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Beating Challenge of the Gods #10 on God of War
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I met this dude at my bus stop in 7th grade
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
11.05 AM
Top o' the mornin' to ya folks. No work for me again because luckily, I'm still sick. The doctor prescribed me some eyedrops, and they're working pretty well. I didn't wake up with quite as much green junk in my eyes this morning as I have for the past few days, and sleep came very easily. These damn drops must be working. I guess it's back to my 9 to 5 tomorrow. -__-
To tell you the truth, I had pretty much given up on this place, buuuuuuut I can't do that just yet. And I'm not sure about you, but I'm sick of this GD theme. I love Lennon, but damn! Six months! *laughs* Jesus, I just now realise how long it's been up! Eh, but I'm too lazy to try and do another. Plus, I don't have photoshop anymore.
My best friend came down from South Carolina for a little over a week on the 11th, and totally surprised me. He surprised me alright, but the dumbass (and I say this in the nicest way possible ^^) chose the same week that I leave to go to Florida. So we spent like, 3 1/2 days together XD. Pretty crappy considering we only see each other like, once a year nowadays.
Oh yeah, my vacation. Well, my folks and I spent 5 days in Orlando. Luckily, right after that tropical storm passed. We spent a day in Universal, Islands of Adventure, Disney's Waterpark: Typhoon Lagoon, and Magic Kingdom. They're all pretty kickass, but I'm sure I would've had a much better time if I went with friends. My family's kind of.... speshall XD. Family vacations are overrated XD
Anyways, I left y'all with some good music. It's my best friend's dad's band. Whew, that's a mouthfull. I've never met him before (long story), but he's a badass blues/jazz/funk/fusion player, and this band plays some of the best music I've ever heard. This is just a small sample, a Santana cover. Let me know what you think.
{What I'm listening to}
Title: Europa
Artist: The Bobby Gaines Funktion
Album: N/A
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
10.00 AM
Holy shit, a post!
I just got back from vacation. We went to Orlando, Florida for a few days. It was pretty fun.
I have a horrible case of bacterial conjectivitus in both eyes (pink eye). I'm heading to the doctor now.
This song. Is awesome, not to mention it sounds badass in my car with the bass up, kinda odd for an acoustic-slide song. It's from one of my new favorite albums. Check it out, I fucking love it.
Updates later.
{What I'm listening to}
Title: Chevrolet
Artist: The Derek Trucks Band
Album: Songlines
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
12.14 AM
Today... was my last day of High School. Ever. I've come to accept that it's time to move on, and I'm not at all depressed anymore, I'm actually excited to see what's in store. (Sure, I say that now, but as soon as I wake up with nowhere to go, I'm sure I'll feel it).
In other news, I've got mono. It's not fun. Some days I feel perfectly fine, the next, utter shit. Good thing I caught it now at the end of the year.
The music? My favorite track from the new RHCP album. I've got mixed feelings about this album. After listnening to this album a few times, I'm happy to say that John Frusciante finally learned how to play the fucking guitar after all these years. I was amazed when I heard the distortion and feedback in Dani California, but when I heard a wah pedal and a few other effect pedal, I was very, very surprised.
Anyways, half the album is extremely craptastic, meanwhile, the other half is really good. I would list the tracks, but I'm too tired to care at the moment. I've already learned this song (Hey) and Dani California, they're extremely fun, not to mention extremely easy >__>
I'm going to bed, see y'all around.
{What I'm listening to}
Title: Hey
Artist: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Album: Stadium Arcadium
Friday, May 12, 2006
12.42 AM
Happy berfday to me!
Mucho love,
{What I'm listening to}
Title: Birthday
Artist: The Beatles
Album: White Album
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Constant Compromise, Endless Sacrifice
12.25 AM
- Finishing up some Physics homework here. Alright, done! (Sorry Ari, I stayed up a "bit" later than I said I would XD)
- Good news, my bladder infection's just about gone. No longer do I feel like I'm pissing razor blades, oh joy! :D
- Just got some shit off my mind, and it feels great.
- Dude, my berfday is tomorrow. Awesome.
- Today's music: my favorite track from the Dream Theater album Train of Thought. It's a great album, rather heavy, but great.
- I got the new RHCP album and I've been listening to it here and there the last few days. The first single from the album is fucking addicting, and it's a great song, Dani California. Frusciante does a cool Hendrix-like feedback solo at the end (Which is odd becuase his solos are always incredibly short and simple, yet sweet). As far as the rest of the album, I'm not that impressed :( Buuut I'll give it a few more goes before I make up my mind, it might grow on me. I'll try to have a review of it with my next post (sounds like something I should start doing on a regular basis XP), and some music from the album.
Take it easy everyone.
Mucho love,
{What I'm listening to}
Title: Endless Sacrifice
Artist: Dream Theater
Album: Train of Thought
Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Sweet Melissa
10.19 AM
I just finished taking the End of Course test for my Economics class, easy peasy. So, I just came on home and didn't bother with the rest of my classes. I have to take my dad to the hospital 'round 12 today (I'm the designated driver); I was bound to leave early anyways, might as well do it right after the test. Bleh, I don't feel like hanging around the hospital waiting to leave. I hate that place. Oh well, at least I've got my iPod. I can watch some good 'ol Family Guy or one of the movies I ripped.
Today's music: The Allman Brother Band. This song comes from one of my favorite CDs. It's very easy and fun to play on an acoustic guitar ('cept for the whole lap-steel guitar part).
Speaking of music, the new Red Hot Chili Pepper's album came out today: Stadium Arcadium. I've got it, but I haven't listened to any of it yet. I've only heard the single, and I wasn't impressed at all. I might check it out when I'm in the waiting room today.
Later folks, have a good'un.
{What I'm listening to}
Title: Melissa
Artist: The Allman Brothers Band
Album: Eat A Peach
Saturday, May 6, 2006
Johnny B. Goode
01.50 AM
Not much going on here. Just got in from hangin' out with some peeps.
Well.. This is my last month of high school. Fucking depressing. And six days 'till I'm eighteen. Shit.
Y'all are getting my something, right? ;)
Yeah... both of those are very depressing for me. I don't want to grow up. Shit. Oh well, At least I get some birthday and graduation money to blow on some useless shit.
Today's music: Johnny B. Goode, a Chuck Berry cover.
Oh, did I mention that I have a bad bladder infection? Yeah, it sucks. I'm pissin' razor blades here folks. Not fun at all. And I've got a bit of a fever and a lack of energy. So I stayed home from school and work today to catch up on some rest, and I feel somewhat better.
Anyways, it's late, and I should be in bed. 3 comments, I bet.
{What I'm listening to}
Title: Johnny B. Goode
Artist: Johnny Winter
Album: Second Winter
Saturday, April 22, 2006
12.39 AM
Sup folks? Me? Well, I just got back from the movies. I saw Scary Movie 4, it was pretty fucking ridiculous, but fucking funny. We originally planned to see Silent Hill, but the line was gynormous, so we bailed ant went to the theater next-door to see SC4.
Mannnn, I lost my cell phone today somewhere between my house and second period. I know I had it with me, I set it to vibrate and clipped it to the inside of my pocket and headed out, as usual. Oh well, I hated that phone anyways. But it was freeeee, it was paid for by work :/ That's a good fringe benefit if you ask me XD
Aaanyways, on to crap that matters. Mah berfday's comin' up! May 12th! Aaaaaand grad*cough*tion >___> Yarr. My mom asked me what I wanted for a birthday/grad present, and I told her not a damn thing, but she keeps insisting! >< So, I guess I'm gonna get a new amplifier for my guitar.
To all of you non-guitarists, you can just skip the following paragraph XD
I want a low wattage all-tube head and a decent stack so I can crank up the volume to get that natural tube distortion without blowing the house down. Ooh, and I really want a Wah Pedal and a Tube Screamer pedal (only if I get an all-tube amp setup). Of course, I desperately need a new guitar. My Squier Strat just isn't doing it, it's a piece of crap :/ *kicks it* O___O *quickly runs to it and cradles it* What I've really been wanting lately is a SG, I've fallen in love with the shape of the body and the sound. But first thing's first, I need a new amp.
Today music: Liquid Tension Experiment (Dream Theater minus the vocalist). Two words to sum up this CD? Fucking Great. No need for vocals on this CD, the instruments to all of the talking. This song playing reminds me of Donkey Kong or something of the like XD. It makes me want to grab a sword and go on a quest through the jungle. I could listen to this on loop all day and just trek through the wilderness XDD.
Aanyways, I should probably go to bed, Mom's says she's gonna get me up early and drag me off somewhere to look for... ehh, forgot XD. Good night and a happy tomorrow my 3 readers XDDD
{What I'm listening to}
Title: Osmosis
Artist: Liquid Tension Experiment
Album: Liquid Tension Experiment 1
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Singing in the sunshine, laughing in the rain
12.24 AM 4/16/2006
Dude. There's no fucking point to this post.
Happy Easter everyone, and Happy Belated Berfday to Dark Cloud.
I hate paint.
{What I'm listening to}
Title: The Ocean
Artist: Led Zeppelin
Album: Houses of the Holy
Friday, April 14, 2006
The Girl I Love, She Got Long Black Wavy Hair
11:18 AM 4/14/2006
Hey guys. What're y'all up to? I'm just now waking up; watching some music videos on VH1 (it seems they take a short break from all the fucking reality TV in the mornings). Some of these are actually really good. Haha, I just got through watching the new video, "Dani California," from the Red Hot Chili Pepper's new album, Stadium Arcadium. It hits the streets on May 9th, three days before my berfday.
I'm actually able to come inside and hang out today because my dad and I are taking a break from painting the house for the day. If you haven't been up to date with me, I'm on Spring Break, but instead of enjoying it, I'm having to work my ass off :/ My mom had a sudden impulse one day to paint the house, and that's about the entire story. *laughs* What she says is pretty much law around here, have to keep mom happy.
My days have been going like this: Wake up way too fucking early for my days off; fix up the house; paint the house 'til it's time to go to work; take a shower; go to work at 1; come home around 5; put some finishing touches on the house; clean up; go to the gym and work my ass off; eat dinner; chill out 'til I go to sleep.
Yeah, too much information, I know, you don't care. But I felt that I needed to share, so fucking deal.
Thank God I've got the day off, my energy tank is running on empty, plus I'm supposed to meet up with a few peoples tonight that I haven't seen in a while, gotta look and feel my best tonight, yo.
Now to find a cool song to go out on... I'm in a classic rock mood today... Zeppelin!
Enjoy, all three of you who comment, hahaha. I'll catch y'all later.
{What I'm listening to}
Title: The Girl I Love She Got Long Black Wavy Hair
Artist: Led Zeppelin
Album: BBC Sessions
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