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Cosplaying as Botan, 4.0 semester grade twice in a year, playing 4 instruments
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To cosplay as San, Starfire, Fuu, Fllay Allster, Cheza, Misato, and Sailor Moon
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Thursday, June 8, 2006
Okay, really quick - for the next 10 days, I'm going to be in Europe! London and Paris. I don't have a lot of time to go into details, but I'll tell you guys all about it when I get back.
Sorry I haven't been on much in the past few days, been busy with preperation for trip type stuff...
huggles&luv for all
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Friday, June 2, 2006
I'm quite the fashion statement
What I'm wearing:
-One of Dad's old hideous tee-shirts, thats orange and brown striped. Mom was going through the closests and said it "won the ugly tee-shirt contest".
-A gigantig brown belt around naval-level
-My finernails are badly painted shiney-red(Minus my right ring finger, I chipped it off)
-A green tee-shirt unger the humungo orange one that you can kinda see
-A hairtie with a little decorative whatsit on it.
-Jean capris. Boring, I know.
XD When Mom was going through the closet, I got impulsive and put the gigantic ugly orange shirt on, then the belt. I look like Link (Legend of Zelda), only orange. And with boobs.
We interupt this post to bring you words of wisdom from Anne.
"My name is Anne.
I live in a can.
I need a man.
But I don't have one"
And now back to your regular programming.
Its the first day of summer, and I'm being a BUM! ^_^ I've been watching a lot of anime on YouTube recently. I've watched: (I love lists)
-Episodes 1-3 of Paranoia agent
-Episodes 1-4 of Dokuro-chan (OMG! XD *dies*)
-A random episode of Sailor Moon (43 I think)
-First episode of Loveless
-Probably more that I forgot...
Anyway, enogh of my babbling...Sorry I don't have a piccy today, couldn't find a Sailor Moon piccy that fit it too well...^_^;;
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
This is the last time I study 'til I puke! XP

Okay, I didn't actually puke, I just felt like I was going to from so much remembering of science-tpye facts. Biology sucks. It really does.
~warning: rant to follow. proceed with caution~
Anyway, I've had a craptacular day. Nothing major happened, or didn't, I just felt like crap. I think I'm PMSing or something.
Things that went wrong today:
-I didn't make the good choir. Turns out, Not only can't I dance, I can't sing either! Gee, this explains a lot! Just wish someone had told me sooner.
-Semester tests = Stress. Okay, its not that bad, but I just want the year to be over soooo badly, an I DONWANNA STUDY FOR NO MORE TESTS! *pout*
-I miss Chris. Really badly.
-I had a dream that I died, and watched my funeral (Like Yusuke in YYH) It was in the choir room - following dream logic. It was still very sad.
-I wanted to go home early today, because I had taken my Spanish semester test on Friday TO BE ABLE TO leave early today, but Dad said that I had to "Stay and study in the library" with that time, instead of going home. He acted like it was a group disicion(sp?), even though I was protesting the entire time. So, I stayed there for and hour and a half, trying to study, and listening to preps talk about other prep's sex lives. >_< Hoo boy.
But then I came home and watched a bunch of random anime, curtosy of YouTube. So I felt a bit better. But I still feel like crap...
Sorry for the long post, I'll do my best to get around to all of-
...great, the dog farted...geez that smells...
*ahem* to all of you before I retire to beddy by.
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Monday, May 29, 2006
Now really....

Do dogs have to be so cute? I think its unnessicary. *Hand doggie PB&J crust*
Anyway, we did go swimming yesterday. Before which, I learned why you don't go a month without shaving above the knee. I won't go into detail, but it wasn't pretty...
Then we went swimming. It was me, Anne, and Shawna. *Inner Monie twitches* Anne, Shawna, and I. Monie is my friend's mom's name, and she's an english professor, and always corrects us on such things. Anyway, yeah. My favorite part was playing pool sumo. It was this fairly small circular pool, and basically we tried to get the other person to touch the wall by whatever means needed. Neither Shawna nor I were any match for Anne, but were a pretty good match for each other, stregthwise(Or perhaps lack-thereof). I finally lost, but that was after Shawna picked up both of my feet and dragged me to the edge. >_< But a loss is a loss. She won best 2 out of 3.
The I went to two more graduation parties - Duroje's (duh ROW shuh) and Sally's (Mai's sister). Duroje's had THE BEST FOOD. Om Em Gee, I thought I was going to die.
Anne and Shawna were still with me at the time, and felt out of place because about half the people there were black. Thats Iowa for you. We have no diversity at all here, so when Iowans are around people of various nationalities, they have no idea how to react. I grew up in the south, where I had a lot of black friends growing up, so it wasn't any big deal to me...
Anyway, then we took S & A home, and I went to Sally's, but didn't stay long. After swimming for 3 hours and being stuffed to the brim with yummy food, I was sleepy. -____-;; And I watched The Producers again, read my Drizzt book some more, and went to sleep.
And thus closed a good day.
Today I have been a bum. Nothing to say....
Well, I think I have babbled enough now...
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Sunday, May 28, 2006

^_^ Wahoo! My nextdoor neighbors have a swimming pool, but they're going to be gone all afternoon, and simply ~insisted~ that I have friends over for a little swimming party! ^_^ for me!
This morning I went to a graduation party - Holly's. I swear that she is the only girl on the face of the planet that is more spoiled than me. Their house is AWESOME! Its like a triangular prism (one of my math vocabulary words) and looks really pretty on the inside. There were picutres of Holly EVERYWHERE. Jamie, this one guy Dad works with sat down next to Dad and was just like "Yeah, I had to look around again to make sure I didn't miss any of the shrine." XD It really was more of a shrine...Oh well.
I saw the Producers yesterday. I. Love. It. Its soooooooooo*three pages later*ooo politically incorrect, but sooooo funny. I've been singing "When you're got it, flaunt it" all morning...XD
Well, I'm off to shave and call all of my friends for a swimming party!
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Saturday, May 27, 2006
Miss me?

Ah summertime is here at last....
Well, almost...
Anyways, suprise, suprise, I'm still alive. Sorry I haven't posted since...December...I just haven't had any time! But I lived through my freshman year, and there's something to be said for that...
Anyway, I've stayed busy with plays. In February, we did Beauty and the Beast for community theater (I was a random villager, but I wanted to be Belle soooo bad ;_;), and then in April we did Gypsy, a musical about Gypsy Rose Lee, a stripper from the 20's. But its not really about stripping at all...well, some, but its not the main focus of the story...
And I'm still with Kurisu-kun, and all is well there. I talk to quite nearly every day for at least an hour...^_^;; We were having a bit of a rough spell a bit ago, but thats over now, I think.
I'm listening to some Brittish comedy in the otehr room, and now I'm typing in a rather Brittish manner. I'm thinking in a Brittish accent. Is that odd?
Speaking of Britain, we'll be going there in a few weeks. The college choir is doing a Europe tour, and seeing as Dad teaches in the music department at the college(though not specifically the choir), we're tagging along. Should be fun.
Anyway, tell me what you think about the new theme, and I'll go and visit all of you guys! Its really strange how much you can miss people that you've never really actually spoken to...^_^;;
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Friday, December 30, 2005
*Hugs you all tightly*
Oh, I am so sorry that I have not been on for so long! I've been busy with this, and that, and...well, you know how it is.
Summary or recent times:
-I got lots of stuff for Christmas, amoung then DDR(YAY! ^_^) and a game called Disgaea(how do you pronouce that?) Plus, a scanner, so I can put all of my new fanart online! Yipee! Now you may all soon praise my genius. :3
-Recent Manga reads:
*The Petshop of Horrors 1-3 (A while ago)
*Imadoki 1-4 (Also a while ago)
*Alice 19th 1-3 (Also also a wile ago)
*Furuba 12 (Christmas)
*Imadoki 5 (Christmas)
*The Wallflower 1 (Yesterday)
*The Wallflower 2 (Today)
Gah! I love the Wallflower. I comand thee to read. Disturbing at some points, but really hilarious and creepily sweet. AND OMG THE ART STYLE! ...
I think that I am going to suffer a massive death by shoujo. Anne says that i you read too much shoujo in a limited amout of time that you'll go crazy...XD (There may be some truth in that.)
-I GOT TO SEE WICKED! XDDDDD I LOVE THAT PLAY! very much...I do't really like the ending though. I have a really much better way to end it. In my head. But Im trying my best to keep this post short-ish.
-I'm going to have a New Years Party with all of my friends. ^_^ Should be fun. We can play Dance DAnce Revolution! Although we may be kicked out ot hte garage to play that. XD We have an old house, and DAd keeps saying that I'm going to shake it down. ^_^;;
Okay, I think I'll wrap this post up now. I'm very sorry if you no longer have usable retina's because you read too long. I tried to keep it short, I did!
^_^;; Oh well...who needs retinas anyway...
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
These crackers are yummy...
I'm eating these really good crackers right now. They're Club Snack Sticks, of the Honey Wheat variety. Yummy.
Anywho, sorry
A) For the huge rantfest last post...I don't think anyone read it...oh well
B) For not getting around to all of you guys yesterday. Biology homework got the bast of me, and took more time than I thought. I have to leave in a half hour, so after I finish this post, I'll try to get to as many of you guys as possible. I gues the Imadoki! theme can wait a little longer.
These crackers are so yummy...*eats more*
I think that me and Anne are finally going to get around to making our (Edit: XD I typed "out" the first time...LOL) anime club at the library soon! We've got a lot of our frineds interested, including some people that aren't otakus, but would like to learn more about the sub-
*ahem* learn more about the subject.
Well, I'm going to at try to visit at least all of you that updated today, so...I'll end things here.
(Wow, I almost types Uzali-chan ^_^;;)
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Wonna those days that you just wanna curl up and hybernate.
Its dark here now. It was dark before the sun went down. Dark and cloudy. Similar to how I've felt recently. The worst part is that I don't have a reason at all. -_- Well, I kinda do, but it's so silly that it's not worth mentioning. -______- There's the first basketball game tonight, which usually I would never go to anyway, but the "Pep Band" (that includes me) has to play at 4 games before the season's through. If anyone calls asking me to come, I'll just tell them that I'm in hybernation, and I'm not to be disturbed. I have an art project to finish, a section of notes to take for Biology, a section to read of To Kill a Mockingbird, and a new theme to put up. Although Imadoki(my latest manga obsession) doesn't really seem to fit my current "cloudy" mood(Well, not that Fuu does..), so that may be put on hold. V_V
I'll talk about something else now...
Saw the Harry Potter movie.
The Bad:
-Emma Watson (here it comes) was mind-numbingly irritating, and she still makes me twitch uncontrolably. More than ever I think. Can't stand her. She entirely screwed up the Yule Ball scene, and cried ~three~ times. Explain to me this: How is it that Hermione never cries ONCE in the forth ~book~(to my memory) - and it is about a billion times longer - but she manages to find ~three~ times to cry in the movie? Moody's classroom scene, the Yule Ball, and at Cedric's funeral-ish-like-thing.
In the scene with Moody, Hermione would have stared him straight in the eye in fury that he was showing ~this~ -the Unforgivable Curses - to the class, instead of ~looking away tearfully~. Plus, she would have known - and said - the final Unforgivable curse, not she would not have CRIED of all things.
Then, at the Yule Ball scene, she should have been in more of an anger like, "I can't beleive you're such an idiot.", rather than "This is my night to shine, Ron, and you ruined it!!!!!!" Hermione never wanted to be envied for being all glorious, glamourous, gorgeous, and all that, she just wanted to prove to the world - and Ron- that she is in fact, a girl, and that she can look good when she needs to.
Then after she dances with Krum, she goes from "overly-elated" directly to "scorching mad". They have meds for that, you know. It should have gone "Giddy and slightly dazed" to "confused at Ron's sneering comments" to "Disbeleif at Ron's anger" Then to "Angry at Ron for being so impossibly impossible.
And then in Cedric's funeralmabobber thing - what the heck? She should have looked sad, sure, but she didn't know him well enough to CRY over him. She should be more CONCERNED that Voldemort had just come back from the dead and was about to wreak havoc on the world than be crying over some random guy that she barely even knew.
And then, other than just crying, she was way too...overemotional, and had her eyebrows all "/_\" all the time like she was...I don't know. Hermione's supposed to have an expression as though she is always thinking, not like she's always worried. There's a huge difference.
I think thats it on that subject now. (I feel better already.)
-The new Dumbledore isn't nearly as good. Did he look bored to you right after Cedrec died? And he was so..."RAAAR!" and I don't think he smiled once in the movie. -_-
-Fleur entirely lacked a personality. She was so FUN in the book, annoying, yes, but oodles of fun. Plus, she wasn't THAT pretty. SHe wasn't horrible, but not amazingly beautiful like Fleur.
-Madame Maxime. Huh? O_o
-They left out that Rita Skeeter was the water beetle! Now really, how long would that have taken, and how much more would it have added? Answer: not long, and a lot.
The Good:
-The effects were awesome, the dragons kicked boo-tay.
-I loved the lake scene
-Cedric was "man-pretty" as Kurisu-kun would say.
-Daniel Radcliffe was also rather good-looking. =^_^=
-They didn't have the screwts. Hated those buggers.
-Cho was good.
-Rita Skeeter was VERY good. Loved the make-up on her, it was so fitting.
-Moody was hilarious. Not at all how I pictured him, but hilarious and well played none-the-less.
ALRIGHT! I feel better now. I'll try get to all of you guys considering that I haven't been on in forever. Again. ^_^;;
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Need more sleep
Sorry that I haven't been on, this week's been hectic. Practise tonight is supposed to go until 10 or later, and starts a 6, so it could be a long night.
Recent Events:
-Went with Kate, Elaina, my mom, and Kate's mom to go see Chicken Little. Kate, Elaina, and I laughed more than the rest of the theater combined, I think. ^_^;; Aren't we mature? Oh, it was so much fun...
-Practises like none other. @_@
-Stayed the night at Anne's house on Saturday. We stayed up late watching anime. I decided that I need to rent all of the FMA DVDs and watch the whole series over again, because I was totally lost. Now, its lucky if I can catch one episode of Fullmetal a month. Isn't that sad? We also watched some anime that Anne got at a second-hand store for $2 somewhere called was really retro...
-Began a new Harry Potter obsession. The 4th movie's coming out soon, so I've been thinking about it.
If you know me personally at all, then you know how much I hate the do everything so wrong...especically the portrayal of Hermione. She's suppsed to be resourseful and down-to-earth, not preppy and entirely useless. T_T)
Anywho, I've figured out
1.) What one of the Horcrux's is
2.) Who R.A.B. is
PM me if you want to have a HP rantfest. (lol...word of the day)
Okay. I have blabbed on waaay to long this time, so I'm going to go visit your guy's sites now, considering that I have time.
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