myOtaku.com: TRUE Polaris
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Enemies Never Last
It is 2:54pm, Polaris is tired and his back aches. Lesson of the day: Never sit on a wooden chair for 3 hours straight reading and drinking coffee, it's not good for your back.
Another thing that's probably not good for your health is being on Polaris's bad side. It takes a whole lot to get on the bad side of someone like Polaris, who is kind, trustworthy, optimistic, and cares about his friends individually. Polaris is the kind of person who relies on perfection and balance. Hence one of his ideas is "Your'e either my perfect friend or my perfect enemy within 3 days of meeting me. It is very difficult, though not impossible, to shift from one status to the other"
Polaris's friends last very long; he loves all his friends individually and cares for them, helps them long, has a good laugh with them, discuss problems, the whole package. Polaris's enemies, however, do not last long, in any way. They are either converted to a friend, or... well... if I told you I'd have to kill you XD... hah... joke. Let's just say, it's not nice to be hated by Polaris.
And why would you want to be hated by Polaris? You'll have to work really hard to reach the status of "enemy", and frankly, there's no cause for it. So just stick together, and let's all be happy alright?
Polaris looks up at the TV; some show about leopards... Polaris likes cats, of any kind really. Kittens in particular are a weakness to him, he loves them, and would rip apart anyone who hurts a kitten and feed their entrails to the fish, then kill and cook the fish, then send them on a rocket to the moon, then blow up the moon, then gather se subsequent space dust and burn it, then take the ashes and put it in a box, then put that box in another box, and mail the box to the mole-people, who eat ash for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, again and again and again...
... Polaris laughs; he never went on like that before, quite embarrassing. At any rate, looking at his fat book, Polaris realises he has 4 more Shakespeare poems to analyze.
Quote of the day: "Mistakes are a way to learn, but they are also a way to die."
It's 3:09pm, and Polaris grabs his pencil and gets back to analyzing.
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