Birthday 1992-07-09 Gender
Female Location la la land Member Since 2005-09-14 Occupation lifeless student Real Name dinglebat T_T
Achievements i don't completely suck at life Anime Fan Since 5th grade Favorite Anime naruto, eyesheild21, hunterxhunter, shaman king, one peice, nana, and fruits basket Goals go to awesome college, become awesome teacher, marry awesome guy, and have awesome kids Hobbies dancing, movies, playing videogames, reading manga Talents sucking at getting a boyfriend and having expensive taste tsnade26
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Again with the me...
Hahaha! Yes it is me again! I'm bored so i figured i'd post now... I finished my Video Game for camp and after lunch i shall be forced to do some advanced stuff... I don't wanna. I just wanna go home and sleep the next two days! XD XD XD! hehehehe.
Well on Thursday i'm going to Moontiger's house. I've been there quite a bit this summer and i'm fairly comfortable at her house now. Her parents are nice and her sister isn't half bad sometimes... well at least not to me. Hehehehe. Not that i know of anyway... i really don't wanna either. I can't wait cause that's also my final day of camp! ^-^
Speaking of final day's of camp, thursday marks the end of my camp going experience FOREVER!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! My dad has desided, FINALLY, that he'd rather save $2,000 a summer rather then spend it to listen to me complain, Which i've been tellin' him since the start of the summer... This summer was to wean (sp) me off camp. So that makes me so happy! That means 6 weeks alone at home and then 3 weeks vacation! It rox more then you could ever know! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Thats about it. Here's a Video...
Oh hell yeah! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! You know you love Harrison... you know you do! Come on admit it!