Birthday 1992-07-09 Gender
Female Location la la land Member Since 2005-09-14 Occupation lifeless student Real Name dinglebat T_T
Achievements i don't completely suck at life Anime Fan Since 5th grade Favorite Anime naruto, eyesheild21, hunterxhunter, shaman king, one peice, nana, and fruits basket Goals go to awesome college, become awesome teacher, marry awesome guy, and have awesome kids Hobbies dancing, movies, playing videogames, reading manga Talents sucking at getting a boyfriend and having expensive taste tsnade26
Friday, May 19, 2006
heya ho! nothin special happened today. i usually don't remember my days at school, only a few things. let's see...uummm...nope, not really. oh, i'm also hooked on south park the TV show. lol. one of my dad's friends lent him the season, and it's hilarious. i love it. i might dedicate my next site theme to it. lol. and i know i'm only 13, and i shouldn't be watching that, but i'm mature anough not to say ew at every line, and i've been seeing rated r movies since i was 5. hee hee. and tomorrow is pennington day! i have not one clue what the heck i'm doing. i think inkenyo and our friends were shooting a comercial or something, and i'm in it apparently. *shrugs* we'll just see.
oh, and on wensday we watched three weddings and a funeral, it was freaking awsome! its a really good movie, but i would recomend it to mature people, cause there are alot of adult themes, but it's really dang funny. l8er g8ers! still looking for FMA anime dowloading sites!
rpg cliche of the day:
Let's Start From The Very Beginning (Yuna Rule)
Whenever there is a sequel to an RPG that features the same main character as the previous game, that character will always start with beginner skills. Everything that they learned in the previous game will be gone, as will all their ultra-powerful weapons and equipment.