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One nation under Canada, above Mexico
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Beating Challenge of the Gods #10 on God of War
Anime Fan Since
I met this dude at my bus stop in 7th grade
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Cowboy Bebop, Hajime Ippo, GTO, and the Miyazaki films
I don't play soccer
Thursday, December 1, 2005
I've lost my wisdom
December 1, 2005; 11:58 A.M.
Guten tag! Wie geht's? Wow, I really need to brush up on my Deutsch, I haven't studied it almost two years. Too bad my school doesn't offer anymore German classes, I would've really enjoyed that. Whoah, I'm rambling here. Anyways, how are you guys and gals? I'm doing pretty good, I took today off from school. "Why?" You ask, well:
Yesterday I had my wisdom teeth removed! Well, only the two on the left side of my mouth. Honestly, I feel no pain, but then again I am on some pretty strong painkillers XP. I knew that I had an appointment, which I thought was just to replace a filling on the left side of my mouth, but when I got in the room he asked, "Are you ready to go ahead and get two of those wisdom teeth out of the way?!" I looked at him like he was out of his fucking mind, but then I realized that he was serious "O_____O Wait... what?" I was told that they were all coming out on the 16th of this month, so I was not mentally prepared for that.
Needless to say, they removed the two teeth and I was on my way with a fuckton (Haha, that's a new word that my friend came up with in the spur of the moment. Use it, love it, abuse it) of gauze and a bottle of Lortab. The only pain felt during the entire procedure was when the dentist was replacing my filling and he struck a nerve. Although I had no idea that so much force was required to get those mothers out. He used something similar to a flathead screwdriver (but of course it was stainless steel and polished for that authentic dentist feel *laughs*) and he used all his might to pry that tooth out. There was absoloutely no pain, just a lot of pressure. The only thing that scared me was the sound of either my tooth cracking or the instrument being pushed against my tooth, whatever it was frightening. It brought about bad thoughts XP. Don't worry, I was given more than enough novocaine *laughs* You should've heard me talking afterwards. Now that was a riot.
It was a very simple procedure, nothing to be frightened about. And I have to go back on the 16th to rid myself of the other two, bleh. Good thing we only did one side of my mouth so that I could still eat. It would be idiotic to do all four at once, unless you had to.
Anyways, I slept in today until about 11:30, and now I sit here: posting. I'm missing a "very important" club meeting after school today. I'm the treasurer for this club, and I really should be there. We're inducting new members and officers, and we were supposed to dress for the occasion. And we were supposed to eat some "good" food. Meh, I don't care too much about the meeting, I'm just afraid that my teacher will be pissed off at me. I've already missed a few meetings (PEOPLE FORGET EASILY, JESUS CHRIST!) and that pissed her off. Hah, she even threatened to take away my officer position. But I'm her only hope for winning the website design competition. Last year my design made it to state, and she wants me to do it again this year. Everyone else at school is so HTML retarded. Now I'm not saying I'm the almighty HTML God here, no, that's Dany's position. I just know enough to get my lazy ass by. Speaking of which.... the site is due by the 12th. I should get started on that.
As I'm sure none of you know, December 8th, 1980 was the day in which John Lennon was gunned down by Mark Chapman in New York City. This year will be the 25th anniversary of his death. I have not been listening to The Beatles for very long, but already they have made a huge impact in my life. I can not describe the feelings that their music gives me, they are all so magnificent. Yes that sounds stupid, but I'm sure many, many others understand. In tribute to his death, I will make a new theme dedicated to his memory. Heh, with my skills it won't be too good, but I'll try my best.
Wow... I typed a lot. I think this marks the end of my post. I've been typing for over 30 minutes. Auf wiedersehen! Have a good one everybody.
{What I'm listening to}
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