hiya! yesterday i got 5 comments! yay! and thank you all of inkenyo's friends who visited me, shes awsome! if you don't know who she is her button is somewhere on my profile. (she put it there cause i donno how lol) and i'm gonna sign ur gbs and add you, along with the other people who have signed my gb and i keep forgetting to sign theres. lol.
anywho, today was dull again. nothin really happened. i had to present the gonads system in health. joy *sarcastic*. if you don't know what the gonads are, look them up. if you still don't know what tthey are, you need help. , oh, happy mardi gra! i donno how to spell it, lol. but i got a purple bead neclace, and thats about it. lol. i'm saying lol alout, aren't i? oh well.
and lets all have a moment of inkenyo who is now getting her braces. .... and now lets laugh at her....ha ha ha....okyday! i hope she doesn't whine too much. and if she is reading this, which she probobly is, get well soon!
i'm still alice. phew. anywho, my theme is gona be changing soo and i'm having trouble deciding avatars, so tell me which one you guys like. they are 1.2.3 order.





yup. so please pic the one you like most please. i might be collecting moretodat though, so i'll post more ones tomorrow. l8er!