Toxic Flounder
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Monday, January 9, 2006
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Monday, November 28, 2005
TF はもどって来るか。
Is this an idiot post?
Depends on what you mean by idiot.
Are you going to stay?
Maybe,maybe not.
Do you plan on updating more?
Chances are somewhat high.
Do you know as we speak you're really talking to yourself
Shut up.
>_> now, I don't know if I'll stay too long but, I sure do like my new layout.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
It's my birthday, only this gay time system is messed up.
Look at what Klonoa made me!
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
[insert posts here]
So I've got another infected ear only this time it's the right one.
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Oh noes!
Steel has gone! now whos going to comment on my idiotic posts?
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
I've got time, lots of time
Yeah so this week I went to lake chelan in WA. we did lots of crap our "condo" had a hot tub which was nice.
We brought a kyak to do shit with I dunno. >>
Moving on, we rent some party boat and I get stuck riding my aunts jetski... which I must admit was fun... for a while. Until we ate lunch and stuff yeah. So my step brother got on the jetski and I stayed on the boat. Nothing to miss really except my folks getting drunk and doing some crazy shit that I really don't want to talk about... >>
I caught a fish sw00t! my Step brother caught 3 >_>; but keepin it real all the same... I guess. anyway we stopped at some beach along the coast I got my fishing stuff out and... had to do it again because the goddamn line broke. aheh. there were some huge horse flys that were freaking flying everywhere... yeah so I came home to my dad's soon to be new house (which already is ours by the way) had to move my dad's crap from one house to another slept on the floor in my loft >_>;. Before that I watched 5 episodes of "Married with children" and I was all:what the hell was that?
Yeah got Xbox live (inner TF: YESSSSSSS) and my dad got me a new controller and halo 2(alt+0153) I played threw the night with my huge tv which is SUPER blurry btw. yeah.
so I went home the next day... but had to go to church.>_>;And it was boring. We went home to a broken water pipe. got it fixed, sewedge problems got them fixed and now it's all good. I had KFC and played lots of maple story got to lvl 15. I woke upthe next day spent the whole day by the comp playing rag... Had Mcdonalds and thai food yeah...
Oh did I mention? I have an ear infection yeah I do pills and ear drops I have to take these red whit e and blue tilenal pills (which are pretty suspicious to me)picture it I wake up the next day "mom, for some reason I want to join the army" ><
Anyways moving on, I woke up today and had to take m'drops n pills. so now I'm here going to my dads to play XBL with my friends. orthadonest appointment ect. yeah I'm getting braces. So right now I'm typing TONS of words and my fingers are getting tired, not to mention I'm getting hungry so by for now.
~Toxic out
(I'm trying it)
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
I'm back
so yeah, I wanted to get larc's smile CD but I got some PC games instead (please don't kill me) I'm alive, Lots happened since last update, well , I went to lake tahoe for a family reuniun (ded I spele tat rit?) It was fun got to know my cousins more, I missed home, which I went to my friends Bday party and he got Dynasty Warriors 5 and we played forever. I Recorded readysteadygo music video and whatched it a lot. I got a pool and now I just screw around in it a lot.I got Bleach vol.4, Chrono Crusade Vol.2, andwhatever, went to my grandma's house saw a movie with my cousin and yeah, Been doing lots of stuff on ZI. been playing maple story, I went to some river and rode my cousin's jetski, yeah that was pretty fun, more later,
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
Randomness up the ass
Dada da dum dada da dum
do do do duu do do do duu
da da da dau da da da da da da
da daaaaaaaaaaa!
>> w/e
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
10 coolest people at the otaku (On meh friends list)
3.Staulker X
6.Male Dragons mate
7. Klonawahoo
8.Metal Inuyasha
9.goddess of night
P.S. I will be removing some friends who I never talk too they are...
DeVoiD BeINg
Julias Peach
Blare Witch
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Monday, May 16, 2005
In case you've been wondering...

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