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'Transient guests are we' -Hieyuki Kikuchi
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'You don't know, PERIOD. Beforehand there's no way of knowing who you're going to be, what you'll do for a living, how you'll make it day to day.'-Mark Ciabattari
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'wouldn't a rose by any other name smell just as sweet?'-Shakespear
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Rurouni Kenshin (see my 1st journal for the full list!)
Simple magic tricks, and tripping over my own feet
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
You Know Your a True Tsubasa Fanatic When...
I wrote this up with a friend of mine one day...We had lots of fun writing it!!! Please comment, and feel free to copy and paste onto your site if you like it!!!
You know you are a true Tsubasa fanatic when…………
1. You call the character on a first name basis like they are friends whom you’ve known for a long time.
2. You stare longingly out your window, convinced the characters will suddenly appear.
3. You search your backyard for fallen feathers, hoping to obtain immense power.
4. You have a large tattoo marking of a phoenix on your back- the same one Fai had.
5. You can effortlessly reenact the major scenes of the anime and manga with your best friend.
6. You can effortlessly pantomime the major scenes (including all important characters) in Tsubasa BY YOUR SELF.
7. You walk around wearing an eye patch-Because it looks cool.
8. You wear a single blue contact lens in your right eye.
9. Every time a sales clerk demands money from you for an item you wish to purchase, you offer to give up something of equal value instead.
10. You have life-sized cardboard cutouts of all the characters of Tsubasa in your room- to guard your beauty sleep.
11. You never go to sleep without kissing an image of your favorite character ‘good night'
12. You search your world desperately for a magic strong enough to restore syaoran his soul, and Fai his gorgeous blue eye.
13. You have a contest with your friends in your swimming pool- who can immerge from the water with as much grace as Fai- sama.
14. While reading the manga with your friends aloud, you play each characters’ voices so as to be able to connect to them better.
15. Your making a list like this one, because everything you write is something you have secretly done yourself!
16. You post said list on the internet, to share the joys and madness of the noble Tsubasa obsession.
17. Every time you see someone tired nearby, you get a nostalgic feeling and think immediately of Sakura.
18. (For the fans of Card Captors) As soon as you read Tsubasa- you rejoiced that sakura had forgotten Syaoran and you shouted out: “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOW HES ALL MINE!!!!!!”
19. You throw a birthday celebration for Syaoran-kun-….twice a year for both his birthdays!
20. Instead of ‘breaking up’ with your boyfriend/ girl friend, you BANISH them!
21. You do this to help them to become a better person.
22. You encourage your friends to tell their crushes that they are in love with them….. before its too late and they lose all their memories!
23. E- bay is your friend.You bought EVERY piece of Tsubasa merchandise there!
24. The only purpose you have on you computer now… is purely Tsubasa obsession related.
25. Your books are in horrible condition- the sacrifice they paid for gathering more followers of the noble Tsubasa ways.
26. You have a separate set of the Tsubasa series that is in perfect condition, for your personal enjoyment.
27. You have watched every Tsubasa amv and mmv there is to watch on Youtube.
28. You have a pet(s) named after a Tsubasa character(s).
29. Whenever an ammatuer Tsubasa follower asks you about ‘Fai’ or ‘Syaoran’ you ask “Which one?”
30. When you are bored you find yourself continuing Kurogane’s list of nicknames.
31. You scribble these nicknames on all your class/work assignments absent- mindedly.
32. You know that Tsubasa = Life. You inhale “tsu” and exhale “basa”.
33. Before you read Tsubasa, you swore that no matter what CLAMP threw at you, you would not be surprised/mortified/shocked, but…… you still were….
34. You constantly quote from the Tsubasa manga and anime.
35. You study archeology, just so you will have something in common with Syaoran when you finally get to meet him.
36. You freak out whenever your friend picks up an empty book in a book store and tries to hand it to you.
37. Your friend reminds you that you are in the journal section of the store and you reply “haha. That’s what YOU think!”
38. When venturing to a large tower, you never let your sibling leave your side.
39. When studying Egypt, you realize the pyramids may be the landing site for the ‘wings’ in Clow country.
40. You journey to Egypt and await Syaoran/ and gang to arrive.
41. You find things on this list that you haven’t done yet and you think, ‘omigosh that’s a great Idea!’
42. Cosplaying as a Tsubasa character, you journey to an anime convention and see the rest of the Tsubasa gang.
43. You are convinced this Tsubasa gang is the real thing.
44. Every time you leave your house, you give your family lengthy ‘farewells’ just in case you’re picked up by the Tsubasa gang while your out.
45. Whenever accused of eating sushi incorrectly with chopsticks, you respond by saying, “But Fai stabs his food like this all the time!”
46. Your bumper sticker says “My Mokona is smarter than your honor roll student!”

47. Your convinced that a ball of gloop is all it takes to invade the local castle.
48. You have different variations of how your day has been… depending on which character you’re impersonating at the time you are asked.
49. For some inexplicable reason, you can sense when Tsubasa translations appear in your nearest book store- and online- and in Japan.
50. You have isolated the location of at least five vampires in your neighborhood….. so far none of them are Fai….
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