Birthday 1992-07-09 Gender
Female Location la la land Member Since 2005-09-14 Occupation lifeless student Real Name dinglebat T_T
Achievements i don't completely suck at life Anime Fan Since 5th grade Favorite Anime naruto, eyesheild21, hunterxhunter, shaman king, one peice, nana, and fruits basket Goals go to awesome college, become awesome teacher, marry awesome guy, and have awesome kids Hobbies dancing, movies, playing videogames, reading manga Talents sucking at getting a boyfriend and having expensive taste tsnade26
Thursday, August 31, 2006
yo! yesterday my bro had senior pics and i was in a few, so i had to look all pertty and everything. it was annoying, but afterwards i got to go to ken-ken's house!!!! yay! we had alot of fun. i was drunk on air or something, i could't stop laughing!!! anywho, we played star wars monopoly, and i don't remember who won. and then we went on the computer and watched these stupid inuyasha parodies which were hilarious. i helped ken-ken make macoroni and cheese cause the poor girl hadn't eaten for a day cause she couldn't cause of that evil mouth stuff. and we watched part of the cheetah girls movie, which was very dumb, but fun to watch. and she leant me the new pink panther so i watched it on my macbook *squeals* when i got home. and that's about it. today is my bro's birthday. yay. and he's having a party which he planned last night. haha. l8er g8ers!
rpg cliche of the day:
Most villains in RPGs possess some form of teleportation. They generally use it to materialize in front of the adventurers when they reach the Obligatory Legendary Relic Room and seize the goodies just before you can. The question "if the bad guy can teleport anywhere at any time, then why doesn't (s)he just zip in, grab the artifact, and leave before the adventurers have even finished the nerve-wracking puzzle on the third floor?" is never answered.
(i might have posted this before, but i really don't remember. lol.) anywho, it's a really col naruto amv