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Thursday, May 8, 2008

So. I've got the APUSH test tomorrow.
I haven't finished studying, so I'm cramming, AND the fact still hasn't sunk in yet....I have a feeling that I will be feeling very underprepared when it DOES sink in....wish me luck!!
(luck so ping as well! and everyone else who's taking it!!)


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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Well, I guess I'm not gonna post the Hawaii trip up here, after all. It's been too long, and I have too much CRAP to do. The APUSH test is coming up, and I have to re-read the entire textbook. (XP 'nuff said. snapsicles, you can relate! ^^)
So. I agree with HNK. Tuesdays suck. I know it's Wednesday, but I was a little busy eying my cries out T.T
My grandpa died yesterday.
A tree branch fell on his head.

I've never gotten the hang of Tuesdays. The kicker is, he had just called on Sunday...and I didn't talk to him.....and I was just starting to feel optimistic about life again, too.

Sorry for the depressing post.

take a hug, give a hug--

P.S. Remember Max? the German-speaking genius? He got the AATG trip. I'm happy for him!

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

I'm writing this as I'm waiting to get into the bathroom so I can finish getting ready to go to the airport and fly to HAWAII! It still doesn't seem real yet, but I'll tell you guys all about it on here and through the phone when I get back. HNK- enjoy Floridia! snapsicles, try not to do anything TOO drastic....we'll all be back soon enough.

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

   Huh. whaddaya think of that...
Well, I got the response from the AATG people. ahm'a gonna just quote it:
"On behalf of the 2008 AATG contest committee, I want to thank you for your participation in the finalist interviews for the contest. Although you were not nominated for the Germany trip, you have been awarded an hororable mention and were among the top ten students in the contest." ((O.O))
I really hope one of my many German-speaking friends gets it! That would be so AWESOME!
I feel really releived, and now I can go on the 2009 trip with my friends! Happyhappy joyjoy! I would not have known what to do if I had actually gotten the trip....I might have fainted....or something. I don't know. I wouldn't know what to do with myself over there, and it would just be extremely awkward, so I'm almost GLAD I didn't get it. Oh, well.
Summer gym, here I come!! XP
Yay! snapsicles is havin' a PAR-TAY! I wanna come...! ^^

<3, T.

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Sunday, March 9, 2008

I got it!! Ya like the new one??
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I was wondering if there was anyone out there that knows how to change the icon....a how-to would make my day!! ^^

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

   My nerves have been sucessfuly wracked.....
So, if you would look at my previous post, I do believe I said that I needed to sign up for a phone interview. WRONGO!!! It was live and in-person. And it was this morning!!!
So. I wake up early, eat breakfast, go to St. Cloud. Turns out I'm an HOUR EARLY!! And then some random girl in the bathroom started talking at me for no apparent reason....XD
Turns out that my crush (snapsicles, you know who this is) was there, too. I had been hanging out in a random room with my parents, and I went into the hallway where this was taking place ('cuz, ya know, I just gotta be 15 minutes early!) and he comes up behind me (scaring the living CRAP out of me...not literally, but you get the picture) and we find out rooms together. The interviewers were still on break, so we stood in the hallway and chatted about random stuff. Not only do I have to be insanely nervous about the interview, but my crush is talking to me (XD outside of APUSH), making me ten times more jittery. ^^;
After, he even waited for me to come out to ask how I thought I did! I thought it was sweet, but he's just that nice to everyone. (can you see why I like him??? XD he's cute, too)
OVERSTIMULATION! omg, I saw one of my friends from church waiting in the hallway (she goes to Irondale), You-Know-Who was there, AND a girl from my volleyball team (whom I had NO CLUE spoke German)was there, waiting for her turn. It was a little bit of a shock, seeing all of these different people from all different aspects of my life in the same hallway, all trying to talk to me at once...O.O'
I think I did alright, but I'm pretty sure that I didn't totally blow them away. Heck, I was surprised that I could even talk coherently in English, much less German.
Dang, this post is long. I'll tell you guys more about this (yes, there is more, like details about the interview an' stuff) when I see you next!

HNK, sorry I couldn't come with you to pep band yesterday....T.T

<3, Traeume

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

   The Attack of the Puce Knight!!
Well, let's say that Arthurian knights came up with interesting, if not highly original names for themselves. Let's see....we have the Black knight (it's just a flesh wound! XD), the Green Knight, the mighty Red Knight, the Indigo Kniggit, aaaaaaaaannnnnd....the Puce Knight. I nearly burst out laughing when I saw that (in the middle of a SILENT classroom, no less!)

Anyway, on to the true point of my post. A few months ago, I paid five dollars to take a test. (I know.....paying to take a test, it's just wrong) Let me continue! Since I paid the five dollars, this nation-wide German evaluation test would be officially scored.
I got the results back....kind of. See, the incentive to do well on this test was that you could win an all-expenses paid three-week trip to Germany staying with a host family. Cool, I know! I scored in the top 90th percentile....I have a chance of winning the trip!!!
Someone from MV did win last year, so it IS possible. All I gotta do is fill out an application form, and schedule a freaking phone interview, and let it roll from there!! I'm a little bit freaked about this (LIE! I'm REALLY freaked!), even though I know that I stand a very low chance of winning, what with Max being the German-speaking genius that he is. BUT! It's nice to dream!
*end of rant* Thank you for listening!

"When the world gets in my face/I say/Have a nice day!!"

<3, T.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

   NO WAI!! I'm baaaaaaaack....!!
It's been a loooooooong time since my last post....my bad!! I've been kinda busy.
Anywho, I suppose y'all want an update. My life=NOT THAT INTERESTING! T.T I'm incredibly stiff from a vb clinic last night, so that's why I was having trouble....living....today. AND! I still have normal practice later tonight!

XD Random thought....I listened to a song during math class after I had finished my assingnment; 'Shut Up and Smile' by Bowling for Soup. It made me REALLY want ice cream. '/All we need is some ice cream/and a huuuuuug/' So what did I just do? THAT'S RIGHT! I ate ice cream! Go to the head of the class! Still waiting on a hug, tho. XD jk.

I can't help but wonder if Richie will let me play my bassoon in the Pep Fest on Friday like he did at the Homecoming one.....hmmmmm....I'll have to pester him about that tomorrow.

Oh, yeah, for anyone who didn't know, I'm purple again. Back to normalness.

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee....time to do the rest of my *evil* homework! :)
<3, T.

P.S.: Snapsicles - HA!! I posted! Feel better now??? XD

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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

   it's too late...
A wise man once said: "There is never enough time to do all the nothing you want."
I reflect on this quote as this is the last day of summer, and I have a volleyball game. Dangnabbit!
Pupid steople controlling my life....(if you don't know what that means, switch the first few letters around. SPOONERISMS!) Where'd my summer go!!? T.T

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