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myOtaku.com: TrustMeImANinja

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

   Ok, so I'm back. . .
I 'spose you're all curious as to why I've had such a long absence. Many, many reasons, and I shall explain them forthwith after I describe some changes here.
As you can tell, the theme has finally been changed, and to Vampire Knight, which myself and my friend are QUITE a big fan of (we ♥ Zero). The BG & Avi were found at Aethereality.net && the piccu on my table and the one below (i added the text and border) were found on a random Google search. Zero is da smexxy. ^_^ The song is "One Last Breath" by Creed, which of course I have here b/c those are the lyrics illustrated on the BG.

Alright, so, onto explanations. First off my mom has been fighting Melanoma (a skin cancer) for about a year now. She's been doing pretty well with it, but she experienced quite the change. About a month ago, her right hand starting loosing it's strength and her ability to move 2 of the fingers. She went to the doctor and they found 3 tumors in the left side of her brain (random fact of the day if you didn't know it already: left brain controls right side, right brain controls left side) & two either HAVE bled or still WERE bleeding. So she waited about a week and a half before the two bleeding sons a bitches were removed. I'm happy to say she's making quite the speedy recovery and will have the other removed within the month. Nodules in her lungs that the doctors thought could be rid of with medication have grown, so those are going to be taken care of as well.
After that, I got into multiple fights with my Aunt and Cousin (let's just say we don't get along) which stressed me out to a point where I yelled and cursed and got anger headaches. Good thing we made up and apologized and what not. (at least now i can stand their existence).

So that's why I've been gone kiddies, I apologize for the long absence. I should be more active now, please stay with me! ^^;;;

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