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myOtaku.com: Towa no Shirube

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Toona's Music Codes

I went to see the Phamton of the Opera!!!It rocked!!

YES!!! Today was the last day of school this week!!! Tomorrow i'll be at the school at 5:30am then at 6:00 it's off to Washignton D.C.!!! This is gonna be so cool!!!
I've got really nothing much to say except that a dude asked me if I was on something in the lunch line +_+......it was actualy really funny. In Choir we have to do these dances for our songs, one of them WMCA wich explains to you why I was -and still am- really ubsessed with the dance.(see previous posts if confused) I have to choose 2 more so i'm doing "We Built this city" and "Wake me up before you Go,(Go)". Choir is cool but I find this kinda stupid.....i can sing and yell down the hallway but when i'm in a crowd for a concert or report i become a tatall scaredy cat.....WHAT THE HEACK IS UP WITH THAT??!!! The world may never know*sigh*.....

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