I can do quite some stuff... Drawings, layouts, icons/avatars, banners, almost any kind of design. You name it, and I'll see what I can do. You go PM me!!
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December 24, 2007 ~ For 12/25
Well, I just finished coloring something. It's the picture Girl In Green. I think it came out horribly. I'll understand if you don't look or don't comment.Well, pretty late... I was hoping to get in bed by 1:30 AM or so, but guess that didn't turn out as I had hoped. I want to wake up early tomorrow!! I don't want to sleep till 1:00 PM anymore! (Yes, that is actually the approximate time I wake up on weekends. So UNFORTUNATE.) I have got to get my lazy butt off that bed! And I should start doing some exercising, too.
Well, about the donations... I don't think a lot of you got the message last night, since I did post it pretty late, although not the next day (technically speaking, right now, yesterday).
So... I thought I'd use the copy and paste technique! Even though I already have the information in my profile (above), I don't think a lot of people see it/pay attention to it. So here! The exact same thing from the post from... two days ago!
Well, now you can make donations to Anime Kichigai. Yay!
To do so, I hope you don't mind E-mailing Anime Kichigai (that includes me. My friend who also takes credit in the site [myOtaku: m3ia] also, but I work on it more—So yes, I am the one who will be receiving your messages.) with your name, E-mail address, site address (optional—if you don't have one, that's fine), any additional comments if you have any, questions, anything, and of course, the graphic(s) you want to donate.
Thanks a bunch!
~[SAEmi] at 2:41 AM
Yay!! Finally, I got a new theme up!
Actually, this is the exact layout I made for Anime Kichigai. Except, I took off that title and 'version 12 Holiday Gift' and replaced it with 'designed by Saeki Midori'.
Phew! I feel so exhausted now! And my hands are so cold, they feel so numb, it's hurts to type! My neck is tired, my body feels stiff, and I'm SOO HUNGRY!!!
Well... Not much else. Didn't really get to do any artwork done. I did more "work" (like designing "work") than play (referring to drawing, etc.).
I'll see what else I can do by today. If nothing... Still have a whole life ahead of me! Heh heh.
Oh yeah! The picture I said I colored earlier, it's not the older one where it was just a sketch kind of thing... I think some of you misunderstood me. Here's the link to what I really meant and posted up earlier today: Girl in Green Colored
~[SAEmi] at 9:18 PM
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