan....and TOKYO!!!
training and drawing
singing,drawing,training,fighting,......y'know the usual
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 01/25/07:
Result Posted on 01/25/07:
Result Posted on 11/05/06:
Result Posted on 08/07/06:
??? meh? whos Kirika??
Result Posted on 08/07/06:
YEAH!! I am with Shikamaru!!!! YEAH!! forget everyone
Result Posted on 08/07/06:
....nope im not populer Ill tell yah that...I only like to hang out with 2 or 3 people....hee
Result Posted on 08/07/06:
hee hee hee
Result Posted on 07/26/06:
What kind of Unicorn are you? (With beautiful pictures)
 Your a dark Unicorn and you know it. Dark unicorns are outcasts, and are filled with greif and sadness, though few see it. Dark Unicorns horns aare blood red, but humans cannot see it, so they are often mistaken for a black horse. Dark Unicorns love to see others suffer and destroy things because of their anger. They are loners, and like it that way, and like to steal, kill, and other terrible things to show their ravage. Dark Unicorns are blood-thirst, very powerful creatures and should not be tempered with. But, they are known to show pity and mercy for children.... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/26/06:
 You are an assassin. That means you are a proffessional and do your job without mixing any emotions in it. In your life you have probably been hurt many times and have gotten some mental scars. This results in you being distant from people. Though many think that you are evil, you are not. What you really are is a person, trying to forget your pain and past. You are the person who never seems to care and that is why being an assassin fits you good. Atleast, that's what people think. Even if you don't care that much for your victims, you still have the ability to care and to generally feel. It is not lost, just a little forgotten. In crowds you tend to not get to noticed, and dress in black or other discrete colours. You don't being in the spotlight and wish people would just leave you alone. But once you do get close to someone you have a hard time letting go and get real down if you loose him/her.
Main weapon: Sniper Quote:"The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy" -Jim Rohn Facial expression: Narrowed eyes Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/26/06:
What anime brat are you?
 ~KOUJI~. You are Kouji from digimon season 4. Kouji's is a tipicle kid with regular problems. His parents are split up and his brother went with his mom and he went with his dad, but he didn't even know he had an brother and though his mom was dead, Wow. Anyway he's one of the digi tamers and has a determind, loner personality. Take this quiz!
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