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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
My emotions:

~Merry Meet
some major malfunction went on yesterday, for some reason my post from the day before ended up on yesterdays??? i have no idea why. and all the comments from the day before were deleted. im sry ill try to figure it out.
~Merry Part
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Monday, April 18, 2005
My emotions in pictures:

~Merry Meet
I am having major boy troubles. well i just broke up with my one week boyfriend and this other guy asked me out while i was going out with him and i didnt answer now i dont know if i should say yes to the guy who asked me out because it would seem like i dumped my boyfriend to go out with this other guy. but i really like this other guy but then again i feel like i should take a break from guys for like a month so that i can get my head straight again. I told my best friend that that is what im going to do and she just laughed at me and told me it wouldnt last for more than a week, and what is scary is i think she is right. GAH i have no idea what to do. help me?!?!?! please ask anybody i NEED opinions.
~Merry Meet
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
~Merry Meet
lately i have been very happy. i found out one of my friends was not going to die, i am currently dating someone (even though it is not the person i love) and i am not in any fights with my friends. so ya everything is ok at the moment. i just feel that any day now it is just going to come crashing down. but who knows. well ttyl
~Merry Part
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Thursday, March 31, 2005
~Merry Meet
About the whole guy thing from last post, it has gotten a little better today. roxanne (friend) told me she over heard him talking to his friend and he said he thinks he still likes me. i was over joyed and was in a lot better mood. because as you probably kjnow im madly in love with him. well thats all for today. ttyl
~Merry Part
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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
~Merry Meet
my sisters are so wierd, they lit inscence and started dancing around with them stupidly saying aye, aye, aye, i mean if your going to do a chant do it right idiots,lol. n e way a few days ago i wore this completely goth outfit which i thought was SO cute and i got so many comments on it (because i dont always wear things like that) and they said things like "why are you in all black?" or "going goth today huh" or the one i hated the most was "your outfit is disgusting" grrr that one pissed me off. And i have been so happy lately because my best friend has been so happy. she has been actualy hyper. and honestly i love it when she is because seeing her happy makes me happy. i know she has been happy because she got a boyfriend the other day and he is so nice, and sweet, and funny to her. i think she is in love with him. Her being happy is the only thing that raises my spirits lately because my love life has not been as good. the thing is the love of my life has a girlfriend and he is avoiding me. I felt SOO bad when i said hi to him and he ran off to his GF (before he was her BF he was like one of my buddies) but he didnt even notice me TTT_TTT. it made me want to cry. well i will let up on my sob story. ok well joy to all.
Merry Part
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Monday, March 28, 2005
~Merry Meet
im in alot better mood now because i finally found the CD that i needed, and i was playing that game for like hours yesterday ^_^. and im so excited about district track meet, (i know i dont shutup about it but i am)Well
~Merry Part
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
Merry Meet
right now i am so fucking pissed you would not believe. and its over the stupidest reason too, see i was trying to install sims 2 university and i cant find the sims 2 dick 4 so now i cant fucking install it. and right now i am eating candy it doesnt make things any better tho because i know im so gunna fail on district if i keep this "diet" up. (district track meet) and thats another thing thats ticking me off i cant even practise because im in a throwing event, AND WE HAD OUR LAST PRACTICE ON THURSDAY, track has been the only sport i could get into now i it is almost over. WHY IS THAT!!??!!?? ok im rambeling now im gunna shut tf up. ttyl
~Merry Part
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
All day memories
~Merry Meet
today we had a track meet but it sucked because my ONE event was the ONLY event canceled. GRR. well it is like 11 where i am i have to go to sleep soon. *yawn* if you want to read my story just PM me and ill send you the first 2 chapters, and for those of you have read the first ill just send you the second. well goodnight everyone.
~Merry Part
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Monday, March 21, 2005
Results and stuff
~Merry Meet
ok the Polls results from yesterday were
#1=3 votes
#2=0 votes
#3=0 votes
#4=3 votes
#5=0 votes
i will have to do that again sometime. but not now because im to tired. lol. YAY I FINISHED CHAPTER 2 TODAY OF MY STORY >^_^<*cheers* right now i am working on chapter 3, that should be done in 1-2 days. UGH SCHOOL TOMMARROW NOOOOOOOOOOO. i loved and hated my spring break. and right now i am more wishing it was not over T_T. oh well we only have 4 days this week so ill live...maybe. well ttyl
~Mery Part
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Sunday, March 20, 2005
~Merry Meet
I have decided to swarm you with many quizes, because damnit i love quizes. (dont take them to seriously i must warn you, you might become delusional and not who you really are anymore) lol n e way here they are, i am going to list them and you tell me which quiz is the best (1-5)
 You are the warrior anime girl.You are the type that can start a fight and win.You are very strong and can beat anyone up (but just don't ^_~) and some people can be afraid of you but alot of people admire your strength and want to be just like you well the people that want to fight.You can defend yourself very easily and can probably handle some kind of weapon.You have a short temper(like me)and get angry easily but you can be really nice at times ^_^and once a fighter always a fighter.
If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only) brought to you by Quizilla
 The Goddess of Ice and Hope. You are a creative wonder. Always calm and collected, you hold the awe of many people and you are exceptionally logical. You are an inspirational beauty.
Which gorgeous goddess are you? For girls! (breath taking pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a water girl. You are flexable and very nice. You are quiet so people who don't know you thnk you are weird or just mean and high and mighty like. You aren't though. You like to have a good time and you also just like to relax and just enjoy the stars.
Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only brought to you by Quizilla
 ~*~Beautiful Soul~*~
You're the type of person who is loving, giving, sweet, generous, genuine, and optimistic. You see the beauty around you and you admire it for its faults, as well as perfections. Most likely a dreamer, you are highly respected and liked. People like to be around you because you make them happy. You have a wonderful personality and you're beautiful inside and out!
Please Rate or message me! Thank you for taking my quiz! XoXo <3 Lana
You're Beautiful...but why? ( PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the Spirit of Generosity. You have the most caring and loving nature ever known, you would give away your own clothes if you felt someone deserved it. Your open manner invites friends to you and they are the luckiest of people to have you as a friend. The same thing will find you a friendly person to share your gifts with.
Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
ok well tell me which one you think is best ok. well ttyl
~Merry Part
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