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Cosplaying as Botan, 4.0 semester grade twice in a year, playing 4 instruments
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3rd grade
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Too many to list here...
To cosplay as San, Starfire, Fuu, Fllay Allster, Cheza, Misato, and Sailor Moon
Thinking about cosplay, playing basson, talking, drawing
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Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Well, its official. The guy from my last post is my boyfriend now (Bite me, Marissa). ^_^ He's so sweet. He brought me homemade brownies today. Very yummy at that. He's still acting a little awkward, but he's getting better. He's a really good boyfriend though, so far. He's
-has muscle (~_^V Nee!),
-holds doors
-pays for dinner
-doesn't try to make any moves
-calls when he says he's going to
-is into drama and art
-lives in town
-knows all the people I tall stories about
-has a job
-has a car
-is a safe driver
-is older (I love older guys =P )
-And of couse, he brings me brownies when I am PMSing horrendously. ^_^
But alas he is a nerd. I am doomed to be with nerds, methinks. Oh well. ^_^;; There's worse things. I declared myself to be the "Nerd Ho" at lunch yesterday. I am still "Queen of All Vixens" as well.
The play is going wel-...Okay, actually we have seven more rehearsals, and a ~ton~ to do. And Pugh is driving us all crazy with his Pughosity. >_< But I had an audition to have a solo reading of a poem called "Hair" today that went quite well. =^_^= We'll see how that goes. I definately have the most...distinctive hair of anyone auditioning, so that should help me. ^_^;;
Hm...classes are going well...we studied "moles" today in Chemistry, and my brain hurt...Dance class is going well, I'm finally getting the hang of it sorta...I'm back to my bassoon...Voice lessons are going
Yup yup. I think thats all. I'll try to get around to all of you guys tonight. ^_^ For once.
Sorry for making this so long, I always tend to do that ^_^;;
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Hello again
Time for my monthly(ish) post.
I have been quite well since my last update. A wee bit overscheduled, but I've been dealing with it okay, and today I don't have ANYTHING to do. Its so wonderful. Marching band is over now, as is Allstate. My basson lesson was canceled for today, and I don't have to be at play practice. ^________^ Soooo nice.
To explain - Allstate is this choir that I had been working for like an hour every night for two months to audition for. I went on Saturday to audition, but didn't make it. But I was just so ready to be done I didn't care.
Aaand, I have a very potential new boyfriend in the near future, a new guy. I haven't spoken to the guy that I used to like for...probably over a month now, and I realized that it never would have worked anyways, so...yeah.
This new guy is a total sweetheart, although Romeo he is not. He hasn't quite figured out how to be himself around me yet, but he'll get there. I've known him for a while, and he's never acted awkward around me until recently. It's cute. He was my unofficial date to the Homecoming dance, meaning he didn't take me, but I danced with him the whole time. I got all dressed up in my new dress, and totally knocked him dead, it was awesome. He wanted to kiss me I think, but I didn't let him. Not yet, anyways. Just call me Queen of the Vixens (My new self-proclaimed nickname) V^_~
So, we'll have to see how this goes.
The fall play has really gotten started now. I think I may have mentioned this, but its basically a weird mixture of fairy tales, nursey rhymes, and children's books. Its really weird, but funny. And I was disappointed at first because I didn't have any really important parts. But today I found out that I am going to be the mother in "I'll Love You Forever." Its this adorable little story (that I'll bet a bunch of you know) about this little boy and his mother. It makes a lot of people cry. 'Twill be my goal to do so.
Hm. Well, I think that's about all to report for today/this month. ^_^
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Monday, October 9, 2006
*Gasp* I'm still alive
Yes yes, beleive it or not I am still alive over here. Summary of my life:
-We won our band competition. That was totally awesome. Lots of screaming ang hugging involved in this, we were up against some really big schools. I was soooo happy.
-I turned sixteen on the 3rd. I got a cell phone, and Ipod, a new rug, a bassoon(that dad bought on ebay and forgot to clear the history XD), Socks, and a bar of chocolate. It was an awesome birhtday. For the last five years I've just been getting too-big underwear and the such, so this year was really nice.
-I'm getting close to telling the guy I like how I fell about him. I'm not rushing things though. I'm pretty sure he feels the same about me, although I'm not positive...
-The fall play has started up. Its a weird mix of randomass fairy tales. Its fun, I have a practice to go to in a half hour.
-I have my homecoming dance onsamble(which is spelled wrong, but I don't care), and no date *sigh*. I'd ask the guy I like, but
A) He lives out of town, and
B) I'm going to be gone all that day and into the afternoon, so it would hardly be worth the drive. *more sighing*.
-I finished a really good book this weekend. Its called "This Lullaby" by Sarah Dessen. Elaina's already read it too and gave it back to me this morning. ^_^;; I love it, its so sweet and funny.
Anyway, since this post is long enough, I leave you with a quizzy-ma-bob. I love these things. ^_^
*MySpAcE SuRvEy* | --THE BASICS-- | [name]: | Emma | [birthdate]: | October 3rd | [sex]: | Female | [relationship status]: | Single | [shoe size]: | 8 1/2 or 9 | [parents still together]: | Yup | [siblings]: | None | [pets]: | A dog and a cat | --FAVORITES-- | [color]: | Pastels | [number]: | 3 | [time of year]: | Summertime | [type of weather]: | Not cold. Hate cold. | [food/drink]: | Chinese food and Mochas. Not together though. | --DO YOU-- | [twirl your hair]: | I spoing my hair(Its curly, thus its spoings) | [have any tattoos]: | Nope | [cheat on tests]: | No | [like scary movies]: | Yes | [like cleaning]: | When I don't have to | [know how to drive a standard]: | Nope | [own a cell phone]: | Yes! ^____^ | [collect anything]: | Hm...I don't think so... | --HAVE YOU EVER-- | [been in a fist fight]: | Other than with friends joking around, no | [considered a life of crime]: | No | [considered being a hooker]: | No, but I'd like to write about a character that's a hooker, I think that would be fun | [been in love]: | Yes | [made out with just a friend]: | No | [hurt someone you love]: | Probably | [kicked someone in the nuts]: | Not on purpose... | --CURRENT-- | [clothing]: | Pretty jeans that fall down a lot, pink and black striped shirt | [hair]: | Half-pony | [song you are in love with]: | Phantom of the Opera's "All I Ask of You", and "Collide" by Howie Day | [cd in your stereo]: | Hm...Howie Day I think | [mood]: | Sleepy, but okay | [thing you ought to be doing]: | Hisory homework | --LOVE-- | [first crush]: | Corey Lynch in preschool! ^_^ | [first kiss]: | Chris | [first love]: | Sonny Jeffries in the third grade. | [do you believe in love at first sight]: | Sort of. | [do you believe in "the one"]: | Yes | [are you a tease]: | I don't think so... | [would you ever commit yourself to someone 100%]: | Yes | --ARE YOU-- | [honest]: | I think so | [sarcastic]: | Not often | [a daydreamer]: | ^_^;; uh huh | [up tight or laid back]: | Laid back usually | [messy or organized]: | somewhere inbetween | [shy our outgoing]: | outgoing | --RANDOM-- | [nervous habits]: | biting my left index finger's nail, pacing | [are you double jointed]: | Hahaha, I can't even touch my toes | [can you roll your tongue]: | yup | [do you make your bed daily]: | hahahahahahahaha | [which shoe goes on first]: | hm...Left I think.... | --IN THE PAST MONTH HAVE YOU-- | [bought something]: | duh | [been sick]: | no | [sang]: | duh | [missed someone]: | yes | [gotten drunk]: | no | [gotten a haircut]: | no | [watched cartoons]: | yes | [been kissed]: | Other than family, no *tear*. Not this month. Actually not since...April? Something like that. | [lied]: | Probably | --LAST PERSON THAT-- | [you spent the night with]: | Steph | [spent the night with you]: | Elaina I think | [saw you cry]: | Hm...not sure | [made you cry]: | Not sure | [you said "i love you" to]: | My dog XD (Technically I said Aheewuhvooooo) | [told you they loved you]: | Kate lol | --WHAT IS-- | [the best feeling in the world]: | Being in love | [the worst feeling in the world]: | Indesion, being dumped, being in a car with a very full bladder | [your greatest fear]: | Driving O_o | [the thing you want most in life]: | To be happy | Take this survey | Find more surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site |
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Sunday, August 20, 2006
Speghetti Time.
Today has been filled with my parents driving me up the wall, too many colored pencils, and far too much speghetti.
Anne and I just finished making and eating supper. We made speghetti, which took far longer than I thought, considering two things.
A.) We had to make the speghetti sauce, and
B.) We really had no idea what we were doing.
But it turned out pretty good. And I ate too much. @_@ But Anne ate more.
Anyway, Dad has been driving me crazy. He's really hyper lately. Right now he's mowing the lawn, which thouroughly dirupted Anne and my peaceful supper outside.
And now Anne is flipping her hair. She momentarily stopped to say "Heh. The villiage hidden in the ghetto."
Later at Wal-Mart, Dad decided it would be fun to walk along with the little laminated footprints that lead to the school supplies on the floor. He declared that they were too far apart. That was about the time I said, "Somebody shoot me."
Anyway, that is about all that is of interest in my life at the time, but before I go, I leave yout with you daily dose of Morbid Songs with Anne. (Made up by Anne)
Put It In A Pan:
Oooooh, you can gut a fishie, and
You can skin a kitty,
But it doesn't really matter
Once you put it in a pan.
Oh, it can be a entire salman
Or tuna from a can
But it doesn't really matter
once you put it in a pan
Put it in a pan
Put it in a pan
Doesn't really matter
Once you put it in a pan
This we sang while cooking. And people wonder why I am crazy.
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Friday, August 18, 2006
Just checking in
Yup, I'm still alive *gasp*
Summary of recent events:
-Band camp ended today. I play the marimba(big xylophone) so I don't have to march. Ha ha.
-I woke up to sound of the cat puking in the hall this morning.
-Went to Anime Iowa, as San from Princess Mononoke. I uploaded it to the cosplay section of
-School starts in less than a week...meh...I still need to go shopping...
And all of the normal insanity of my life.
Just checking in to tell you that I'm still alive and well. Thanks for reading! ^_^
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
^_^;; I'm off again
Okay, well I'm leaving again, this time to Kentucky to visit relatives. I'll be back...Saturday, maybe? Not sure. Got back yesterday afternoon. ^_^;; Summer's slipping away from me...
So, just leting you know I'm still alive and stuff!
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Saturday, July 8, 2006
Off to camp!
Okay, I haven't been lately at all, and now I'm taking off again. ^_^;; This time its to Geek Camp, where I went last year. We live in dorms, take a class(mine's on creative writing), and everyone there's a total loser/nerd/geek, so its fun.
Anyway, I won't be back 'til the 15th. Not that any of you would've porbably known the difference, considering that I haven't been on lately...but I thought it polite. ^_^;;
I'll make sure to have fun!
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Friday, June 30, 2006
I heart summer
Okay, picking up where I left off. Stayed the day/night at Kate's. We went to Aldi's, and got a ton of cheap junk food. Rented movies. Came back, and set up camp in her family's camper in the backyard. Watched Chicken Little again. I heart that movie. So cute. Stayed up late talking about boys, kissing, and midget masterbation. Actually we only mentioned the last of the following. Fun to say though, isn't it? XD
Then came back, lazed around...notihing too interesting...hung out with Mai-chan....
Today, Shawan called at 9 and woke me up, asking if I wanted to take her dogs for a walk with her. I didn't want to, but figured it would be good for me. So I did. She has two little Shitsu's. They're so cute. Went back to Shawna's...listened to music, played on Shawna's excercise machine. It was fun. Then watched Azumanga Daioh for a bit, came back for lunch. Ham and cheese with ranch. Yummy.
Shawna went home, and I cleaned the house a bit.
Then Rozzy called. She was my best friend when we were little, I literally haven't talked to her in years. She still lives in Kentucky where I used to live. I talked to her for a little while, and that was nice...It was crazy.
Anne came over, and we goofed off while I continued cleaning. She was cutting out anime pics from magazines for me to redecorate my wall with.
We walked down to DQ and split a large Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Blizzard. Yummy. Then say outside. Mai-chan appeared, in her corset...
Mai-chan and Anne-chan in the same space together are always amusing. Quotes-
A: You crazy-ass bitch!
M: Shh...they only know about the "crazy" part.
A: What, so now you're an ass bitch?
A: If I had a country, I'd call it "Anne-ada"
A: As Maya remineces about her underpants, we'll leave her alone.
M: I alweays wanted to put "missing cat" posters on the door of Asia Palace.
You get the idea. Anne and I eat supper, then head over to Libby's, for a Halo party of sorts. Yes, girls can have Halo parties too.
Let me state officially, thatI cannot play this game.
But I had fun anyway. It was Anne, Libby, Libby's little cousin(he's 9), and I. We played to rounds of 15 kills. My high score was 7. My low score was -1. XD I accidendally jumped off a ledge. There was a lot of "Oh, look! ^_^ I'm plummeting to my doom again!" on my part. ^_^;;
But yeah.
Tommorow starts my July get in shape regimen. Mai-chan shall assist me. We're going to go to the gym and play DDR and eat fruits and veggies! wOOt!
I am off to you guy's sites now!
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Summer summer summer

Its officially summertime here, at least for me. Yesterday, I slept in til 11, then was dragged out of the house by Anne and Shawna. After hanging around here for a while, we went to this creek in the woods at a park here and clomped around in the mud. We found a turtle shell, and some random bones belonging to said turtle, tried to catch minnows. Anne caught like was crazy...and Shawna fell down twice in the creek. ^_^;;
Then we went back to Anne's, and had a BBQ! I ate 2 burgers, baked beans, and some fruit salad. Yummy. Then we were going to grill marshmellows, but ants had gotten into the marshmellow bag - that time of year. So we lit a fire anyway, and squirted lightning bugs with a little water squirter. It didn't kill/hurt them, just knocked them down. Yeah. We're such tomboys...We then walked to the store and got S'mores supplies: Graham crackers, big marshmellows, and Chocolate.
Cashier: Doesn't take much rocket science to figure out what you guys are doing, huh?
Anne: We're makin' drugs.
Cashier: Well, good luck with the drug-making.
Anne: Yup.
Random Anne moment. Came back to Anne's house. Then, of course, it started to rain. So we watched cartoons until Mom came to get me and Shawna.
Dropped of Shawna, came home and read. I'm in the middle of this really good book, called The Book Theif by Markus Zusak. Tedders(dog) was crying downstairs because at this point it was thunderstorming, and he hates storms. So I took my book downstairs and sat with him in the Lazy Boy until 1, when I fell asleep. Dad woke me up at three and told me to go upstairs and go to sleep. Even though I was asleep until he woke me up...Dad logic...
But yeah. Now Mom and Dad are going to Chicago for a drumset that Dad ordered off E-Bay. Only at my house does this kind of thing happen. So I'm going to Kate's to stay the day/night. Should be fun.
Sorry this post was so long. I was going to leave you with lyrics from my favorite song from the Producers, but this post is long enough now, I think...maybe another time.
I'll try to get to as many of you as I can before Kate comes to get me, k?
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Friday, June 23, 2006
Lots been going on!
Well. Where to start. This is probably going to be a long post, sorry about that.
Sorry. I told you I'd post when I got back...and I haven't. Or visited any of you guys...9_9 I've just had tons going on in my life.
Where oh where to start.
Europe in a consensed can = Got back a week ago. It was great. London was more fun then Paris. Parisians charge you to use the toilet and the toilets flush weird. Well, so do the Brittish ones...They have "Lovely round Brittish loos" as I like to call them. They have little buttons that you press to flush.
But enough about toilets. We visited/saw
-Windsor Castle
-Kensington Palace
-Buckingham Palace
-Notre Dame
-Big Ben
-Eiffel Tower
-Other stuff
But yeah. Our tour guide Sevy (SEH-vee) was very nice. And so was our driver Paul - pronounced "Pull", because he's Brittish.
But the trip was lovely.
Then when we get back, Chris breaks up with me. Bad bad break-up. Don't really want to talk about that too much, not pretty. I go through a "Wheel of Emotions" every day. Sometimes I feel independant and thankful, sometimes I utterly despise him, sometimes I want to be with him again. Its really confusing.
To quote Karen from Will & Grace (Rich lady with the high voice), "After Stan and I divorced, nohardfeelingshatehisgutslovehimtopeicestheturd, - I had some trouble."
Yeah. Something like that. Its chaotic in my brain right now.
But, alas, it always is.
Usually thats just because I'm 79.692% mentally insane, but now there's a better reason.
Anyway. Enjoying summer. Went out with friends today. That was fun. I tried Vault today(the energy drink). Tasted like sugar water. Its just now kicking in. Fabulous. I'll be up all night. Went to my crazy friend Anouthiph's house for the first time today (ON-oh-teef). It was shockingly normal, aside from the yelling in a foreign language, the empty can of coconut juice sitting on a shoe rack in Tifi-chan's room, and the squichy toilet seats.
I always thought you had to tap on the stop side three times on the left side, one on the right to be taken to an alternate deminsion where her house was purple with giant pink polka dots and blue grass...but no, its was normal.
Anyway, I just got back from seeing Click, starring Adam Sandler. I really suggest it. Adam Sandler-type humor, but it had a really good message, "Life is the journey, not the destination." was really good.
Sorry this post was so long, I'll try to visit as many of you as I can before I go to bed, k?
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