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Sunday, October 16, 2005
October 16, 2005; 11.05 AM
My mouth loves Mexican food, but my stomach hates it. I'm paying the price now XP. Heh, that was random, eh?
There's not too much to post about. I spent most of my time yesterday on the phone with Katie. She's going through a bit of a tough time, so I'm doing my best...
As for the song of the day, it's a little odd. Yet, it's probably my favorite track from The Wall. This track is the climax to Pink's story in The Wall (The main character of The Wall is a rock star named Pink, pretty ironic, eh?).
Note: Pink Floyd is NOT one person, they are a fracking band. Also, there is no person in the band named Pink (I always laugh when I hear the song "Have a Cigar," and the character says "Oh by the way, which one's Pink?"). Their band's name came from combining two blues musicians' names. Pink Anderson and Floyd Council. Got it? Good.
Well, I'm off to play some Maple Story. Have a great day everyone.
{What I'm listening to}
Friday, October 14, 2005
The "E" Word
October 14, 2005; 10.25 AM
Good News! I worked everything out with my teachers! They're gonna let me turn in all my work next week and then do a grade change. *laughs* I do have a pretty damn, good reason afterall xP. But of course, I'm gonna procrastinate and do it all last-minute, most likely Sunday night. I should be doing it today, because I have the day off from school, haha suckers!
If you hadn't already noticed, I moved my song of the day to my post. It made no sense to keep it in my profile, afterall it is a daily thing (or whenever I post XD). I also added lyrics for the song in my post, today's song happens to be "Run Like Hell," and I happen to like it.
*laughs* No surprise here, but I had another very interesting chat with Katie last night. I dare not repeat that word, but I'm pretty sure you can get the gest of it from her post XP. Once again, she brought it up! *points* Very awkward indeed. Heh, I do believe it lasted a good three hours, somehow we manage to keep ourselves entertained XD.
As for me today, I finally got Brothers in Arms for PC, and I plan to play the hell out of that game on my day off. I lub First-Person Shooters, especially the WW2 genre! Yes, I'm a fan of that genre, big deal. I lub me some history!
Meh, I think I'm due soon for a theme change. Believe it or not, I'm a bit tired of looking at The Wall. *gasp* Did I really just say that?! Heh, that could be another thing today. I've got a few ideas, but not too many. If any of you guys have an idea, please share!
Later beetches, have a nice day!
{What I'm listening to}
Thursday, October 13, 2005
I am allergic to all forms of work.
October 13, 2005; 12.05 AM
Thanks for all the comments left last post, I appreciate them.
What's up with me? Well I finally went back to school this morning. The only reason I really went was so that I could get started on my make-up work. Little did I know that the under classmen were taking the PSAT today, and all the Seniors were to go to the Gymnasium for a Senior Meeting while they tested. This completely threw off my schedule, I'd love the time off from class in any other situation, but I really need to get some work done. The marking period ends tomorrow, and I know that there's no way in hell that I can bring up my grades by tomorrow. But everything should work out fine, my teachers should do a grade change for me after I make-up all my work. I pretty much got slammed with a bunch of work and a huge paper, which is due tomorrow. Have I done it? Nope.
Meh, at least I don't have school Friday. Bleh, it's all to much to handle at once. Heh, at least I got a bunch of hugs today when I went back, they always help XP.
My arm is doing splendidly, if anyone was wondering. I'm even able to do push-ups now. It's all better! ^__^ ...except for that big hole in my arm.. *laughs*
{What I'm listening to}
Aqua Teen Hunger Force is on in the background
{Daily family Guy Quote}
Chris: I don't care what she says, I'm never going back!
Brian: Look you can't run away from your problems Chris. That's what I tried to do. I joined the Peace Corps and a day later I was two continents away.
Chris: Really?
Brian: Yep, but 6,000 miles and all the dope I could smoke still couldn't separate me from my problems. And this was good dope. I mean it was growing everywhere. Oh my God! This one time we got so baked we ended up eating all the food at the food the World Health Organization had airlifted in. Oh man those villagers were so pissed! They tried to chase us, but lemme just say thank God for polio.
Can I please have a hug? Pwetty Pwease?
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Hearts, Stars, Horseshoes, Sexual Reproductive Organs, and Blue Moons!
October 11, 2005; 9.45 AM
Haha, my topic? I had a pretty interesting chat with Katie last night. I believe I let out a few too many "what the fuck?" 's. *laughs* I'm not going to go into too much detail with that.
Random Fact: Boobehs are jumbly.
Anyways.. my hospital ordeal. Okay, let's start from the beginning; Last Monday I found a little bump on the tip of my elbow, it didn't appear to be much, so I payed it no attention. By Tuesday evening, my arm was badly swollen, red, and it had a fever too it (which means infection). So my mom scheduled a doctor's appointment, and I left school early on Wednesday to do that.
The doctor opened a wound up on my arm so that they could drain some puss ("poison" as my grandma would have called it, heh). That was painful. but not too bad. He prescribed some antibiotics, and told us to come back first thing in the morning. We did. My arm was in worse shape, so he put it pretty bluntly and said that I had to go to the hospital right then and there >_<. We left for the hospital, and despite my begging I couldn't run back home to grab a few commodities and at least warn everyone where I was going to be.
So I was admitted into Memorial Hospital within a matter of minutes. They put me into on of those humiliating hospital gowns >_<, put an IV in my arm, took some blood (which took quite a few tries, I have very deep veins. So that was no fun), and ran a CT scan. Eh, all that was nothing.
Thursday and half of Friday pretty much consisted of everyone squeezing the living hell out of my arm. Then the doctors agreed the my arm needed to be opened a bit more to let it drain better. So within minutes I was given some Demerol (an awesome pain medication), and soon the surgeon came in. She put some Lidocaine in my bad arm and proceeded to cut away. Note, I was awake during this, and my mom and dad were standing by watching. It didn't bother me, the pain wasn't too intense, but my mom was ready to start bawling, heh. It was a good thing that she cut my arm open, because she found quite a few puss pockets, so she had to keep cutting. My mom and my pediatrician were both extremely pissed off about how the surgery was handled, all because I wasn't put to sleep.
The only highlight from the entire experience was the few times I got to talk to Katie. It was nice getting some messages from the "outside." Hahaha, right in the middle of our last chat, my cell's battery just died. *laughs* Sorry about that babe.
When I look back no it, it wasn't too bad, but if I had waited another day or two to see the doctor, it could have been very bad. So right now I have a chunk of flesh missing from my right arm, and twice a day I have to remove/stuff the gauze in it (we have to keep the wound open so that we can get all of the puss out). It is healing quite rapidly, and hopefully by Thursday I can remove the gauze and let it heal itself.
That's it in a nutshell. All's good in Josh-Land. Now I must find something to entertain myself, or perhaps a week's worth of make-up work, ick. Goodbye all, have a great day.
{What I'm listening to}
The Beatles - The Fool on the Hill
{Daily family Guy Quote}
Brian: So, uh, where's your good buddy James Woods?
Peter: Eh, turns out he wasn't so good at catching stuff in his mouth. So where's your girlfriend?
Brian: Same problem.
Brian and Peter: Wooooaahh!! (They both laugh)
Can I please have a hug? Pwetty Pwease?
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Monday, October 10, 2005
Fuck Hospitals!!
October 10, 2005; 12.14 PM
Well, I've had a pretty crappy week.
If you haven't heard, I've been in the hospital since Thursday, so sorry for not updating/commenting XP, but I think that's a pretty damn good reason. But I have good news everyone! I was released today!!!! I already had an escape plan ready just incase they weren't ready to dismiss me (I hate hospitals, especially when I'm the patient, notice my topic XP).
I'm not going to go too much into the details, but it was not fun. I'll fill you all in tomorrow. As for now, I'm just going to enjoy all the little things at home that I took for granted.
P.S. - It's a litte difficult to use the computer with my bum arm.
{What I'm listening to}
The Beatles - Penny Lane
{Daily family Guy Quote}
Chris (talking to Peter): You're just running away from your troubles by being here!
Peter: No, she's right there. (Points to Meg.)
Can I please have a hug? Pwetty Pwease?
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
October 4, 2005; 12.00 PM
My day was crapp-ish.
To start things of, my car wouldn't start this morning. Yeah.. I had no time to fix the problem. Luckily (well, not really) my dad isn't using his van, seeing as though he's in the hospital. So I drove his van to school. I couldn't listen to my new Hendrix album, but at least I made it to school.
In other news, my right arm has been killing me recently. I have this weird bump on my elbow, and it has a fever to it. It is obviously infected, and it is spreading rapidly. I think a good description of the pain is: It feels like a cigarette is being put out on my arm. Yeah.. it hurts like a mother. I just put an ice pack on it, which is making it feel a bit better. I just hope that by tomorrow morning it doesn't get worse, or else I'll be seeing the doctor. Heh, it's a bit hard to type..
When I got to school, I figured out that tomorrow (Tuesday), I have an $80 deposit due for Senior stuff. This was new news to me (I missed the Senior meeting on Friday in which all of this was discussed). So I've been worrying all day about how I'm going to come up with $80, but luckily my mom was able to write a check for me.
I've pretty much felt bad all day, I'm not sure why exactly.. but then again I think I know. Bleh.. Everyone at school noticed I wasn't myself today. Heh, I tried to liven up myself and my class during fourth block, but the laughing only gave me a headache, so I stopped. Bleh, so I came home, took about three Ibuprofen, and layed down to take a nap. Five minutes into it I was awoken by the phone, and I couldn't get back to sleep, blehhh.
My mom got home around five, and we went to the hospital to visit my dad. That's always nice. We planned to go out to eat, but my sister got really sick and started throwing up. Sooo, we cancelled those plans. We came home, fixed some soup and sangwiches, and I fixed my car. No worries, my car starts fine now, hopefully it will tomorrow morning. I just finished my homework, and now I'm talking to Katie. So my day is much better now.
Have a good night/day everyone! I might find some time tomorrow to comment...
{What I'm listening to}
Dane Cook - Retaliation (CD)
{Daily family Guy Quote}
(Peter crashes the Hinden-Peter)
Peter: Oh my God, Joe. I am so sorry!
Joe: How can you afford these things??
Can I please have a hug? Pwetty Pwease?
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
Life's Good
October 2, 2005; 10.46 AM
Let's see, today is... Sunday? Yes.. that means I have school tomorrow, and I better get my procrastinating ass to work on my project (that was due on Friday! Yet I still haven't done it!). Heh... so I guess I better get to work on that soon today. Eh, but I also have a few things on the agenda. I've got to mow the lawn, that's always fun... Eh, and I also need to fix up my weight bench, I hafta get back into using that piece of crap.
Yesterday.. Er, where to start. Heh, Katie must've called me about 15 times yesterday, *laughs* but it's all good. I didn't do too much of anything yesterday, but I did go to visit my dad in the hospital. He's doing fine compared to how he was doing before.. thanks for all the comments yesterday, I appreciate them. My dad and I chatted for awhile and we watched a bit of some "Kick-Em" movie, as my dad calls them XP. I enjoyed seeing him and the ride there and back (I got to blast my new Jimi Hendrix - Blues album ^_^), and let me tell you, I blasted that thing.. I even took the long way home.. *laughs* enough about that.
My mom was off at a party visiting friends, so I had to be a good big brother and make sure my sister was fed. 'amburgers! I'm such an awesome chef if I do say so myself. *pats himself on the back* And I was a good big brother and got my sister a movie from the rental place, and I also found that new Stewie Griffin Movie! *spazzes and wets himself* O__o that never happened.. if you tell anyone, I will kill you.
*laughs* I had a very interesting chat with Katie last night. Very... >_> we talked about everything, even a certain phobia *laughs* Ohhhh snapppp. Hah, and at one point my mom called me into the living room to talk about my phone bill, I explained to her that I have unlimited minutes on nights and weekends, so she didn't mind. I came back and told Katie about that conversation with my mom and she said "I want your mom.... okay that sounded really bad." *laughs* "Err, not like that... you know... as a mom.." *laughs* Yeah, that lasted a good while, I can't remember too much from it, but I remember there was a lot of laughing. Heh, and I recieved a wake up call from her again this morning. Thank goodness for that, I'd still be asleep if it wasn't for her.
I can't promise that I'll be able to comment tonight, I've got a bit on my plate for today. Have a great day everyone!
{What I'm listening to}
Led Zeppelin - Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
{Daily family Guy Quote}
Tom: And now to our weatherman Olie Oliver for the Blackie-Weather Forecast, Olie?
Tom: Don't you have an umbrella?
Olie: USED TO!
Tom: Where is it now?
Tom: Is there anything we can do for you?
Tom: What kind?
Tom: Thanks, Olie. Up next, a pig that won't eat Jews.
Can I please have a hug? Pwetty Pwease?
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
October 1, 2005; 11.15 AM
Yeah, she's that awesome. She gets her very own post. I lvoe her. *laughs* I swear that wasn't intentional. Fracking typos... Yeah, I love her.
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Short School-Week
October 1, 2005; 11.15 AM
Hey guys, sorry for not posting in a few days, I need to make a habit of posting every morning.
My week has been pretty short. I had Monday and Tuesday off from school (which was very nice), and I missed school Friday. Why? Well, my dad was feeling very bad early Friday morning. So my mom took him to the emergency room right at 2am. I remember because I was on the phone with the awesomeness that is Katie. So I stayed home Friday to watch my sister because I leave a few hours before her to go to school, and no one would've been home to take her. Turns out... Friday was also the Senior meeting at school, in which some very important graduation information was disclosed. Oh well, half of my teachers are Senior advisors, so I can get all the information that I missed.
I haven't been up to much myself, mostly: chatting, listening to music, or playing guitar.
Well, I'm off to do some stuff. I'll be sure to be back later and comment.
{What I'm listening to}
The Beatles - One After 909
{Daily family Guy Quote}
(Peter, Joe, Cleveland and Quagmire are stranded in the ocean after a hurricane.)
Joe: AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Peter! You've been eating my legs??
Peter: Yeah see, now this is why I didn't say anything. I knew you were going to get like this.
Can I please have a hug? Pwetty Pwease?
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
September, 28 2005; 07.12 AM
Well, what do you all think?
(Sorry, I'm kind of short on time)
{What I'm listening to}
Nothing O__o
Can I please have a hug? Pwetty Pwease?
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