hiyo! not much is happening. waiting for RSVPs on my party. people who can come: olga, ken-ken, moon, chelsea, and jenna. people who can't: jeanette, rebecca, christina, and misch. aubree might be able to come. nobody else has replied. the bad thing about summer birthdays is that people go on vacation. spring is the best time to have a b-day cause eveyone's around and the weather is pretty *envious glare at ken-ken*
i watched Mrs. Henderson. it was good. i've never seen a WW2 story like this one. it's about this old lady opening a theater and trying to keep it open during the war. it takes place in England. Judi Dench is great! i love her character! she's so blunt and selfish, but adorable and lovable at the same time.
i'm reading Dracula right now. it's a pretty good book. but it's written strange. just when dracula is about to kill a guy, the author starts writing letters between two friends, the victems girlfriend and her friend. and it doesn't make sense. part of me just want to skip it and go find out what happens to the guy. but the letters must be important, or else why would the author put them in there?
this weekend i'm going to my dad's so i will not be able to visit sites. sorry! i'll visit when i get back though. byebye!
rpg cliche of the day:
Poetic Villain Principle (Kefka Rule)
All villains will suddenly become poets, philisophers, and/or dramatic actors when a) they first meet the hero, b) they are about to win or their evil plan is finally ready, c) some major event in the game is about to begin, d) right before the final battle, and e) right before they die, when they will frequently be feeling generous enough to reward you with some homespun wisdom about making the most of life while you have it.