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Thursday, June 30, 2005

Odd Dreams Monday

I got the nothing to do on Saturday Blues...
Saturday, 11.45 AM

I'm in a good mood this morning. Wanna know why? BECAUSE I HAVE MONDAY OFF! YIPPEEE! Oh.... and it's the 4th of July....

Right now I'm listening to this Clapton CD that I almost forgot I had, It's really good :) I just love putting on a CD and sitting back to enjoy it. Who needs TV when you have music? Oh wait... Family Guy....yeah, good point.

Well, I originally planned to go fishing this morning, but I woke up too late and it's just too damn hot outside. But later tonight I'm taking my dad to a concert that he really wants to go see. It's some guy named Larry Jon Wilson, haven't heard of him either? Neither have I, or the internet, LOL.

My dad has one of his old records, and it's really close to him. So when we saw a banner for the concert, my dad's eyes lit up. He surely doesn't have $50 to spend, so I told him I'd buy the tickets for him. He's so happy, and he's been in a good mood all week. I like doing nice things for people, it makes me feel all pink and gushy inside.

Guess what I'm gonna be doing all day till then? That's right, I'm gonna be watching the London Live 8 concert! WHOOO PINK FLOYD! A concert DVD better come out! Or at least a bootleg to download.. I wish I could be there right now. Incase anyone want's to watch it with me, here's the URL:


AOL has all the rights to airing the show... So I guess I can like them for one day... It won't hurt too much.

EDIT: I changed the music on here to Helter Skelter. Wanna know some interesting facts about the song? Of course you do:

1. Paul McCartney wanted to write the "loudest, nastiest, sweatiest rock number we could" after reading a Pete Townshend interview describing a Who track as "the most raucous rock 'n' roll, the dirtiest thing they'd ever done." This was the result.

2. Charles Manson's followers wrote "Helter Skelter" in blood when they killed actress Sharon Tate and her friends. He interpreted the title as being about an imminent race war and apocalypse.

3. John Lennon was called as a witness in Manson's trial (even though Paul wrote this), but refused to attend. In John Lennon's 1968 Rolling Stone Interview, he was asked about Manson and he got a little irate, saying that he didn't know anything about it, and if he did, wouldn't he say something?

4. At the end, Ringo screams: "I've got blisters on my fingers."

5. The song is named after a slide at a British amusement park. The first line is a joke about this: "When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide, where I stop and I turn and I go for a ride."

6. The first version was a 27 minute jam that was never released.

Later Bitches,


{Musician of the Day}

-Muddy Waters-

(Yet another legendary Blues guitarist)

{What I'm listening to}
Eric Clapton - Little Wing (461 Ocean Blvd. CD2)

{Daily Family Guy Quote}

Bridget: Quagmire, will you accept this rose?
Quagmire: Really? After I drugged you and had sex with your unconscious body?
Bridget: What?
Quagmire: Yes.

Can I please have a hug? I had a long day at work...

*HUGS* TOTAL! give trunkssj6 more *HUGS*
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