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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
Ages (bored)
First, There was the STONE AGE
Next, There was the BRONZE AGE
Then, There was the AGE OF STEEL
What do you suppose people a million years later will call this age? THE AGE OF CINNAMON DENTAL FLOSS AND SNEAKERS WITH LIGHTS IN THE HEELS
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Farewell to Stewart
About two months ago, we got a cat from the pound. For the past three weeks, I have been working with this cat consistently. I've learned a command he'll come to (which is impossible with cats) found his favorite foods and toys, and even charted his favorite places to lay. Now he ran away, and I think he's either not coming back, or already dead. bye, Stewart. The only cat I know of who had a thing for licking people.
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
I want my first story to be something unusual, something people will have a hard time copying. To this end, I created Magikore (not magic-whore, not magic-corn, magikore. As in Magic-Lore.) Magikore isn't only one story, it's a web of stories that all blend into one working world. It's how I percieve the world during meditation, this is the first time I put words to it.
The first thing I'd like to write is the frame of Magikore. Imagine a panticle (a star with a circle around it.)
At the top of the panticle, on the top point, sits Galaxan-The essence of space.
The point to the right of that is Morbis-the essence of death.
To the right again, now at the bottom right point of the panticle, sits Chronos (or father time)-the essence of time.
On the bottom left sits Gaea (mother earth)-the essence of nature. These two were given the bottom two points on purpose, as they are commonly referred to as the parents of life.
On the top left corner sits Soula- the essence of spirit.
These elements are all equally important-none of them could stand alone, nor could any of them stand without all of them together. Spirit, the life force of the universe couldn't stand alone, for there would be nothing to give life to, or any time to do it in, or any space in which to do it. So it goes with time, space, death, and nature.
That's the most general view. Now, we go to the valleys in between the points which get a little more specific.
Between the points of Galexan(space) and Morbis(death) Lies dormancy. Dormancy is more important than what most people will credit it to. If nothing could lay dormant, there would be now way of telling the active from the inactive, the living from the inanimate. Peace of mind, identity, they would mean little if things couldn't lay dormant.
Where Morbis (death) and Chronos(time) meet, lies mortality, for given time, all things must die. If everybody were immortal, then only that around us would die, and we would exist in a barren wasteland for all of eternity, overpopulating the earth, floating through space, ect.
Where Chronos(time) and Gaea(nature) meet, sits Growth. Given time, all plants and animals will grow. If not, then we would all have the capacity of newborns, and squirm around until we die.
Where Gaea(nature) and Soula(spirit) meet, sits life. Spirit gives life to the vessles nature has created. I think we all understand the importance of life.
Finally, where Soula(spirit) and Galexan(space) meet, sits the multiverse(or universe, depending on what you believe.) I like to think of planets as goblets of life, the keepers of spirit. When nature produces a vessel, a little of that spirit is given to that vessel to make it live. In this way we are all connected. But without nature in the mix, the planets will drift timelessly through space.
At the very center of the framework sits existance, around which all these elements revolve.
That's the basic framework. There's a lot more, including the family the framework makes, the childeren of the Frame, and how this ties into us. What do you think so far?
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Thursday, October 28, 2004
My Writing
My stories, the things I write, are the most important thing in my life, besides my family. I always have a notebook with me, even in PE. But something awful may be happening to them. I think I'm falling out of practice.
I don't get it! I write almost non-stop every single day! I create new stories all the time, but I have this feeling in my gut, that I did better, or at least felt better about it.
I looked back on my last Rpg, and I knew my creativity was failing (though my writing sounds better)I didn't want to belive it, so yesterday or the day before, I posted the prologue to a new story I'm writing. It's about these Seven sisters who protect this gate to something called Necrundel. There's a man who's killed almost all of them, and of course like in any story, he needs to be stopped. I honestly thought it was pretty good.
So far, I haven't gotten a single reply. I think there was a total of three or four Rpgs that I made, that couldn't get off the ground, and maybe one that never stood a chance, but those were poorly written! I did those in a half an hour just goofing around. This time, I truly thought about it for a while, wrote it down in a notebook, and then put it on OB. So far, I'm being snubbed. Am I truly failing miserably, or is it some weird conspiracy at the ob not to read my writing because I haven't posted there in ages? I'm going nucking futs!
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
I'm still trying to break the old habbit of visiting the OB every morning. It was harder quitting than I thought. I was a member for almost a year when I decided to quit, and I'm still finding myself logging on early in the morning and sometimes after school for no apparent reason. Yes, I have posted a few threads, but to my credit, I haven't posted a word in the adventure arena since I quit.
Also, I'm finding that I still answer my Pms, mainly because I don't want to lose contact with friends I made on the OB, and partly because I have no life (which is also why I'm posting this now.)
I'll keep working at it.
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Wednesday, April 7, 2004
Goodbye to the OB
I'll say this here, so nobody gets confused about it. I'm leaving the OB for now and ever, after my final Rpg which I hope to get started this week. The reason being is that I want my other works to have my complete attention. It's been fun.
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Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Villanless Rpg's
There's none yet, as every Rpg likes to have a villan, no matter how useless they are. I've noticed some members, who don't care for the action at all. They love the after-battle drama, of course, but they never really do anything. I've met one member, who I have played with in few Rpgs, and have great respect for him/her in all other aspects but one-they don't do anything but cry. It's mind boggling, every post is crying, but not before taking such intollerable damage, that their to the brink of death. But no, they always recover one hundered percent, even if he/she never stops crying, over one thing or another. I've been an ally and a villan against this member, and both sides start to suck.
Another member I met was so bold, as to end an Rpg because he/she didn't want to continue it. Imagine! Of course, the Rpg was dead anyways, so it had the same affect of digging up a dead man's grave and shooting him in the head, just to make sure! I'd say something else, but I don't think the moderators would appreciate it.
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Tuesday, January 20, 2004
 Fight Club!
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!) brought to you by Quizilla
not much, but something to post. No more questions in the guestbook, unless you give a way I can answer back. got it? I can't answer in your guestbook, cause you'll never remember what you asked, and i can't think of any other way to respond.
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Thursday, January 1, 2004
Vigilante Moderators
I think these must be the most annoying aspect of the otaku boards. Members, mostly nebies, going around telling people that they did something wrong. I wonder if they know that 'fix it' posts are against the rules? It's like they think they're better than the people who were assigned to the job, just because they got there first.
And besides, who'd want to be a mod? Going around shouting at people, reading every single thread to make sure it's done right. Yeah, sounds real glamerous.
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Monday, December 1, 2003
Kingdom Hearts spoilers ahead, be advised
Hi. I just thought to write something today. I got a new computer which works with the jukebox. They have some really cool songs, very well done. Thanks to whoever made them. Hey, does anybody know when the Arena will be back open? They had some good fights in there. I decided to play Final Fnatasy VII again. I remember in Kingdom Hearts, you got to meet Aeris, even though...I don't think I'll give it away. They brought Squall in, who is my favorite FF hero to date, (Cloud a close 2nd) But, they should have brought Rinoa back instead of Yuffie, or put her somewhere. I just realized that there was never a happy ending for Squall/Leon in Kingdom Hearts, I think all their worlds came back so I guess that's a happy ending.
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