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College Student
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Getting good grades, Being President of my high schools Anime Club, Going to a calstate, Having wonderful family and friends!
Anime Fan Since
1998, since 9 years old
Favorite Anime
.Hack//Sign, Abenobashi Magical Shopping Arcade, Bleach, Chobits, Cowboy Bebop, DearS, Deatn Note, Doujin Work, FLCL, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, Gintama, Great Teacher Onizuka, Hamtaro, Hellsing, Inuyasha, Jing King of Bandits, Kaze No Yojimbo, L
To be what ever I want to be in life and be happy with my profesion. To enjoy every moment with my family and friends! Be succesful in colege, and Collect all of my mangas and shows!
Watching Tv., anime, & movies, Reading manga & anime magazines, Drawing,and talking with family & friends.
Procastinating, Big imagination, drawing, putting together and fixing things, crafts,and other stuff I can't remember.
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 02/24/08:
Wow, the down-sided parts follow me to a T; well except for the overly-matured part :). I'm a dork at heart. Still intresting result.
What kind of artist are you? (UNI-SEX)
 You are the 'poetry and writing' artist!Your interested in the power of words and literature. People who are like this are very deep, and look at the world from a different point of view.Usually they can make a short verse or paragraph up easily about their surroundings or atmosphere.Writers are passionate and optomistic, usually.People admire your ability to look at the world through different eyes, and see the beauty in crime. The upside: Your patient, calm, passionate, understanding, trustworthy and voiced. The downside: Your shy, stubborn, avoidable and over-matured. Career Prospects: Writer, Poet, Play-write, librarian, teacher or lawyer. Not you? Click see all results to see which one is youTake this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/24/08:
I went searching for quiz like this, after my friends were curious to whether it existed. I'm surprised that I am an Seme O_o. I didn't know I was tha
Seme or Uke, Top or Bottom?<3
 Your a sweet seme!<3You love your uke and actually care for his/her feelings. Sure your a bit rough but what seme isn't? Your the kind of seme that will bring flowers to your uke on Valentines day or make breakfast for the them in the morning.Your uke will most likely never cheat on you. You are most compatable with competitive uke. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/21/08:
Sweet! Yay Vash! 41% huh...
Result Posted on 02/18/08:
50%, darn, talk about comformist. Cute, but very predictable quiz, plus the art is a little off...
Result Posted on 02/18/08:
Yay Ed ^w~!! I love ed, I love Cowboy Bebop!! Great plot, characters & music! This quiz was unexpectant. It was fun.FunFact:OneOfMyNicknamesInHSwasEd
Result Posted on 02/04/08:
HUh? Odd quiz. Thje deciding factor question was the reaction of a kid giving you a flower.
What Kind of Smile are You?
 You're unsure whether you really want to smile or not.You just curl your lips up at the corners a bit and let that get you through your day.You don't have all the answers,and you certainly don't feel like going out to look for them.Stop being so indecisive. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/04/08:
What Major Arcana Tarot Card are you? (with anime pics)
Result Posted on 02/04/08:
Why do people admire you?
Result Posted on 02/02/08:
Kinda of predictable, but still. it's an intresting result. I am a very curious person by nature.
Result Posted on 02/02/08:
This is my seocnd time taking this quiz; the first time the result didn't come up. Nice quiz and cute result. I didn't know who I'd get.
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