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myOtaku.com: Traeume

Thursday, February 7, 2008

   The Attack of the Puce Knight!!
Well, let's say that Arthurian knights came up with interesting, if not highly original names for themselves. Let's see....we have the Black knight (it's just a flesh wound! XD), the Green Knight, the mighty Red Knight, the Indigo Kniggit, aaaaaaaaannnnnd....the Puce Knight. I nearly burst out laughing when I saw that (in the middle of a SILENT classroom, no less!)

Anyway, on to the true point of my post. A few months ago, I paid five dollars to take a test. (I know.....paying to take a test, it's just wrong) Let me continue! Since I paid the five dollars, this nation-wide German evaluation test would be officially scored.
I got the results back....kind of. See, the incentive to do well on this test was that you could win an all-expenses paid three-week trip to Germany staying with a host family. Cool, I know! I scored in the top 90th percentile....I have a chance of winning the trip!!!
Someone from MV did win last year, so it IS possible. All I gotta do is fill out an application form, and schedule a freaking phone interview, and let it roll from there!! I'm a little bit freaked about this (LIE! I'm REALLY freaked!), even though I know that I stand a very low chance of winning, what with Max being the German-speaking genius that he is. BUT! It's nice to dream!
*end of rant* Thank you for listening!

"When the world gets in my face/I say/Have a nice day!!"

<3, T.

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