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Monday, November 24, 2003
My guestbook was signed the other day, by someone calling me poetic. Those two poems at the top, are the starting and finishing songs of .hack//SIGN don't make a mistake.
I was wondering the other day, that if Tsukasa called everyone selfish, wouldn't he be being selfish as well, thinking that everyone should be thinking about him? People are so selfish. (the chain continues on)
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Thursday, November 13, 2003
Someone signed into my guestbook calling me a poet. To make it clear, the two things in my introduction are the beginning and ending songs of dothack, not my own poetry. Sorry for the confusion.
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Tuesday, November 4, 2003
Hey. I just got boared, thought I'd post. When Tsukasa was announced a (can't spoil it) it occured to me how many times I had already heard it, just from random rumors. There was a thread on it, The Obvious Signs, that was completely right about it, you never get the signs until it's too late. I just got done watching .hack//liminality for the billionth time, looking for clues to the future twists, and I can't say I found much that I didn't spot first. I guess no matter how obvious signs are, you never recognize them as signs, or even if you do, you never realize what it's a sign of...
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Tuesday, October 14, 2003
(no subject)
Miss me? It's been a while since I posted. My book which I have dubbed Time Flip or Chrono Swith or something like that, has been on hold all summer up till now, when I wrote a full half a page. Nothing to brag about, last year I would write five front and back pages daily, nothing to brag about compared to all the writing I'm doing in otakuboards, STILL nothing to brag about compared to dozens of people. I can't write much more on my book, I just don't have any inspiration left...*sob*
Anyways, on a less complainy note, but still complaining, I STILL can't listen to the jukebox!! It's driving me NUTZ!!!! *runs up wall to beat up chandolier and then falls and breaks neck, going to heck to fight the chandolier again* Okay, i'm done.
I listened to a comedy tape the other day, and I thought you might like it...
PS these were all edited for convienence.
"Yesterday somebody asked me, Is it hot enogh for you? I said no. I like my armpits to run like niagra falls and my balls to dangle around my legs! What moron would ask that?!!" ~Robin Williams
"Have you seen that comercial about the electronic pad you attatch to your belly to lose wait? BULL! You're sitting there watching tv saying 'look at me I'm loosing wait!' NO you're just sitting there shocking your fat flabby ***!" ~Robin Williams
Speaking of shocking morons...
"You know they made it illegal to sentence special people to the electric chair in texas? Officials complained 'Aww, that takes all the fun out of it!' telling special ed 'go sit on santa's lap!' dododododo BZZZT! 'heh heh heh...' ~RW
(someone else said-) Texans will sentence anybody to the chair. Even in the witch trials frying whats her face! Everyone else protested! Even the pope said no! It takes guts to say no to the pope!
'She will be reincarnated in another life, and live again!'
'Live again? Heck, we'll fry her twice! dadeedalada...' "
There may be more coming, when I feel like it.
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Thursday, October 9, 2003
I can't see this, but maybe you can.
Silent, strong, and very very very deadly. This is one bad mofo, and you don't wanna piss him off. He lives in a constant nightmare, and is extremely lonely.
What FF7 char are you?? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, September 29, 2003
Ugh. I just recruited to about four more rpgs, and i'm already at about 18 *smacks head* watch, all of these are going to get intense at about the exact same time and I'll be making one word posts on each of them (mods, don't take that seriously)
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Sunday, August 31, 2003
I can't belive it. *sob I missed the last episode of dothack! I heard it was great, AND NOW I HAVE TO WAIT 26 WEEKS TO SEE IT AGAIN! WHYYYYYYYYY
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Saturday, August 30, 2003
new quizes

What Anime Mech Are You?

What Anime Type Are You?

What Anime Stereotype Are You? *Is it just Me, or are these answers contradicting each other?
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Thursday, August 28, 2003
I took the new guru quizes and I came up with:

What .hack//SIGN Character Are You? *It was bear another time I took it.

What Anime Art Style Are You? *Don't know what to do about that. I really don't look like a girl, at ALL

What Anime Legend Are You? * Himura's pretty cool. I can agree with that.

What Cosplay Type Are You?
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