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• 1990-10-03
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Member Since
• 2005-08-06
• High School Student
Real Name
• Emma
• Cosplaying as Botan, 4.0 semester grade twice in a year, playing 4 instruments
Anime Fan Since
• 3rd grade
Favorite Anime
• Too many to list here...
• To cosplay as San, Starfire, Fuu, Fllay Allster, Cheza, Misato, and Sailor Moon
• Thinking about cosplay, playing basson, talking, drawing
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| Tsuki no Hana

Welcome to my site! My name is Tsuki no Hana, but you may call my Tsuki-chan if you wish.
Current theme: Sailor Moon
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Chibi time!:
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Yup yup...still alive...
Geez. I bet most of you thought I'd died...Well, no I'm still alive. And rather content.
I'm still with Marc, I got to see him for a little while today. We've been together fooooor...about two and a half months now I guess. And we're pretty happy. We talk every day, and see each other most days, although we have to work around his work schedule a lot, but such is life. I've pretty much got him whipped. Not to say that I don't think he's totally wonderful. He's such a sweetheart, I love him oodles.
I just got back from dance class...I'm beginning to really get it I think, although our routine is vaugely obscene...oh well...
I got a pretty big part in the newest Community Theater musical. I have three relatively small roles, although all of them have names this time. The play is "Honk!", a sort of retelling of The Ugly Duckling. I play:
-A random Hen named Henrietta. How creative, I know. She's not really that important.
-The slutty cat Queenie. She's a domesticated cat, who's basically a Brittish yuppie. I sing a duet song with Emily as this character, followed by a vaugely obscene tango song with the Cat(the villian)
-Penny the swan. The most important character I play, as far as importance to the plot goes. I'm the "beautiful swan" that the Ugly Duckling falls in love with. Its a little bit awkward because the Ugly Duckling himself is played by my friend Tanner, who I have to play opposite of. But I don't think that there's any onstage kiss or anything, so I'll deal with it.
Oh. Recent funny story. On sunday night, a ton of people were over at my house, sprawled out in the downstairs area of my house. Among them was Anne, Marc, and this one girl named Meagan. Us being the only semi-young people at the party, we were off in out front room chatting. Well, Anne has been going through this recent DDR obsesstion lately. The conversation went as follows.
Anne: Hey, Emma. You know what we should do? We should go upstairs and play Dance Dance Revolution.
Me: Lets think about this Anne. ~Why~ is this a bad idea?
Anne: *Thinks*...*laughs* thump thump thump!
Meagan: Oh, Geez. Guys, please. I am a very visual person...I just got some mental images that I don't think I needed.
Marc: Don't worry, you're not alone there...I just got similar mental images too...
Anne: Yeah, but they probably weren't from the same perspective.
Marc: ...
Anne: *hysterical laughter* Hey, you know what the best part is?
Me: What?
Anne: They wouldn't even be steady. It would be like, "Thump....thump...thu-thu-thu-thump...thump"
Anne: You know what would be interesting?
Me: What?
Anne: All the different levels. I mean there would be beginner, "Thump.......thump......thump...thump"
and then there would be light, "thump thump...thump thump...". *laugh* and then there would be, like, heavy, "THA-THA-THA-THA-THA-THUD"
Me: *dies laughing*
Anne: I think at this point, everyone would be running upstairs with pencil and paper, and paybe a camera.
Me: What's the pencil and paper for?
Anne: I don't know, taking notes I guess.
Me: Oh. I was going for the whole "autograph" thing.
Soooo, yeah. That's been the recent ongoing joke. It amuses me. God, I love Anne.
Yeah, this was a lot longer than I intended this to be sooo...yeah, I think I'm going to wrap this up.
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