| .:Trey-Chan:.
Hiya everyone!~~~
How's it going? =D
I've got a LOT of things to (somewhat) rant about since my last post, so let's began, shall we? =D
First off, Happy July to Everyone! Hope you all have a fun 4th of July (Better than mine, hopefully.... It's been raining hard since yesterday O_o)
Two weeks ago me and my mom, dad, and brother went to Wal-Mart since my little brother had birthday money to splurge on. Just for before hand information, my hair is in a bob-cut that lands just above my shoulders (kinda like the maroon-haired guy from the Hyoutei team =D *points at picture in box*)
Anyways, me and my bro, who we shall call Squishy, went to the electronics, because OBVIOUSLY the only thing deemed HOLY and AMAZING in this world to Squishy are Die Hard Movies (heh heh heh... Die Harder XD) and Video Games
Video Games are understandable, but I have to draw the line at Wrestling Video Games >.<
Well, there we were, standing in front of the glass display. I was standing in front of one display and Squishy was standing in front of the one right next to me. Then, one of the Wal-Mart employees walks up with a few people behind him and asks "Excuse me sir, I need to get a game out." So I told Squishy "Hey, Squish, move" and he moved. But the Wal-Mart employee didn't He was still standing there. So I walked off quickly after Squishy, and we looked back down the isle and saw him OPENING THE GLASS CASE I WAS STANDING IN FRONT OF?! NOOOOOO~!!!! *floats into the corner of woe*
So, all in all, I was mistaken as a boy in Wal-Mart >.< The Wal-Mart I always to go when my parents need to buy stuff!!! Ack!!! *dies a little inside* So Squishy runs up to my dad, doing the second half of the rotfLMAO! -_- He told dad I was mistaken for a boy and said it made his day >.< My dad said "Don't worry about it, it's because boy's these days have long hair"
...... Well THAT made me feel better -_-#
My hair is short compared to other boy's hair...
Then again, having the body of a 12-13 year old boy doesnt help either....(Mimi can sympatize with me >.<)
So, yeah, after 20 minutes and one snickers later, I got over it, called my best freind, Miko (not to be mistaken for MimiMako =D) and told her the whole story (the Abridged version, not this long-ass thing I typed up =D)
And she busted a gut...... for 30 minutes >.<
Oh well, at least I made some peoples day =.=
The end of story! =D
But not the end of this post XD
Sorry guys!~ @_@
A week of nothingness passes by, another week of Tsubasa torture.........
There's no spoilers this week!!!!!! >>>>.<<<<
It took me 3 days and a 45 minute trip to Portland to find a bathing suit, and now it's raining >.<
But I did find these capri pants that look like the Hyoutei school uniform pants =D and that makes me happy
I was gonna buy a skirt thingy, but they didn't have the one I wanted >.<
I like plaid, for some reason.... <.< >.>
And so my dears, I'll (hopefully) be going out of town this Thursday, but with my luck, this weather, and mother Natures death wish against me...... the chances don't look too good O_o
But let's end on a happy note!!!~~~
I have gotten absored into the Bleach musicals *-* and it's all Prince of Tennis' fault XP
Nagayan (Kikumaru, 1st cast), Moriyama (Momoshiro, 1str cast), and Tuti (Oishi, 1st cast) are not only in the Bleach musical, but they play three of my favorite shinigamis *-*
If you can guess who plays who, I'll give you a cookie (Mimi can participate, cause she forgets easily XD)
The guy who plays Ichigo is ADORABLE TO THE nTH POWER!!!! >.< And the girl who plays Rukia.... I LOVE her voice O_O It's so powerful, and just made of awesome!
I heart you all!!! =D
Have a great week, hopefully I'll get off my lazy butt and post early this time!!!
Bye Bye~
~*~Comment Corner~*~
Capricorn-Rocker: Yup yup, it there are ALOT of June babies =D I think I missed some of my cousins birthdays as well.... and my brothers O_o
euses1: Yup yup, it was a hectic month @_@ but it was fun ^_^ (except the whole getting called a boy thing @_@)
Mimi: I know! =DDD I love the chibis and Hyoutei is an awesome school =D Glad we got to work on a little bit of the dance for Ore-Sama no Bigi Ni XD
doctor-mister: aww, is the computer ok now? There was lots of celebration! =D ANd FOOD! You cant forget the food =D Thankies Thankies! Have a good day/week too! Btw, i loved your cat boi picture *-* It was awesome!!!!
kakashi s: Yes, glowsticks are teh awesome! The video game is scary >.< But me and my friend played Fatal Frame witht the lights off O_o luckily no one was home, but I think the neighbors called the cops.....XD
endlesslyshesaid: PALM TREE!!!!! >.< I miss you sooooooo much!!!! I cant go to Carrol TT_TT Not only does it scare me, but I just cant (plus I kinda like King =D) OMG, you do?! I want one! *stares at the pretty and shiny with Palm Tree*
chezawolf: Thanks! ^_^ It took me forever to find a picture that would work >.< *glares at MyO* And the Icon thingy is fun XD
*~*End of Comment Corner*~*
(Haha, Im a nerd XD Oh well, Have a great week! =D)