| .:Trey-Chan:.
But now Im alive! =D
Whoa, but seriously, I haven't been on MyO for months! >.<
Guess that's what happens when Prince of Tennis, Bleach, Tsubasa, and Band Camp distract you XD
Ugh, I feel like crap (then again, it's only 8 am here)
OUr show this year is The Mask of Zorro (Woo!)
What's even better is that we get our new uniforms this year, which, by the way, Kick major ass (Double woo!)
And..... yeah, that's it about band camp, altough I hope it rains HARD today (my legs and feet hurt! @_@)
I think we deserve at least a DAY off after 3 weeks of rehearsal (two of those weeks were from 8 am to 3 pm >.<)
I went to Mimi's a few weeks ago o_o
It was fun, though now I really do question how much of a pervert she is now (though I doubt what I found out would really suprise me)
Uh, so, Yeah..... The medical dictionay doesn't have the word 'sex' in it..... the only word we found was 'Sexual Preference', which made me laugh like crazy (just cause the word 'fetish' was in that definition XD)
Why were we looking for the word sex in the med dictionary? DO NOT READ NEXT PART IF YOU HAVE NOT YET LEARNED ABOUT THE BIRDS AND THE BEE'S CHILDREN =D Then again, I wouldn't know either, neh? Just scroll to the next set of dots if you don't wanna read =3
Well, you see, it all started when I woke up at 5 in the morning cause my whole body was all cramped up from laying on the hard-wood floor...
Anyways, I was bored and really didn't want to go back to sleep (the pain......) so I did what ANY person would do when they're bored and their best friend is sleeping about 2 - 3 feet away from you
I chucked my pillow at Mimi's head
She started to wake up, but didn't, so I did what any considerate friend would do while their friend was asleep
I chucked the pillow at her head again
This time Mimi woke up and yada yada yada, we had an irrelevant conversation about the pillow, blah blah blah
Then we get to a post she found on Gaia, and low-and-behold, she asks ME of all people (yay, convo style):
'Does sex hurt?'
'O_o-O-O-o_O-O_-O_o_o-o_O_o-O WHAT. THE. HELL?! Why are you asking me that?!'
'>///< I'm sorry, it's just that I found this thread thing on Gaia and someone says it really hurts so.... yeah'
'=_=v and you're asking me why......?'
'^///^ I dunno, dude'
' Urm, well....'
Then I started to explain how it would hurt not in a bad way, but in a good way, I guess...
(NOTE! Everything I explained to Mimi is NOT based of personal experience, it's based off dirty fanfics and doujinshi scans I 'accidently' came across ^^; Oh how fandom saves you from the real world XD)
So, yeah, that lead to us looking up the word in the Med Dictionary, Mimi hoping that it would tell you if intercourse hurts or not >.<
XD What the hell Mimi! XD XD XD XD
Haha, but it's A-okay! You can get away with it cause you're that cool! XD
So, nothings been happening much, except for band =S
I love my PoT X3 It makes me wanna learn how to play tennis XD
Even though most of the moves in Prince of T look like they were taken and recreated from the DBZ franchise XD
Hehe, snake...... XD
So, yeah, I'm done for right now
I'll (hopefully) update another post soon
TTFN!~ =3