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myOtaku.com: tsnade26

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! heyo! sorry for not being on in a while! schools been keping me busy. i'm killing myself over school, but i'm having fun. so it works out...i guess? idonno. anywho, incase i didn't tell you guys about my latest crush (and i'll make it short for those of you who don't care) it's a juior named Rob. he's black, and really tall, but he has alot in common with me, he's feally outgoing and cool, and yeah. well, i shouldn't say i have a crush on him, i just find him ultra cool i guess. *shrugs* no buterflies in the tummy, so i guess he's really cool.
anywho, i hope everyone is having a happy holiday! i'm jewish, but i celebrate christmas cause it's a fun holiday, i'm not religious what-so-ever so it doesn't matter what i celebrate. anywho, i got DDR and a wireless pad, a nail kit, a pair of purple earings with dragon flies on them, Grease the movie, a painting kit, pirates of the carribean 2, 3 BN&N gift certificates, one borders gift certificate, and itunes gift certificate, $50, nail polish, this really nice smelling bath kit, and a pallet with a zillion lip glosses (which is weird in my opnion cause they all look the same on the lips)and a Who shirt. i'm satisfied with the gifts i got. what did you guys get? happy holidays!
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