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myOtaku.com: Trieze

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Milliardo (04/30/04)

I stumbled accross your page by your great art work! yay! your so good.
don't worry, i voted 'yes' coss anyone voteing 'no' is an idiot *no offence to you who did...*
ha ha...
can you visit my page too please?!. but at the moment i'm trying to fix my back ground, so if there is non, then i have'nt fixed it yet.

Chang Wufei (03/18/04)

Hiya, your fanart is really awesome! I really liked the one of Trieze, it was awesome! Your site is really cool to.

Blaze (03/18/04)

Your art that is ^_^. I think it's awesome, specially the pic of Sir Kushrinada. That ones just kinda like wow.

Samejima Mamimi (03/18/04)

Hiya! I like your fanart...lol..its really good.. anywayz come by my site and sign my GB and would you like to be on my friends list?

SweetNSour (03/03/04)

Just stoped by to look at your page and say Hi, visit my page.

Sachiko (02/29/04)

Hello! Really nice gundom pics (i can never draw them) but keep up the good work ^^

Nikorasu (02/25/04)

Hi. Nice site. Your art is good, especially your Gundam and Tallgeese.

Shinimegami (02/15/04)

Really cool art, Mr. Treize ;) Thanks for your comments. I'll be adding you as a friend now. Latez!

Sw33tSamurai90 (02/09/04)

hmm..well i don't really know u, but imogi jira introduced me to u i guess...but hey anywayz! i like the colors...but it could use some improving. well i gtg do something important...so ttyl i guess..bye! and also i'll add u as a friend, can u come visit my page soon?..thanx...bye. ps the pink is only till v-day is over..hehe

QkslvrLnknPrk808 (01/15/04)

neat site. later can u stop by my site and sign my g-book. could u also suggest how i could improve my site.

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