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'Transient guests are we' -Hieyuki Kikuchi
Member Since
'You don't know, PERIOD. Beforehand there's no way of knowing who you're going to be, what you'll do for a living, how you'll make it day to day.'-Mark Ciabattari
Real Name
'wouldn't a rose by any other name smell just as sweet?'-Shakespear
Favorite Anime
Rurouni Kenshin (see my 1st journal for the full list!)
Simple magic tricks, and tripping over my own feet
Hey, This is my profile...There isn't much else to say...Hope you enjoy!!! =) PS: I love it when people comment so feel free to do so! :3
Mr. Sandman - Kings Singers
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Ao No Exorcist!!!

By golly I can't wait until this anime comes out!!!
And since I haven't posted here in awhile I thought I'd share a quick plot synopsis.
Genre: Shonen, action, supernatural, fantasy
Ok another manga with demons… Ao No Exorcist starts out with a pretty standard plot. Half demon boy, evil dad, dead mom, murdered foster parent, boy gets taken in by a group of exorcists. See? Nothing new there… Its as the plot progresses that this series begins to stand out. The depth of the characters, the main character Rin in particular, is suburb! All of the characters have pretty realistic reactions to the happenings around them and the mystery of wondering whats going to happen next is always a rush. At the school for exorcists Rin has to hide his half demon identity or risk being killed by other exorcists. This makes for some exciting tension between him and his friends.
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Wednesday, June 9, 2010
In Progress
Well not much in my life right now...
schools out, which rocks!
It was surprisingly cold today tho'... very weird...
Its been awhile since I've posted here so I decided to post a little preview of a wallpaper I've been working on in spurts for about 3 months now... hahaha its hard to vector things... Well not hard, but time consuming and if I go at it too long my arm starts to hurt... but its worth it because it turns out looking cool!!! >.<

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Monday, February 8, 2010
Hey a friend of mine entered a contest on DevientArt and asked me to support her entry!
It looks really amazing so please check it out!!!
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Saturday, April 4, 2009
Been Awhile...
I've been doing one thing after another lately!
The following paragraph is a bit of a rant... sorry... ^^;;
*sigh* I tried to make a Vasssalord mmv, but stupid YouTube kicked off... (by the way I worked super hard on it and it came out wonderful, tho' now Iam rather sick of the song...) Now its "outlawed" (blocked) in American Samoa, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Cuba, Fiji, France, Germany, Guam, Heard Island and McDonald Islands, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kiribati, Mexico, Nauru, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niue, Norfolk Island, Northern Mariana Islands, Papua New Guinea, Puerto Rico, Solomon Islands, South Korea, Spain, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, United Kingdom, United States, United States Virgin Islands, Vanuatu ^^;; "wow," thought I when I recieved the email from youtube saying that I didn't have to do anything and that I wasn't getting kicked out, but that it was now baned, "thats the first time anything I've made has been that noticed!!!" Anyway, the moral is, if you make an amv or mmv make sure the song isn't rescricted by youtube's strict copyright rules before you make it... Its really rather irksome. especially since youtube puts an AD in the video for the song... you'd think if the artist gets exposure (not to mention a link to Amozon where one can BUY the song) they'd be fine with people using their song in their video... *sigh*
In other news Iam doing well and lifes pretty ok. School has been crazy. and I have alot of tests for various things coming up soon... (cue dramatic music)
Oh, the song on my site right now is "Sandman" because I just finished Neil Gaimen's Sandman series. (American comic)
Questions (been awhile since I had these)
1. Do you read American comics? Or is it just manga?
Me: Yep, Watchmen, V for Vendetta, Sandman, Bat Man.. etc. I mostly read DC.
2. Whats your hardest class?
Me: Right now its Anatomy... >.< So much to memorize!!!
3. Favorite letter? (In the english lang.)
Me: The letter "S" I dunno I just like writing it...
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Saturday, March 7, 2009
Yesterday I went to see Watchmen!!! ^^
Twice!!! O.o
In a row!!! @-@
I saw the 1:50pm showing and then when that let out at about 4:25 I got back in line for the 7 o'clock showing! ^^;; I was at the theater from 12:40pm to 10:00pm...
A few of the workers recognized for being in line at 1... they thought THEY were going crazy... ^^;; (It was me tho'... sitting in line all by myself wearing my Watchmen T-shirt...)
The movie was good, but the ending was changed from the comic! TT.TT other then that it was great and stayed true to the story!!!
In other news my finals are over! THANK YOU!!!!!!
Its such a relief!
The crazed fan,
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